Hampton News

Mrs. Ernest G. Cole has gone to Marlboro, N. Y., to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. Ernestine Wygant.

George Lindsey, who has been seriously ill was able to sit up on Monday.

Mabel Brooks, attending N. H. U., is in town over the holiday.

Mrs. William T. Ross is making an extended visit with her sister in Jersey City and with cousins on 86th street, New York City, and on Long Island.

Mr. Harold Winchester has had his garage moved to the rear of the shoe shop, that his car may be convenient during the winter.

The Friendly Class meets with Mrs. Frank Dennett on Friday evening November 27.

Mrs. Mildred Brown Stowe started Monday on her return to her home in Stockbridge, Mich. She was accompanied by her father, Moses W. Brown, who will remain a week with Mrs. Stowe in Michigan and then accompany her to Florida where they will spend the winter.

The selectmen are offering $50 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons doing damage to the property at Hampton Beach, North Beach or along the shore at Hampton.

Some of the young farmers had better be looking to their laurels. Mr. George A. Blake, the holder of the Boston Post cane has started his next season’s wood pile which bids fair to be the biggest ever.

Miss Eleanor Lane will spend her Thanksgiving vacation with her aunt in Lakeport.

A young woman from Worcester, Mass., a very excellent speaker will give an address on Saturday evening at the Methodist church. Everyone is cordially invited.

Eugene Marston of Exeter has leased the building in Janvrin’s lumber yard on High street and will open a shoe repair shop as a successor to Mr. Morse who formerly occupied the building.

Hampton Klavern K. K. K. has leased a part of the old Centre school building and will fit it up as a meeting hall.

Our competent road agent is again doing his annual Fall plowing on the Mill road.

We see that our village blacksmith has arrived back from the wilds of upper New Hampshire. No doubt the natives from that section have learned by now that all wild animals don’t hibernate in their section of the state.

Ernest G. Cole is soon to remodel the building adjoining his periodical store. It will be dropped several feet to the sidewalk level, a regular store front will be put on and the interior remodeled. It will contain two stores, one of which will be occupied by David Colt as a newspaper and periodical store, Mr. Colt having leased this business of Mr. Cole. The other will be occupied by Mr. Cole as an insurance office and the treasurer’s office of the Water Company. Work on the remodeling will begin as soon as the specifications are received.

Mr. John Creighton, after a month’s visit with his mother in Winthrop, returned to Hampton Sunday.

Mrs. Everett Nudd motored to Keene Wednesday to get her niece, Miss Madeline Nudd, and Miss Marion Noyes and Miss Irene Blake who are all attending the normal school. They are returning to their homes for the Thanksgiving holidays.

Mrs. Addie Brown returned from Somerville, where she has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mary Chipman, on Friday. She went to Kensington Friday afternoon, as her sister, Mrs. Marcia York, is quite ill.

Rev. and Mrs. Edward Eno went to Springfield on Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving with their daughter.

Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Adams of Providence were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward.

Mrs. Wilson Olney has returned to Hampton after a very delightful two weeks spent in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munsey visited their son Donald, who is attending Northeastern University in Boston, on Friday. In the evening they all went to see Fred Stone in “Stepping Stones.”

Saturday, November 21, was the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Mr. Oliver H. Godfrey. That, in itself, was no surprise to Mr. Godfrey, for he had watched it coming; but one of the events on that day was a complete surprise to him. An even dozen of his immediate neighbors, who wished to take note of the anniversary, early in the evening gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Hobbs and went in a body to Mr. Godfrey’s home, taking him completely by surprise. A little later in the evening another surprise was added to the first when Mr. Godfrey was presented with a $10 gold piece in behalf of the neighbors as a token of respect and friendship. A social hour and refreshments completed the observance of the anniversary.

The Whist club met with Mrs. Warren Drew on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Drew made a very charming hostess, giving the afternoon an atmosphere of a delightful party rather than an ordinary club meeting. Mrs. Lottie Bryant carried away the first prize, Mrs. Thomas Hobbs the second and Mrs. Eugene Leavitt was consoled with the other prize. While the refreshments were being served a jolly good time was enjoyed by all the members and guests.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church held a very successful meeting in the vestry Tuesday afternoon. All arrangements were made for the sale and supper Wednesday afternoon and evening, December 16. Don’t forget this date as at all of the tables one will find the practical as well as fancy Christmas gifts. There will be things for the babies, grabs and candies for the kiddies and everything good for the grown-ups-December 16. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Hutchins who was a late arrival, surprised all with gingerbread and whipped cream.

Ocean Side grange from Hampton and Gilman grange from Exeter met with the Hampton Falls order on her invitation Monday night. A large delegation from both the visiting granges were present and the hostess was likewise numerically conspicuous.

After the formal order of business was dispensed, the literary program following logically, was placed at the disposal of Mrs. Merrill, Worthy Lecturer of Hampton Falls grange. She introduced Lecturer Jessie M. Myers of Hampton, the visitors having been asked to furnish entertainment. Our local order presented an interesting program of vocal and piano solos, musical readings, and a unique feature, the Bingville Choir. Mr. MacBride, Gilman grange Lecturer acknowledged Mrs. Merrill’s introduction and called upon his members for a pantomime, piano solos, a reading, and, at the previous request of many, himself interpreted three of Harry Lauder’s songs. The latter number was especially enjoyed.

Worthy Master William Janvrin called upon the two visiting masters for brief remarks. The grange was then closed and a social hour followed. Hampton Falls grange served refreshments of sandwiches, coffee, ice cream and cake.

The funeral of Miss Ethel M. Steadman, for more than 20 years an employee of the Boston Transcript, was held at her home, 89 Josephine street, West Somerville, where she died Saturday evening, following an illness of about eight weeks. She was born in St. John, N. B., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Steadman. She was active in the West Somerville Baptist church. Two sisters, Mrs. Albert Coffin of Hampton and Miss Hazel C. Steadman of West Somerville survive. Burial was in the Hampton cemetery.