Hampton News

Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Yeaton gave a dinner party for seven.

Mr. Lawrence Leavitt is spending his Easter vacation from Dartmouth, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Olney were a very cordial host and hostess at a surprise party they gave on Friday evening for six guests. The evening was interestingly spent discussing old furniture, a subject which Mrs. Olney is quite an authority, and in playing cards.

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Pratt and two children of Lynn, Mass., were week-end guests of Mrs. Addie Brown. Mrs. Brown returned to Lynn, Mass., with them Sunday afternoon to make extended visits with her sisters in Chelsea and Somerville, Mass.

The Missionary Society of the Baptist church met with Mrs. Katherine James, on Wednesday afternoon. The pleasant meeting gave the members an opportunity to welcome their new pastor and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eno. During the social hour following the business meeting the hostess served a very inviting luncheon.

Thursday morning, Judge Howell Lamprey, met with a very severe accident. He was climbing a ladder to the roof of the kitchen when a loosened board gave way throwing him to the ground. He was taken to the Dover Hospital for an X-ray and it was found he had broken one rib, dislocated his collar-bone and a severe scalp wound. His injuries were treated at the hospital, so that he was able to return to his home in the afternoon.


Just what the town has been waiting for and you are not going to be disappointed. Friday evening, April 3, is the date Town hall is the place. There will be dancing afterwards to the music of Bo Garland’s orchestra of Portsmouth. The pretty girls of the school will sell candy. Everybody come and have a good time.

Hampton extends a most cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eno, who have been called by the Baptist church as their pastor and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Eno come from South Londonderry, Vt., and as the roads are still snowy and muddy, they will not try to have their household goods shipped to the parsonage until the 1st of the month. For the present they will have rooms with Mr. and Mrs. Melzar Dunbar.

Wednesday afternoon thirty members and guests of the Congregational Woman’s Missionary Society met in the chapel for the regular meeting. Mrs. Harold Noyes opened the programme with a solo. Mrs. William Ross gave a very interesting resume of the first Missionary Conference ever held in China. Miss Dexter sang two solos, then the hostesses, Mrs. James Hutchings and Miss Etta Blake invited the gathering to the dining room where a most enjoyable supper was served.

Friday evening twenty of the young people gave Wilfred Cunningham a surprise party at Richard Waters’. The evening was passed very pleasantly with games and songs prompted by the exuberance of youth. Refreshments were served after which the happy party broke up.

The many out-of-town friends of the Bon Marche Co., will be interested to learn that they are now settled in their new store on State Street; and are ready to welcome their patrons.

Miss Marion Noyes entertained at her home on Tuesday evening, Miss Leonore Lane, Dorothy Hobbs, Ellsworth and Russell Hobbs and Leslie Cummings. They spent a pleasant evening dancing and the hostess served dainty refreshments.

Among those at home for vacation are, Russell True, Shirley Ware, Sherman Tarleton, Leslie Cummings and Dorothy Hobbs from the University of New Hampshire; Miss Leonore Lane from Smith, and Russell Hobbs from Colby Academy.

Irving Drake returned home yesterday afternoon, after spending several months in Florida. He says that he went down there for a change, and to rest, and had a pleasant time, but that the landlord got the change and the waitresses got the rest. But never mind, Irvie, there is plenty more to be digged out of the old sand bank. So hitch up the pair and go to it.

The sale held by the Ladies’ Aid last week, March twenty-fifth, was a very successful one, and the afternoon tea served by Mrs. Alice Thompson and Mrs. Mary Noyes added a pleasant social touch to the occasion.

The Ladies’ Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Lucy Marston at two o’clock, on Tuesday afternoon, April seventh. As there will probably only be a few more meetings before our summer recess, many plans must be made and much work done at these meetings, so it is hoped the members will make a special effort to be present during April and May. Starting next Tuesday.

Tobey’s Drug Store has just received a large assortment of Easter post cards. See Ad.

The Ladies’ Aid will hold a supper on Thursday evening, April ninth, at six o’clock. Admission thirty-five cents. It was thought best not to hold a supper the evening of our sale last week, but to have same about two weeks later. April ninth is the date. Please jot this down.

Mrs. Emma Young was quite taken by surprise at her home on Thursday evening, March 26th ; the occasion being a birthday gathering in her honor. She had spent the day in Portsmouth as the guest of the Woman’s Club, in company with five other members of the Monday Club and intended quietly celebrating the day in this way. Returning home she was invited to take a ride to Amesbury, Mass., to spend the evening with her daughter, Mrs. Snyder. Her daughter and family were not found at home as they had decided to pass the evening in Hampton. During Mrs. Young’s absence, her home had been beautifully decorated in Lavender. Unlocking the door she was rather dazed to find the house fully lighted, and company therein ; among them her sister from Portsmouth and a very dear family friend. Ices and dainty refreshments were served at the prettily decorated dining table, and at mother Young’s place were numerous packages; including a very lovely black fox neckpiece from her four children, and a double pearl necklace with amethyst clasp. This ended an anticipated quiet birthday.

The choir of the Methodist church gave an apron social at the vestry Tuesday evening. About 60 people met for a social time, and judging by the noise and excitement, they had it. Young and old were there and entered heartily into the games, and seemed to enjoy them. Sandwiches and lemonade were served. The choir report over $30 received to be applied to the organ fund.

Miss May Belle Perkins spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Perkins.

About forty of the Methodist people called on their Pastor and his wife, Monday evening and they did not come empty handed. The occasion was a surprise party and they surely accomplished their purpose. The pastor was looking for a wedding and was going out after his ministerial duties were performed, but he didn’t go until the next morning. After an evening of songs and games and jokes, cake and tea were served. A sum of money was presented to the pastor, beside the many packages of provisions to increase the parsonage larder. A couple of young Negroes came in to be married and the company departed leaving the pastor and wife enriched both in purse and spirit.