Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. James have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Shields of Milton, Mass.

Miss Lena Snow returned to her home in Cambridge, Mass., on Monday.

Mrs. Stanley Green returned to her home in Roslindale, on Friday, after spending two weeks with her friend, Mrs. John Cummings.

Miss Margaret Clapp and her sister, Miss Rachel Clapp of Gill, Mass., were visitors in Hampton, last Sunday. They attended the Congregational church in the morning, enjoyed a few hours at the Beach and before their return home were guests in the home of Mr. C. F. Adams. Miss Rachel Clapp is a student in the Boston Normal Arts.

W. Scott Noyes had a three days’ vacation the first part of this week, which he spent at his former home in Atkinson. He made it an opportunity to gather blueberries and we understand that one day he broke all previous records for fast picking.

The West End Club was entertained by Mrs. N. M. Batchelder, July 15th, by a chicken dinner, after which a very pleasant afternoon was spent on the lawn. The members wended their different ways after thanking the hostess for the pleasant afternoon.

The last meeting of the West End Club was held with Mrs. Towle, all were glad to welcome Mrs. Gordon and Bernice of Bristol, who lived a short time where Mrs. N. M. Batchelder lives now.

Mrs. William Gookin is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sanborn of Concord, Mass., who is spending the month of July, at the Hobb’s Cottage.

Mrs. Edgar Howe left for Manomet Beach, Mass., on Saturday, where she will spend a two-weeks’ vacation with her cousin.

Miss Adeline C. Marston and Miss Elizabeth Philbrick motored to Haverhill, on Thursday, spending the day with Mrs. Flora Joplin Feeney.

Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and family of Arlington, Mass., are visiting with their sister, Mrs. George Coffin.

Mr. Fred Godfrey spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Sara McIlveene.

Dr. Wallace Stone of Boston, Mass., was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shelton.

Mr. John Cressy of Beverly and his fiance Miss Maude Vickery of Boston, visited relations in town on Sunday. Mr. Cressy is Deputy Fire Chief of Beverly, so his visit to our engine house was most enjoyable. He complimented the town on having such an efficient chief, force and such adequate fire protection as the installation of the fire boxes.

The Embroidery club of Hampton held its annual outing at the Beach on Wednesday. The stormy weather did not dampen their spirits. With dinner at Ashworth, the day passed pleasantly. The one disappointment was the postponing of the fire works on account of the rain.

Mrs. Herbert Marston and Miss Adeline C. Marston are camping for a few days in Ossipee.

The Mothers’ Circle’s postponed picnic will be held, Wednesday, July 29th. at Mrs. Munsey’s Bath House, North Beach. A picnic dinner will be held at noon, after which a short meeting will be held. The afternoon will be spent with bathing and other beach sports.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church are making preparations for their lawn party, to be held, Monday evening, August 10th, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., on Mrs. Teague’s Green. Candy, Ice Cream, Food, Aprons and Domestic Articles will be on sale.

Miss Sylvia Cushman of the Ashworth has been very busy entertaining this last week. Among her guests have been Miss Eloise Lane of Hampton; Miss Mary Gwinell of Boston; and Mr. Harold L. McDonnell, conductor of McDonnell’s Band at Hampton Beach. Miss Cushman also gave a party in honor of her sister, Mrs. Leon A. Provandie. The chef at the Ashworth made a special cake, which Mrs. Provandie afterwards distributed. Conductor McDonnell was presented with a special piece at the band stand after he played one of Mrs. Provandie’s favorites.

Miss Jennie Noyes of Waltham, Mass., is visiting with her twin sister, Mrs. Oliver Godfrey.

Miss Annie Akerman has gone on a motor trip to New York, over the Mohawk Trail, with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Hall.

The Rebekah Lawn Party, which was arranged for July 20, and was postponed on account of the death of Mrs. Laura B. Cannon, will be held on the Odd Fellows grounds on Monday, July 27th, commencing at 5 p.m.

The funeral of Mrs. Laura B. Cannon, whose death we mentioned last week, was held on Saturday. Rev. R. S. Barker officiated at the home service and Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge conducted the committal service at the grave. The bearers were L. Frank Stevens, John W. R. Brooks, and son Brown of Hampton; Arthur W. Chase and Forest Creighton of Hampton Falls; Oscar Pearson of Exeter. The floral offerings were very beautiful and profuse. William Brown was the undertaker in charge. The deceased was born in December 1899 and was married to Mr. Cannon in 1911.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will hold their annual summer sale on the parsonage lawn, Tuesday afternoon, August 4th, from 3:00 to 6:00. There will be found on sale mysteries for the children, ice cream, candy, nice fresh cakes, doughnuts, breads and rolls; aprons for morning and afternoon wear; fancy articles of all descriptions. A salad supper will be served in the church dining room, from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m., price 40 cents for adults, children, 25 cents. If stormy the sale will be held in the chapel. All are welcome.

Laura B. Cannon:

In the passing of Mrs. Laura B. Cannon, wife of William Cannon, a young woman of strong and irreproachable character and most sterling worth has been taken from our midst.

Of a quiet and somewhat retiring nature, it became necessary to know her well, but to those who were privileged to enjoy her friendship, it will long remain a sweet and precious memory.

She will be sadly missed, not only at her home by her sorrowing husband, mother, and her large circle of relatives and friends, but especially in the Rebekah Lodge, where for over six years she has been a tireless worker, and for which she retrained her interest to the last.

A year ago last May she had an operation in the Exeter hospital, which was not considered so serious at the time; but later there was a recurrence of the trouble and everything possible to do has since be done, but medical science proved of no avail, and after days and nights of intense suffering, heroically borne, she passed away on July 15th, at 11 P. M.

So on the following Saturday amidst sunshine and beautiful flowers tenderly borne by six brothers of the order she so dearly loved, with the casket on which rested a blanket of pink rose-buds and ferns from her husband, and her past noble grand’s collar surrounded by many members the beautiful committal service of the Rebekah was read, and “our Laura” was laid to rest.

A Real Band Leader

By Sylvia Cushman

(Courtesy of New York Times)

There is at Hampton Beach a young man who has been there five weeks and has only been in bathing twice. To his many friends he is just “Mac”; on the program of the Band Concerts he is Harold L. McDonnell, Conductor of McDonnell’s Band.

Harold L. is a very energetic and deserving young man. He is only 27, but leads his band with the aplomb and assurance born of experience.

When he came up the steps of my hotel the other day he looked very much like a little boy who felt a special grudge against the world because he did not have time to go bathing; a few minutes later he was talking music, directorship, tempos, Schubert and ragtime with much conviction.

He was born in Lawrence, Mass., February 15th, 1898, and went into the theatre as a Junior from High School, much against his father’s wishes who wanted his son to go to college. He played the clarinet in Sousa’s Band for a year and a half and was Asst. Bandmaster at Commonwealth Pier, Boston for 13 months. In the winter he plays at the Empire Theatre in Lawrence, besides teaching 54 pupils and dabbling in real estate. This is his twelfth season at Hampton Beach; as a boy he played for George Ashworth at the Ashworth Hotel, “In those days,” said Mr. McDonnell, “I lived in a tent with my father and mother.”

His father, Stephen McDonnell, plays the clarinet in the band his son directs and “Mac” jokingly tells that this is the first time he could ever make his father do as he wants him to.

He told me, with great pride, that his father and mother were very young looking and that his father was often taken for an older brother. He is very quick to praise and generous with his associates, those sitting near the bandstand have often heard him say “Very good, gentlemen,” to the rest of the players at the conclusion of a piece.

Mr. McDonnell enjoys the Monday night concerts in Hampton village and greatly appreciates the enthusiasm which the Hampton people display. His library consists of 4,000 numbers and he is always ready and willing to play requests.

As yet he is quite unspoiled by the plaudits of the crowd; it would be an easy thing for so young a man to have his head turned by the praise Harold McDonnell has received, but I personally believe that there are too many brains in that head, to have it thus affected and that he will always be the clean, manly and successful fellow his is today.

Hampton Beach:

More than 100,000 people crowded Hampton Beach Sunday, taxing the bathing facilities twice over. It is estimated that 20,000 motor cars passed along the Beach. The police found Ernest Hoyt, small son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hoyt of Fremont, who was lost for over two hours in the afternoon throng.

Court case bearing on charges made following raids by county and local officers occupied a considerable part of the usual Monday morning session of the Hampton municipal court, before Judge Howell M. Lamprey. Thomas Gargin of Lowell, Mass., occupying a room in a C street lodging house, was found guilty of illegal possession and fined $25 together with costs amounting to $68.90. A 60-day sentence in the jail was suspended. John Heffron of Haverhill, Mass., on the same charge paid $25 and costs of $67.90. James J. Mullaney of Lowell, Mass., on a similar charge, was allowed to pay costs amounting to $70.30 when his case was placed on file pending call by the county solicitor. The following were arraigned for driving at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper and paid costs and fine: Charles Rockwood of Brookline, fine $5, costs $7.32; Charles H. Choate of Malden, fine $5, costs $9.34; John M. McLeod of Melrose, fine $5, costs $7.22; Lewis F. Curtis of Wakefield, fine $5, costs $7.22; Charvig Mallouf of Epping, fine $5, costs $7.70; James J. Downey of Lawrence, Mass., fine $5, costs $7.70; and Roy H. Forbush of Malden, fine $5, costs $6.70.

Gagon of Seabrook was struck by a car operated by W. F. Casey of 200 Parkway, Mattapan, Mass., as he stepped from the Salisbury trolley in front of his cottage Monday. Gagon, who is in business at Hampton Beach, was returning from Salisbury on the one o’clock electric car operated by Motorman Edward Getchell and was alighting when the Casey car came from behind. His arm and left leg were hurt and the latter is probably broken. He was taken to the Anna Jacques hospital by Oscar Steward of Seabrook and an X-ray examination was made. Casey was released under $100 bail for appearance in the Hampton municipal court next Thursday morning.

A pleasing social and entertainment was held in the community house of the new church here Friday evening with a large number of the summer residents and local people in attendance. The program was in charge of Mrs. Henry A. Warren and Mrs. Emma J. M. Brown, both of Manchester. The first selection on the program was a piano solo by Mrs. Henry A. Warren, followed by a violin solo by Mrs. Warren, assisted by Miss Marjorie Gibson. Mrs. Hattie Bragdon then presented a reading and Mrs. Warren and Miss Gibson played a piano duet. An art exhibit concluded the program.

Rev. Arnold S. Yantis of Manchester spoke to one of the largest gatherings of Protestants here Sunday morning in the new Community church on the subject of “The Human Heart and Its Divine Imperatives.” Rev. Mr. Yantis was also in charge of the evening service at the church and took as his subject, “An Old Love Song.”

More than 130 members of the Carpenters’ Union, No. 989, of Marlboro, Mass., with their wives and friends, held their annual outing and good time here at Hampton Beach Saturday. The members of the committee included Harvey Doneghy, chairman; Bertram Crispt, Frank F. Kelleher, Ernest Magee and Christopher Tygerson.

There have been during the past two or three days several real estate transactions consummated which are of more than passing importance. The beautiful residence owned by C. H. Bagshaw of 70 Wedge street, Haverhill, Mass., has been transferred to Perley J. Wheelen of Orange, Mass. Mr. Bagshaw, who has been a summer resident of Hampton Beach for 20 years, will be greatly missed by the summer colonists. The property is on Great Boar’s Head. Mrs. Bessie B. Leighton of 1 Jacksonville street, Newburyport, Mass., has purchased the summer place of Elmer Hathaway of 5 Linden street, Belmont, which is located on the North Shore Drive. Mr. Hathaway and his family have been here eight years. Ring and Alexander were the brokers in both cases.

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bodwell, Mrs. Janet Winn, H. Irving Bodwell, all of Manchester, are among the guests who have recently registered at the Ashworth hotel.