Hampton News

Mr. Lester King of Melrose, Mass., a Dartmouth College chum of Mr. John Cummings has been a guest at the Congregational parsonage.

A Lawrence, Mass., steeplejack has erected a ladder on the north side of the Greenman Shoe factory for the purpose of inspecting it for needed repairs.

The next and last meeting of the Men’s club will be on Monday night, May 18. There will be a light lunch at the conclusion of the meeting instead of the usual 50 cents supper proceeding.

John S. Gilman is agent and distributor in Hampton for the Whole Grain Wheat Co., whose product is fast becoming popular on account of its health-producing qualities. Mr. Gilman will be glad to give all information as to its use. Try it.

Monday evening, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward gave a card party for their sister, Mrs. Drew Bernard. Guests for three tables were present and the evening passed very pleasantly. Mrs. Everett Nudd received the ladies’ favor for the highest score and Mr. Harry Munsey the gentlemen’s. The low score favors went to Mrs. Russell Leavitt and Mr. John Carberry. After the refreshments served by the hostess, Mrs. Bernard sang a number of selections which everyone enjoyed.

Mr. John Price had a very narrow escape Saturday evening. When returning from the beach, his wagon was run into by a machine. Mr. Price and his horse were not badly hurt but the wagon and vegetables were a complete wreck. The accident was proof of very careless driving on the part of the automobile as it happened in front of the school building, where the road is straight and wide, also well lighted.

Mrs. Sara E. Rose returned to her home, Rose Cottage, for the summer. She spent the winter with relatives and friends in Dover and Cambridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Fall and family motored to Alfred, Me., where they were entertained Sunday by Judge Frederick Hobbs and Mrs. Hobbs, cousins of Mr. Fall.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church have just presented new electric light fixtures, making a wonderful change in both looks and lighting in the church.

Mrs. William Cash entertained the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church. Fifteen members were present, among them Mrs. Nell Blake, who remarked that it was her birthday when the sewing began. Mrs. Cash slipped away unnoticed to her kitchen. At the close of the meeting, to everyone’s surprise, especially to Mrs. Blake, the hostess served a delicious hot birthday cake decorated in honor of the day, and tea.

Saturday evening, May 16, at the Centre School Auditorium a benefit entertainment will be given to raise money for silverware for the dining room of the school. The programme will include a mandolin and guitar quartette, a short play, readings and a musical number by Mrs. Wilda Chipman Bernard and Mr. Chester Grady. Candy will be on sale by the high school pupils. The tickets are 25 cents.

Next week Friday evening, May 22, at the Centre School Auditorium the double quartette of the High school, assisted by the orchestra, will give an evening of music. Admission will be 25 cents. The money raised will be used to buy new instruments for the orchestra’s use next year. As a town we are all very proud of our school orchestra. Let us show our appreciation to them and to Mrs. Coombs for her efficient work in making it possible, by filling the hall to overflowing next Friday, May 22, at 8 P. M.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane gave a tea on Monday afternoon for her daughter, Miss Eloise. Mrs. Bruce Franklin of Charlotte, North Carolina, Mrs. Drew Bernard of Hollywood, California, Mrs. Russell Leavitt, Mrs. Arthur Ward and Miss Adeline Marston of Hampton, were guests. Miss Lane showed some of the beautiful embroideries she has received for use in her own future home. Mrs. Bernard sang a number of selections. Then Mrs. Lane served tea, salad and fancy cakes.

Tomorrow, Friday night, there will be an evening session of the school from 7:30 to P.[sic] P. M. School will be dismissed at noon not to meet again from 7:30 to 9 P. M. School will be invited to watch the actual workings of the school curriculum. The Parent-Teachers’ Association will hold its meeting at the close of the demonstration.

Mrs. James Hutchings is in Keene, as delegate from the Monday club.

A good number of the Rebekah’s made a visit to Dover Sister Order, on Wednesday evening.

The semi-annual convention of the Seaside District S. S. Association will be held with the Hampton Baptist church on Wednesday, May 27. Extended notice next week.

Mr. N. A. Rich, Mr. Phillip N. Blake and family, motored to Medford and Norwood Sunday.

The friends of Mr. Howard M. Lane are glad to see him out again, after having an operation at the Exeter Cottage Hospital.

Mrs. Frank Dennett gave a very charming tea on Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Drew Bernard. The young people of this town have such enjoyable times when they get together and Saturday afternoon was no exception.

The gaily decorated barn-loft of Mr. and Mrs. William Cash was a very merry place, Saturday evening when twenty young friends of Thayer Edgerly gathered there to tender him a birthday surprise party. The evening was passed with games and general jollity. Since the birthday was not until Sunday, it was near the midnight hour before the gift, a very nice fountain pen, was presented to the guest of honor. A large birthday cake, brought on with all the candles lighted completed the surprises of the evening. Mr. Edgerly was extended good wishes by all his friends for many happy returns of the day.

The following are the sub-committees of the general committee that is arranging for the dedication of the Memorial to the early settlers of Hampton: Inscription on Tablet: Rev. Edgar Warren; Rev. I. S. Jones; Mrs. Caroline Shea; Mrs. Sarah M. Lane; Mr. Charles F. Adams. Programme: Mr. George Ashworth; Rev. R. S. Barker; Mrs. Emma J. Young; Mr. Ernest G. Cole; Mrs. Vrylena Olney. Invitations: Mr. William Brown; Mrs. Flora E. Lane; Mrs. Maud Nudd; Mr. Fred E. Perkins; Mr. Harry I. Noyes.

Friday evening, May 15, will be observed as “School Night” at the Centre school. There will be no school Friday afternoon, but pupils will attend in the evening from7:30 to 9:00 o’clock. It is very desirable that all pupils be present. Regular school work will be in progress. The Parent-Teachers’ Association will be the guests of the evening and all parents and other interested are cordially invited to be present.

Mrs. Greely entertained the West End club, May 7. brown.h ing1 was held. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

The West End Club met with Mrs. J. E. James, May 8, by a sewing bee1 enjoyable afternoon was had, after which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

The Misses Ethel and Hazel Steadman of West Somerville, Mass., spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs. Albert L. Coffin.

Last Friday evening, Mrs. Carberry, with Mrs. Albert Coffin, Mrs. N. P. Tobey and Mrs. Raymond, motored to Dover where they attended a concert of excellence, hearing several real artists.

Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Harry Munsey was a very delightful hostess at a tea she gave honoring Mrs. Drew Bernard, of Hollywood, California. The party spent the afternoon with their sewing until tea was served.

The town hall was well filled, Friday evening, when the Bartlett Glee club of Amesbury gave a concert, under the auspices of the Monday club. The programme included songs by the club, a duet and solos by Mrs. Alice Holmes, who was a friend of a great many people, having been a resident of this town until two years ago. A short play and an illustrated song “Lo A Miniature”, the participants being gowned in the Colonial costumes. The Entertainment Committee of the Monday club should be congratulated for having brought such a programme to the town.

One of the most elaborate and handsome affairs was given in the school auditorium hall of Hampton, Wednesday afternoon, from 3 to 5. Under the auspices of the Worker’s Circle, George B. French Co. of Portsmouth, staged an up-to-date fashion show on a flower arranged stage setting. Mrs. Maud Nudd, the president of the Circle, welcomed the guests and introduced Mr. Justin French, who was met with applause and gave a short talk in a pleasing manner. Charming living models, Miss Dix of Portsmouth, Mrs. Olney, Mrs. Ruth Palmer, Mrs. Munsey, Mrs. Maud Nudd, Miss Beatrice Howe, Miss Wilma Toppan, Miss Virginia Dennett, members of the circle displayed the costumes wonderfully well and brought ready applause from the audience. Music by the school’s orchestra under the direction of Mrs. Coombs, with Miss Eldridge at the piano, rendered delightful music during the time. Refreshments were served to the visitors, which filled the hall. Everybody expressing themselves as a perfect afternoon affair. The committee in charge, Mrs. Emma Young, Mrs. Mary Noyes, Mrs. Alice Norton, Mrs. Florence Sanborn, Mrs. Myrtha Emery, to whom great credit is due.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church held its annual meeting in the church vestry, Wednesday, May 13, with a large attendance.

The officers elected for the coming year were as follows:

President, Mrs. Alice Elliot; Vice-president, Mrs. Alice Barker; Vice President, Mrs. Mary Walton; Secretary, Mrs. Nellie White; Treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Godfrey.

Ways and Means Committee: Mrs. Ed Towle, Mrs. Herbert Perkins, Mrs. Chester Marston, Mrs. Mabel Blake, Mrs. George Moore; Mrs. George. Sunshine Committee: Mrs. Jennie Godfrey, Mrs. Ethel Walker, Mrs. Alice Blake, Mrs. Charles Kierstead. Social Committee: Mrs. Elizabeth Howe, Mrs. Emma Parker, Mrs. Nellie White.

A splendid boiled dinner was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ed Towle, Mrs. Herbert Perkins and Mrs. Fred Thompson.