Hampton News

Nelson Norton Jr., who has been very sick with pneumonia, is reported on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Eva Mason has purchased the building and site known as the East End school and will have the building remodeled into a two-tenement house.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lamb are soon to move into the Janvrin house, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Winchester.

The West End club will hold a food apron and candy sale, Friday afternoon, the 13th, in Lane’s store.

Willard Emery left Monday morning with Henry Hanson for Daytona, Fla., to erect two houses. Mrs. Emery’s sister, Miss Grace Carlisle, of Amesbury, Mass., is visiting her for a few weeks.

Ocean Side grange is accepting an invitation to visit the Hampton Falls order Monday evening.

Harry Carter of North Hampton suffered an attack of acute indigestion Monday night. He is reported better now.

Electric lights in the homes on some of the streets in the village went off during the heavy rain Sunday evening. It was two hours before the trouble was located and the lights restored.

Harry L. Moore, former superintendent of schools here, removed his family to Portsmouth Monday. The community greatly regrets the departure of this family from town.

The New Hampshire State Chamber of Commerce has inaugurated a Campaign for the purpose of raising fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in the state at large, to be expended in carrying out a program of Publicity supplementary to the work of the Board of Publicity created by the last session of the Legislature. Details of the Campaign will be published time to time as the work develops.

The Women’s Missionary society of the Congregational church sent a sunshine box to Mrs. J. Parker Blake who is ill at her home in Norwood, Mass.

The news of the death of Mrs. Ellen Blake, who has been seriously ill, is received as we go to press.

The Baptist church is being newly painted after which other needed repairs will be done to the edifice.

December 3 the Seaside District S. S. association will meet in the Methodist church. All school of the district should be represented as it is the annual meeting.

The Rockingham County W. F. M. S. will meet with the Methodist church at Dover, Nov. 18. A good delegation from our church is desired.

The Mothers’ Circle will give its play December 31 in the town hall. The play is entitled “Three Pegs” and a most pleasant evening is assured everyone.

The Monday club meets Monday afternoon, November 16, with Mrs. Howard G. Lane, the program being the annual musical.

The regular meeting of the Men’s Club will be held next Monday evening in the Congregational chapel. This will be the first meeting this season as the September and October meetings were given up for various reasons. There should be a large attendance next Monday evening in order to make plans for the winter work.

Roy Shaw will start Nov. 15 on a deer hunting expedition at Eppingham. This is the eighth year in which Mr. Shaw has taken a vacation in this way and he always starts on the 15th of November.

A surprise party was held on Harold Perkins Tuesday evening. A large number of his friends were present. Games were played and refreshments served. Harold was given a military set by the guests, John Brooks making the presentation speech.

Charles H. Barker of Hampton died at the Exeter hospital last Sunday in his 88th year. Mr. Barker had been a patient there for seven weeks. He was born in Windham February 9, 1838, the son of Jacob B. and Annie M. (Marden) Barker, but had lived in Hampton for many years. Burial was in Windham.

The announcement of Mrs. Ruth Palmer in another column ought to interest a great many of our citizens. She and her sister have leased the vacant store in Lane’s block and will try out a new trade proposition. They will place on sale such articles in the line of fancy articles, art goods, food, etc., as are brought to the store and sell them at the owner’s price for a small commission. It is really an exchange and mart on a small scale and out to make quite a flourishing industry.

Mrs. Wilson Olney is visiting with relatives in New York.

Mrs. Anna Shelton and Miss Ella Jane Brown are on the sick list.

Harold Tufts is acting as milk boy during the illness of Nelson Norton.

Miss Mary E. Craig is taking a much needed vacation of two weeks. Mrs. Hilda Morse is supplying her place for E. G. Cole.

The West End club met with Mrs. Merton James on November 5. A pleasant afternoon was spent, and refreshments were served by the hostess.

Miss Charlotte Taylor spent the weekend with friends in Boston.

Mrs. Fred Perkins spent Friday and Saturday in Boston. She was one of the few fortunate ones from Hampton to witness a performance of “The Miracle.”

Irving W. Marston of North Hampton nearly severed the thumb from his hand while cutting wood at the home of his father, D. Asbury Marston, one day last week.

The committee in charge of the Congregational missionary barrel desire all who have articles for the barrel to have them ready by next Tuesday when the committee will call for them.

The regular meeting of the Whist club was held with Mrs. Lottie Bryant on Thursday afternoon. Condiment dishes of peanuts, hard and home made candy were on the tables while the playing was in progress. Mrs. Maude Nudd received the first prize, Mrs. Florence [sic] Brooks the second and Mrs. Anna Ross the consolation. Refreshments were served and all exclaimed over the ice cream which was served molded as a beautiful red and white rose, nestled in a green leaf.

The Busy Bee class of the Congregational Sunday school will have a sale of hand-painted calendars for Christmas gifts in connection with the harvest supper in the Congregational dining room this (Thursday) evening.

The many friends of D. Asbury Marston are pleased to learn that he is on the road to recovery. For three weeks he has been confined to his bed with rheumatism of the joints, scarcely able to move, and under the care of a trained nurse.

Carpenters began the framing of the big house which L. C. Ring is building on High street this week. The house will contain four flats, each of four large rooms and bath, with sheds at the rear. The first floor will be finished with an outside course of brick and the upper story in stucco.

Joe Raymond’s Moonlight Serenaders will give a dance in the town hall on Thanksgiving eve. Most of the Serenaders are in the school orchestra which played so well at the Parent-Teachers’ meeting Monday evening, and are capable of furnishing good dance music. All lovers of dancing should attend this dance and encourage the orchestra in its work.

Wednesday the H. T. G. club spent the day in Boston. Three machines took the party over the road. The morning was spent in shopping then all met at Cook’s for luncheon. In the afternoon they saw “The Student Prince”, then returned home, all voting it a wonderful day.

The Mothers’ Circle will hold its regular Gentlemen’s Night next Wednesday evening at the Centre school auditorium at 8 P. M. Entertainers have been procured from Boston and it is hoped that every member will try and be present.

There was a very pleasant social gathering in the vestry of the Baptist church Wednesday evening which proved, however, to be a surprise donation party to the pastor and his wife. Many useful and substantial gifts were received; also a generous purse. The evening was most thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The meeting of the Parent-Teachers’ association in the school auditorium last Monday evening was one of the best yet held. About eighty were present. It was musical night and the program included a talk on that subject by Mr. Philbrick of Portsmouth. A synopsis of the aims of the orchestra by Mr. Sears, and two splendid selections by the school orchestra. Preceding the regular program was a brief business meeting at which the president, Mrs. Wilson Olney, presided. Reports of the secretary and treasurer were read. It was voted to offer four prizes to the students of the 7th and 8th grades, two to the girls for bread making and two to the boys in manual training. The meeting closed with refreshments of sandwiches and coffee in the dining room.

Arthur Sears and family have moved from the Joplin house to Albert Church’s on the Beach road, just vacated by H. L. Moore.

Friday night past election of officers was an important incident in the order of business at Ocean Side grange. The following were elected for the ensuing year: Master, Robert Van Horn; Overseer, Samuel A. Towle; Steward, Oscar Batchelder; Assistant Steward, William Elliot; Gate Keeper, Edgar George; Chaplain, Addie Thompson; Lecturer, Jessie Myers; Secretary, Margaret Noyes; Treasurer, W. Scott Noyes; Pomona, Dorothy Batchelder; Flora, Etta Murray; Ceres, Rhoda Van Horn; Executive Committee (for three years) J. Hale James.

After the literary program and closing of the grange a clam chowder was served by the supper committee.

The grange was pleased to welcome John Perkins to this meeting.

Hampton Falls:

Sarah Goodwin died Saturday at the Rockingham county hospital at Brentwood in her 77th year. She was a resident of Hampton Falls, being born there June 2, 1849, a daughter of Eziekel Goodwin. Burial was in Hampton Falls.