Hampton News

Mrs. Charles Teague was surprised by a large number of her friends last Thursday night. They were largely from the Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church, of which Mrs. Teague is a member. A pleasant evening was spent by all.

Friday night the members of Ocean Side grange and other friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliot surprised them with a shower. Many useful gifts were presented to the young couple. Refreshments were served and games were played. The party broke up at a late hour.

Rehearsals are going on in preparation for a candle light service, to be held later in the month at the M. E. church.

Mrs. Annie Colwell Elliott is in Hyde Park, Mass., visiting friends and relatives for a few days.

A meeting to formulate plans for a men’s class at the Methodist church will be held in that church vestry on Wednesday evening, November 25.

“Forty Winks”, the screen version of the huge stage success, “Lord Chumley” will be shown at the Hampton Centre school Friday afternoon and evening. This is one of the best comedies of the season and is supported by a strong cast including Theodore Roberts and Viola Dana. Next week “Wild Horse Mesa,” a Zane Gray screen story will be shown.

Mrs. H. S. Wyman of this town recently received a box of oranges and grapefruit from Mr. Wyman, who is spending the winter at Pomona, Fla. The oranges were grown in a grove near his place and are of fine flavor and very sweet, many of the measuring twelve inches in circumference.

Next week the UNION will be printed on Wednesday owing to Thursday, Nov. 26, being Thanksgiving day. Anyone having items for that issue should send them in by Tuesday.

Owing to the illness of George Lindsay, during the absence of his employer, Chester Marston, the barber shop in Lane’s block is temporarily closed.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Agnes Leavitt on Friday, Nov. 20. All who desire transportation please communicate with the president.

George Hadley of Hampton Falls was married Saturday night to Miss Rock of Exeter, N. H.

The Mothers’ Circle entertained the fathers on Wednesday evening at the Centre school. The program for the evening was given by the Linnell entertainers of Boston. These entertainers were three very charming young ladies, Miss Charlotte Linnell, Miss Marjorie French, and Miss Lola French. For one hour and a half they kept the Circle members and guests very happy with their program. The hostesses Mrs. Harry Munsey, Mrs. Russell Leavitt and Mrs. Charles Palmer assisted by the members of the literary committee decorated the dining room with green and white crepe paper. The tables were lighted with green candles in silver candle sticks and as favors lollypops dressed in green and white paper gowns were at every place. The refreshments served were enjoyed by all in the pretty and friendly surroundings.

Mrs. William T. Ross is visiting with relatives in New York until Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Adeline C. Marston spent the weekend with Mrs. Marion Gates of Chelsea. Saturday evening they attended a performance of “The Miracle.”

Mrs. Roscoe Palmer and her little son, William Roscoe, returned from the Exeter hospital on Wednesday. For a week or more they will stay with Mrs. Walter Palmer.

At the regular meeting of Winnicummet Rebekah lodge on Tuesday evening, Nov. 24, there will be a Thanksgiving social and an informal reception to the Grand Warden of the Grand lodge of New Hampshire. Members please attend without further notice.

Important meeting of Ocean Side grange Friday night, with inspection by the deputy and initiation in the third and fourth degrees.

Mrs. Mabel Blake and William B. Carmen are residents at the Allison hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla.

The November meeting of the Men’s club was held in the Congregational chapel Monday evening with a good attendance. A supper of oyster stew and ice cream was served, after which the regular business and an address by Mr. Charles N. Perkins, superintendent of schools, followed. Under new business it was voted to hold a chicken supper in the church dining rooms the first Wednesday evening in December, the proceeds of which are to be donated for building a sport field in the school grounds. Some time ago the club voted $100 for this purpose. It has $40 on hand and it is hoped that the coming supper will net the balance. A general committee of three was appointed to have charge of the arrangements which consists of Oliver W. Hobbs, H. L. Tufts, and Dean B. Merrill. The address by Superintendent Perkins was a most interesting one. He showed the evolution of the district superintendent from the colonial days when the teacher was supreme to the present official under New Hampshire school law which is considered the best in the United States. He then lucidly explained his own duties in this district and showed how the hours of each day were employed. At the close of the address Mr. Perkins was loudly applauded and given a rising vote of thanks.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole are wearing their new titles with great happiness, for word was received from their daughter, Mrs. Calvin Wygant of Marlboro, New York, of the birth of a little girl on Sunday, Nov. 15, making them a grandpa and grandma.

Monday afternoon the Monday club was entertained by Mrs. Howard G. Lane with Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Shea assistant hostesses. The program for the afternoon was the yearly musicale. As H. A. Beach is a New Hampshire born musician a short resume of her life was read by Mrs. Arthur Sears. Mrs. Robert Elliot was presented to the club and she played a number of selections composed by Mrs. Beach. Mrs. Robert Brown sang very sweetly a lullaby written and composed by Mrs. Beach. Mrs. Lane read cuttings from the life of Edward MacDowell. Though not a New Hampshire born man he is regarded with a great pride by the state because of the colony at Peterboro which he dreamed of and which his widow, by great work and courage, is realizing for his memory. Mr. David Kushius of Portsmouth was introduced to play a number of the MacDowell selections on the violin, accompanied by Mrs. Elliot. Mrs. Nye of Boston, one time resident of Hampton, played some piano selections very brilliantly. At the close of the New Hampshire music program Mr. Kushius and Mrs. Elliot played other selections together and solos, which everyone enjoyed.

The hostesses served refreshments to the forty-five members and guests present at the social hour which followed the program.

A very pleasant home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elms when their son Mr. Lewis Osburne and Miss Ina Mack of Worcester, Mass., were united in marriage by Rev. R. S. Barker, in the presence of a few invited guests. The single ring service was used. After the ceremony the guests were invited to the dining room where they were seated at a table well laden with dainty refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, cake, fancy cookies, ice cream, candy, nuts, coffee and punch. At the close of the lunch the bride cut the wedding cake which was enjoyed by all. Those witnessing the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Elms, Raymond Osburne, Theodore Bradly, Judge Lamprey, Mrs. Shea, Miss Helen Lamprey, Mr. Olney and daughter Polly, and Rev. and Mrs. Barker, all of whom offered the happy couple congratulations and best wishes for a long, happy future. Mr. and Mrs. Osburne will reside in Hampton.

Mrs. Ellen Hobbs Blake, age 79 years, 6 months. The death of Mrs. Blake seemed sudden to many, though she had been failing for a long time. She had her wish in not having a long last sickness. Mrs. Blake was the last of her family of six children of Obed Sterns Hobbs and Hannah Perkins Hobbs. She was married to Nelson T. Blake in 1878. The had three children, two died very young and one, who grew to young womanhood, died a few years ago. Mrs. Blake moved back to her father’s home a few years ago, where lived her sister, Frances. She, too, passed away leaving Mrs. Blake alone in the old home.

She was faithfully looked after by nephews and her niece, Helen, who was more like a sister. She, with her brothers, is in South America. The sympathy of all go out to her especially in her sorrow.

Mrs. Blake will be missed in her church where she was a faithful, consistent member. She was a generous supporter of all good work. Her funeral was held at the home on Saturday afternoon. A large number of neighbors and friends attended. The services were in charge of her pastor, Rev. John Cummings, and Rev. Edgar Warren, an old friend.

Mrs. Blake was a kind neighbor and will be much missed by all. The floral tributes were very beautiful. William Brown had charge of the funeral. The bearers were her neighbors: John C. Blake, Elmer Lane, Benjamin Blake and George Perkins.

Miss Ella J. Brown who died last Thursday night, aged 70 years and 7 months, was the daughter of Jeremiah and Martha (Lane) Brown. The funeral was held at the home of her niece, Mrs. Wright, on Sunday P. M. She had been sick only a few weeks and her death seemed sudden to many. Ella Jane, as we all called her, was a friend to everyone and all a friend to her. She was always cheerful, ready to help all who needed her. She was, in former years until her health did not permit, a constant attendant at church, and Sunday school, and was always interested in all church affairs. She lived with her sister who will sadly miss her but who must be glad not to leave her behind.

Ella was very fond of flowers and all wild flowers were known to her. For many years when flowers were sent to the city for Flower mission work, she contributed largely to those sent each week.

Whatsoever her hands could do, she did with a willing heart. She was tenderly cared for in her illness by her niece, Mrs. Wright and others.

Her funeral, conducted by her pastor, Mr. Cummings, was largely attended by neighbors and friends from church and town, and showed the respect in which Ella was held by all. Her niece, Mrs. Mildred Stowe, came from Stockbridge, Mich., to attend the funeral and though late was in time to see her aunt and go with the friends to her last resting place.

The floral tributes were very beautiful, and Ella was laid to rest beneath the flowers she loved.

William Brown had charge and bearers were Richard Shelton, George Garland, Howell Lamprey, and Charles Leavitt.