Hampton News

Rev. and Mrs. John Cummings started on Wednesday for Washington to attend a convention. Mrs. Carrie Scott and little daughter Betty, accompanied them as far as West Haven, where they will spend the two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Goodwin.

Mr. Warren Clark is boarding with Mrs. Harold Noyes.

The H. T. G. Club opened its winter meetings on October 1, being entertained by Mrs. Ruth Palmer. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Frank Leavitt, Mrs. John Bryant, and Mrs. Eugene Leavitt. Dainty refreshments of lobster salad, hot rolls, Indian pudding and coffee were served. The second meeting was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Frank Coffin. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Janvrin. Tempting refreshments of fruit salad, hot rolls, Neopolitan ice cream, wafers and coffee were served. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Eugene Leavitt.

A marriage of interest recently was that of Mrs. Purington, daughter of Mrs. H. P. Wells, to Dr. Strong of England, in St. Andrews Church in Rye. Dr. and Mrs. Strong will leave town on Saturday and after a sojourn of a week in New York will sail for their home in England.

Rev. and Mrs. Inor Partington who have been spending a month in the Wheaton Cottage at Plaice Cove returned home to Deer Island, Me., on Wednesday. Their former friends welcomed them very gladly.

Mrs. Mary Dolan has rented Mrs. Charles Walker’s house for the winter in St. Petersburg.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Towle plan to leave for St. Petersburg next Tuesday.

Mrs. Augustus Locke and daughter Eugenia, were in town this week to attend the anniversary.

On last Wednesday the Mothers’ Circle held its regular meeting as a reception of welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins, the new superintendent of schools and his wife, and all the teachers, with the Parent-Teachers’ Association assisting. Every member and guest was taken to the receiving line by the ushers, after which Mrs. Nudd, as president of the entertaining club gave a short but gracious speech of welcome and introduced Mr. Perkins who addressed the gathering. Mrs. Nudd with Mr. Perkins lead a grand march which started the intimate social program of the evening. Miss Eldridge at the piano, Master Joe Raymond on the violin and Master Russell Durant at the drums played the march. Two sets were formed and with the jigs played by Miss Marston and Joe Raymond the Virginia Reel was danced. The hostesses, Mrs. Olney, Mrs. Tobey, Mrs. Dennett and Mrs. Leavitt, assisted by Mrs. Nudd and the ushers, served attractive chicken salads, rolls and coffee.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Moore attended the school conference at North Woodstock, and on Saturday, expected to go on to Whitefield but decided after six miles of storm in Franconia Notch to return to their home in this town.

The regular meeting of the Monday Club will be postponed from next Monday afternoon, October 19, to the following week, October 26th, on account of the Chautauqua.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cogger started for a mountain trip, Friday, but stayed at No. Woodstock on account of the storm. Mrs. Cogger enjoyed a sleigh ride Sunday in an old sleigh over two hundred years old.

Ernest G. Cole attended the banker’s Convention at Whitefield last week, and, like many others who were touring the mountains, got caught in the severe snowstorm. Mr. Cole reports, however, a delightful trip with the difficulties of travel more than compensated by the beauty of the view of early snow on the mountains.

Again the brothers and sisters of Ocean Side Grange meet for the disposition of their regular business. Tomorrow (Friday) night will also be the occasion of initiation in the first two degrees of new candidates. Especially at this time should members make an effort to be present, for the first impressions formed by the “stranger in our midst” is very apt to linger indelibly with him, and may even effect his future attitude towards our order. Let us all be there.

We know of several young ladies who were out gathering evergreen at 5:30 A. M. yesterday that their float for the historic parade should be worthy of so high a calling. Such a spirit seemed prevalent everywhere yesterday, though.