Hampton News

Mrs. James Hutchings went to Lynn with her sister, Miss Lizzie Campbell, and will stay until Christmas.

The next meeting of the Mothers’ Circle will be held on January 20th. The meeting schedule for December 30 will be omitted.

E. G. Cole Company’s store is most attractive in its Christmas decorations.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Perkins have their daughter with them for the holiday season. Miss Perkins is a teacher in Braintree.

A Community Christmas tree has been set up on the band stand in Depot Square, at the expense of which was contributed by several organizations including the Old Fellows, Rebekahs, Grange, Men’s Club, Mechanics, Monday Club and Mothers’ Circle.

Mrs. John Carberry and a party of ladies went to Dover Wednesday.

The every member canvas for contributions for current expenses of the Congregational church was made last Sunday and nearly the full amount necessary was received in cash or pledges.

The moving picture program for Friday (Christmas) evening at the Centre school is of a very high order and everyone who can go should do so. The feature picture is “The Ten Commandments”, one of the best screen pictures on the circuit.

Please don’t forget the Community Christmas Cantata, “The New-Born King” to be given in the town hall, Sunday evening, December 27th, at 8 o’clock. Public invited. Silver collection.

A family Christmas party will be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Philbrook on Friday. There will be a tree for the children.

Ruth M. Barker is at home for two week’s vacation from teaching in the Woman’s College, State University, New Brunswick, N. J.

Mr. A. L. Joplin returned last week after a three week’s visit with his son in Wollaston, Mass. He left again today to spend Christmas with relatives.

There will be an open meeting of the Junior High School Athletic Club at the assembly hall, Center school, Saturday 8:00 p.m. Miss Elaine Higgins will speak. She is a graduate of Sargeant and will speak about the importance of athletics in the life of the junior high girls. All girls interested and their mothers are invited to attend. Will each member bring a guest? Moons will be given out to the members. All are welcome.

There will be a final rehearsal for the Community Cantata at the town hall Saturday evening, December 26 at 7 o’clock. Every one singing is urged to be present and as punctual as possible.

David F. Colt has sold his restaurant business to Mr. La May. Mr. Colt has leased the Cole Periodical store and will open it in the vacant building now undergoing repairs as soon as the new store is ready.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears are spending the Christmas holidays in Dalton, Mass.

H. I. Noyes received the contract for the remodeling of E. G. Cole’s vacant building south of the periodical store. The building has been dropped two feet to a new foundation and the building of a new store front is begun. The foundation work was sublet to Irving W. Brown and the lowering of the building to a contractor in Maine.

The new stage scenery in the Town hall was used at the Community Christmas tree Wednesday evening. The painting was the work of Mr. Frank Dennett, and included the proscenium, curtain, wings and background. The work was done in a most creditable manner, both from the artistic and practical points of view. The town should feel proud of Mr. Dennett for it is most unusual to have such work done by local talent, and in this case it has saved the town several hundred dollars.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bonser will entertain a party of fifteen friends and relatives from Sanbornville, Portsmouth and Lynn over Christmas and the week end.

An interesting meeting of the Men’s club was held in the Congregational chapel last Monday evening. A roast beef supper with all the fixings, was served to nearly fifty at 7:00 o’clock. After this a brief business session was held and several new members were voted in. Then came the address of Mr. John Chipman, who related some of his experiences in the French army during the World war, preceded by an interesting synopsis of historic parallels in our own Revolutionary period and the World war period. Mr. Chipman was listened to with deep interest and much valuable information was gained from his talk. An unanimous vote of thanks was extended to him by his hearers.

The regular meeting of the Monday club was held Monday afternoon at Mrs. Olney’s with Mrs. Irvin Leavitt assistant hostess. The splendid old house was a wonderful setting for this meeting as was the Christmas party. The rooms were all decorated with garlands of princess pine and branches of evergreen. The business was soon attended to and the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Wingate who had charge of the program. Music was furnished by the Misses Frances Drew, with piano solos; Dorothy Riley and Leila Redman, with duets, accompanied by Louise Mullen and little Margaret Wingate, Barbara Ward, Elizabeth Toppan, Margaret Noyes and “Polly” Olney sang carols and spoke their little pieces. Santa then came dashing into the room and from the brightly lighted tree every one was given a gift. Christmas cards with greetings in rhyme, written by Mrs. Shea were read by all the members. The hostesses served southern sausages tucked into hot roll, with coffee, pickles, and Christmas candy. This was the Monday club’s first venture with a party and every one enjoyed it.

Community Christmas Tree

The Fifth Annual Community Christmas tree and distribution of gifts to children of the town from the Charles H. Lane fund was held in the Town hall, Wednesday evening, and as usual the hall was packed to the outer doors. The hall was decorated for the occasion with two large Christmas trees, beneath which were the more than two hundred presents which the fund purchased.

As in the years past there was an interesting program as follows:

Introduction Henry B. Hobbs; Community singing, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”; prayer, Rev. E. E. Eno; welcome, William White; Orchestra; cantata, “The Birthday of a King”, school children; Community singing, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing”; orchestra; arrival of Santa Claus and distribution of gifts.

The cantata was a very interesting portrayal of historic scenes at the birth of Christ in song and tableaux and was given under the direction of Mrs. Coombs and Miss Adeline Marston.

The two selections by Joe Raymond’s orchestra were well applauded.

The arrival of Santa Claus was received with much joy by the children who were impatient to receive their gifts. There are 218 under 13 years of age entitled to receive a gift, and as the fund this year amounted to $240 the committee was enabled to give substantial gifts to each and, the selections were as in the past, made with great care and with special appropriateness for each child. This work of choosing presents is a most difficult and laborious work and the committee is entitled to highest credit for the success of its efforts. The members of the committee are: Henry B. Hobbs, Herbert B. Beede, Mrs. Lucy Redman, Miss Mary E. Craig, Miss Annie E. Akerman.

At the Grange Meeting

At the regular meeting of Ocean Side grange, last Friday evening, a Christmas tree was the attraction on the literary program. Gifts of worth and gifts for mirth were handed to all present.

The resignation of Mrs. Swain from the executive committee was received with deep regret. Mrs. Swain is leaving town. During her residence in Hampton she has earned a large circle of friends-through living a worthwhile life-proving her sterling character. As a member of this order she has served faithfully every trust. Always willing, too, responding to every fair request. Indeed, the grange is sorry to lose Mrs. Swain. Her bother and sister patrons presented her with a week end case and a silk umbrella as a farewell recognition of their friendship.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

— by —
Will Write

The thrills of yesterday are gone,
And all the joys and sorrows,
That tickled our ribs or pierced our hides
Forgot. But what about tomorrow?
Well, that bridge need not be crossed
Today. Evils sufficient abound-
Too, worthy events of interest
That make the world go ’round.
Yet there is a deal of romance
Clinging to History’s aged walls,
And a mystery about the future
That holds us all in thrall.

Will Write had planned to open his writing season with a mighty bang, firing all three barrels of his double-barreled fountain pen point blank at a clean sheet of paper. One of them failed to explode, though. The chamber loaded with historical occurrences of yesterday missed fire [one or two words unable to read]. As a result Will’s words about world wonders goes back no further than two or three days before yesterday, this week. Well, History was long in building, and the longer Will contemplates its study the more there is of it. So Will isn’t worrying.

About today and tomorrow he has picked up a few items.


Friday last:


Local moving pictures reeled off “A Son of His Father”. The film story of Harold Bell Wright’s novel was enjoyed by a fair representation of our townspeople.


Christmas tree at Ocean Side hall. Many presents; many sandwiches; much cocoa-everybody happy.




John Elliot and Hollis Moaratty went to Portsmouth shopping. B & M took them.


A great many families in town enjoyed baked beans for supper.


Marion Noyes, Irene Blake, Evelyn Shaw, Thelma Page and Madeline Nudd came home from Keene for the holidays.




Bob Van Horne and wife went to Kennebunkport, Maine, via Lizzie.


M. E. Pageant at the Town hall went off well, excepting a brush fire in Bob Barker’s and Bob Elliot’s beards.




A Christmas tree featured the Monday club meeting at Mrs. Olney’s.


Clyde Brown’s Ford coupe was badly wrecked in a smash with two other machines.




Methodist Christmas tree at the vestry. Marlon Elliot Noyes was present.


A rehearsal of Community cantata at Mrs. Coombs’ in the evening.


Fifth Community Christmas tree at the Town hall. Many children were happy.


Tonight the Congregational Christmas tree will be held in the chapel.


Santa Claus will crawl down his usual number of chimneys–for this is Christmas eve.



Community cantata at the Town hall Sunday night, at eight o’clock.


Many of those attending school outside of Hampton are home for the holidays. Among them: John Perkins, Shirley Ware, Sherman Tarleton, Dorothy Hobbs, “Red” Cummings, the Hobbs boys (from Colby) Arnold George, and —–


Agatha Towle is spending her vacation with her sister in Boston, Mass.


Evelyn Clark of North Hampton was week end guest with Mr. H. E. Noyes.


Robert Elliot had a great many solicitious callers during the week, to inquire after his burned whiskers, and the face underneath. Bob Barker and his wife, Mr. Barker, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Fred Towle, Wallace S. Ware, John W. Perkins, and other young ladies in great number.