Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith have returned from their honeymoon spent touring the Mountains and Eastern Canada.

Mrs. C. O. Stevens wishes to express her gratitude to her numerous friends who in so many ways are showing their sympathy while she is confined at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tarlton returned recently from a delightful visit to their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Bowen of Allston, Mass. Later they went on an auto trip to Cape Cod, taking in Plymouth and historical points.

Dr. and Mrs. Davis of Providence, R. I. are visiting with Mrs. Zipporah Jenness for a month.

Next week the last of the series of band concerts will be held in Depot Square, but there will be two concerts–one on Monday evening as usual and another on Thursday evening, which is intended to take the place of the following Monday, which being Labor Day the band will be at the Beach. These concerts have been very largely attended ever since they have started and have been a real benefit to the village. There has not been a stormy evening on any concert nights.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt entertained a few friends on Tuesday evening for Mrs. Alfred Patch, their guest. The party proved to be a corn roast. A huge fire was built in the back lot and over the coals the corn was placed on racks. Besides the corn, Mrs. Patch had prepared a Syrian dish of cutils and a salad. During the evening the party gathered around the fire and despite the mosquitoes sang many of the old songs to the strumming of a ukulele and mandolin. Mrs. Patch with her husband and family were at Bering at the time Mr. Leavitt was teaching there. Her stories of her experiences made a very pleasant evening.

Monday afternoon the Godfrey family of brothers and sisters held a get together with Mrs. Mary Chipman, who is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Ward. The elderly people thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of being together and many an anecdote was told of happenings in the past. Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt was the oldest member present, being 86 next Tuesday and Mrs. Chipman was the youngest at 64. The average age of the eight present was 78.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Mansfield, Mass., has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown. As Miss Green, Mrs. Wilbur was a very popular teacher of our schools and her visit is greatly enjoyed by all those who knew her.

Miss Eleanor Marston, who has been taking an advance course in oil and portrait painting this summer at the Boothbay Studio, Boothbay Harbor, Me., has returned to Hampton for a short visit before returning to her teaching at the State Normal school, Shippensburg, Penn.

Mr. Leon Thompson came on from New York on Saturday to get his wife and young daughter, Alice Joan, who have been visiting with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Henry Thompson.

Mr. G. Gummer Fall took advantage of the Montreal excursion of the Boston & Maine to visit with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Dennison. The party left Boston, Friday morning arriving in Montreal that evening and the return was made Sunday night.

Dr. O’Reagan of East Boston is stopping at the Creighmore.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hill of Waltham, Mass., are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey.

The date of the August meeting of the W. C. T. U. has necessarily been changed to Tuesday, September 1st at Wheaton cottage, North Beach. A picnic lunch will be served at one o’clock, after which a business meeting and program will be held.

In the afternoon there was an entertainment consisting of violin solos by Mrs. Grace Hayden of Dover and the presentation of a farce, “School Days at Blueberry Corner.”

Another excursion from Boston, Lynn, Salem, Beverly and Ipswich to Hampton Beach will be run next Sunday. Three previous excursions have been run by the Boston & Maine bringing-on each from 450 to 700 visitors, and if next Sunday is pleasant it is expected that 1,000 people in a single trip and load that many in four minutes. This section of the street railway is of much importance to the town, and if the Boston & Maine is to run excursions next year, it will be a necessity.

Superintendent Moore Resigns

Mr. Harry L. Moore, superintendent of district number 21, which comprises Hampton and six other towns, has resigned to accept the position of superintendent of schools for Portsmouth, and his resignation has reluctantly been accepted.

The loss to the district will be great. Mr. Moore is an indefatigable worker and unusual organizer, organized in his methods and possesses the gift of getting along with people. Schools in the district have made great progress under his supervision. His wife is very popular, and the two sons are fine, manly fellows, with considerable municipal ability. Mr. Moore does not go to his new field of work on account of increase of salary, for the salary is exactly the same as he has been receiving; but because the new district is more concentrated than the old and because he feels that Portsmouth offers a larger opportunity for service than a rural district can give.

Hampton Beach

Between 75,000 and 80,000 people came to Hampton Beach Sunday. Outings, including the Sunset League of Concord and Duncan MacDonald family featured the day. No accidents were reported, according the police officials.

Seven offenders of the New Hampshire motor vehicles laws faced Judge Howell M. Lamprey in the Hampton municipal court here Monday. Michael Mulkern and Arthur H. Wilding of Portland, Me., paid $10 and costs.

Armand J. Langlois of Newburyport, was assessed $5 and costs of $7.70. Frederick W. Hobbs, Jr., of Medford, was fined $10 and costs of $9.58. Hobbs was passing all the cars along the line of heavy traffic Sunday, followed by State Motorcycle Officer Carr. John Hill of Southboro and Morris Broudy of Brookline were each fined $5 and costs. Allen H. Bearse, Jr. of Melrose had his case placed on file upon payment of costs amounting to $6.70. The week end here at Hampton was one of the busiest in the history of the resort. Hundreds were driven home and to other places Saturday night due to the shortage of rooms. The number of machines passing through and stopping on Sunday taxed the available space to near capacity. Miss Margaret Sawyer of Stark street, Manchester, is spending the week with Mrs. John T. and Marion Arthur at their cottage on the Winnicummet road.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell and Albert Kelly of Nashua, Mrs. Nettie Williams and Mrs. Fannie Fisk of Manchester and Mrs. Josephine Browley of Goffstown are registered at the Pelham hotel on the Ocean Front.

John Gadd and family of Plymouth are staying at the Methuen cottage on the Ocean boulevard.

Enjoying their vacation at the New Pentucket are Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lemay of Franklin, Yvonne M. Turcotte and Loretta N. Turcotte, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Thornton of Brookfield and Margaret and Katherine Gerry of Wakefield.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Parson of Concord and Mrs. S. Rolla Corta of Berlin are located at the Hill Crest Inn.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Lucier of Concord, were at the Beach Sunday attending the reunion of the Duncan MacDonald family at the Cunningham cottage. Mrs. Lucier is one of the descendents.

“Delly” Callahan, coach of the Concord high school athletic teams spent the week end at the Beach.

Padgrett, O’Neill, Seaman and Cooper, members of the Boston Braves with wives and friends, enjoyed the day here, Sunday.

Stopping at Rice Lodge are Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Fowler of Suncook, Lionel LaMontague and Walter Roy of Nashua, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rhodes, H. W. Rhodes of Franklin, Frank A. Fogg of Laconia, and Frank R. Wilson of New Boston.

Mr. Owen Marsh, of Webster, Mass., with Eddie Causegrove of Worcester, Mass., are stopping at the Ocean House on the Ocean Front.

Mr. Norman Leonard of Chicago, and Lake Forest, Ill., has been calling on Miss Sylvia Cushman at the Ashworth.

Secretary Leon S. McCombe of the Hampton and Hampton Beach board of trade announced here Tuesday that United States Senator George H. Moses of Concord and Congressman Fletcher Hale of Laconia had tentatively notified the Governors’ Day committee, headed by George Ashworth, that they would be present for the exercises that day at Hampton Beach. Gov. John G. Winant of New Hampshire is also expected to be present. A letter of regret has been received from Alvan T. Fuller, governor of Massachusetts, saying that he will be unable to be present. Governor Fuller has a summer estate at Little Boar’s Head, five miles from here.

The Children’s Day committee for Tuesday of Carnival Week was announced Tuesday as follows: Mrs. Homer B. Whiting, chairman; H. Mildrede Gleason, Mrs. Frank E. Nason, Mrs. E. M. Gilman, Mrs. Otto R. Snow and Edith Gleason. The committee for Coast Guard Day, Saturday, consists of Capt. Jasper B. Myers (formerly in charge of the Hampton Beach station and now in the personnel office at Portsmouth) and W. I. Brown, the officer in charge of the local station at present. Thomas J. Coffin of Amesbury, Mass., is to put out the Carnival Week souvenir program.