Hampton News


The exact date of our Lord’s birth is not known. Long before the star appeared in the sky and the angels chanted their songs over the plains of Bethlehem there was a “festival of light” to commemorate the passing of the winter solstice. The early Church, with a wisdom that we must admire, took this pagan festival and consecrated it to a higher use and made it mark the birth of Christ.

The student of history must believe that one increasing purpose runs through the ages. The past comes to us transfigured and glorified by the mist of the years. But when we go back and strip the past of its illusory splendor we find that the world of yesterday was not so good as the world of today. There has been advance, and the rough and rocky path which the race travels winds upward to some unimagined goal.

Christmas this year is a time for rejoicing and hope. Two twin evils which have scourged the race are in process of elimination-war and intoxication. The Lacarno conference marks the greatest step forward since Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. It is not too much to believe that we may look forward to a warless world. The habits of a people cannot be changed in a day, and the eighteenth amendment is violated and will continue to be violated. But there is an increasing sentiment in favor of prohibition. The unparalleled prosperity of the United States is an argument for temperance which cannot be overlooked. And the sentiment across the water is steadily rising in favor of moderation. Business men, manufacturers and statesmen are realizing that a drunken Europe cannot compete with a sober United States.

There are shadows as well as high lights. But the condition of the world today is better than at any time since the war, and we may face the future with confidence and with hope. The swing is upward. Christ did not live and die in vain.

Christmas, The Birthday of Christ

Two thousand years ago there was cradled in a manger at Bethlehem the Christ child, who came as the Savior of men.

“God so loved the world that he gave….” The true spirit of Christmas is of love and good will toward men in all the world. Let this spirit which is the spirit of the Christ, be uppermost in our hearts and homes.

And, to all the people of Hampton we would send:
“Just a word to you this Yuletide
In the good old-fashioned way,
Merry Christmas and God bless you-
Other things, one well might say,
But I like the plain old phrasing
For this day of all the year,
Merry Christmas and God bless you
With His best of Christmas cheer.”


Mr. Richard Shelton spent Wednesday in Boston.

Mrs. Scott Noyes and her daughter Margaret spent Saturday visiting the stores and Santa Claus in Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lane and Mrs. Herbert Marston left Boston Friday night on the Everglade Limited for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lane are to spend the winter months at their bungalow in St. Petersburg. Mrs. Marston will join her husband at Tampa.

The Annual Red Cross Roll Call netted $165.00 and this is due to the work of the nursing committee who gave generously of their time and effort in doing this work.

On December 10 Miss Marion Garland entertained the “H. F.” club at her home on Winnicumment road.

Mrs. A. W. Gookin had as recent guests her sister, Mrs. Charles Reed and daughter, Isabel of Amherst, N. S.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dumas of Hampton Beach sailed Tuesday, December 15, on the SS ONTARIO of the Merchants & Miners line from Boston to Jacksonville.

Miss Evelyn C. Hobbs observed her fifteenth birthday at her home on Tuesday evening, December 15. Some of her schoolmates were present. Refreshments were served and games played. The room was beautifully decorated. She received a number of gifts. The party broke up at a late hour, all wishing Evelyn many happy returns of the day.

Will all the members of the Mothers’ Circle and Monday club who have donations of clothing or toys for the Franklin Home Christmas box please leave them at Mrs. Marvin Young’s home, not later than Sunday noon, as the box has to be mailed Monday.

The next meeting of the Monday club will be held Monday afternoon December 21, at the home of Mrs. Wilson Olney, with Mrs. Irvin Leavitt assistant hostess. The program for the afternoon will include a Christmas tree for the members. Will every member kindly have their gifts at Mrs. Toppan’s not later than Saturday so the hostesses can have the tree in readiness when the members arrive? If any member is taking a guest, be sure and provide a gift for her; also notify the hostess. It is hoped that every member will make a special effort to be at this meeting.

The Men’s club meets Monday night with an interesting program. A roast beef supper will be served before the program.

The Parent-Teacher association held a very excellent meeting Monday evening. The third and fourth grades gave a short program of songs. Mrs. Olney then introduced Mr. Clifton Towle, superintendent of the Exeter schools. He likened the association to a business, the Parent & Teacher the partners, the schools the plant and the children the dividends. His talk was very interesting and greatly enjoyed by all. The hostesses for the evening, Mrs. Emma Young and Mrs. Christopher Toppan served sandwiches and hot chocolate to the gathering in the dining room.

The every-member canvass of the Congregational church will be held next Sunday afternoon. The current expenses of the church will be larger this year than last and it is hoped that each person when visited will be ready to sign the pledge cards carrying a larger contribution.

Wednesday afternoon the Congregational chapel, gaily decorated with evergreen and red and green crepe paper, by the young members of the church under Hilda Morse’s directions, presented a lovely setting for the very successful Christmas sale. The pleasant weather brought out a great many people who eagerly purchased the many things on the tables for helps in their Christmas shopping. At 5:30 Mrs. Everett Nudd and her workers served a very fine hot beef loaf supper in the vestry. Mr. Emma Young, the president of the Ladies’ Aid and the guiding spirit and inspiration for the sale should be congratulated for its success and the choice of such efficient chairmen as she had for all the tables. One of the fair features was the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus at 3:30. They handed out numerous gifts to all those present. About $150.00 was cleared. The committee wishes to express their gratitude for the spontaneous assistance of all who were called upon, and to the public for their patronage.

Every community in the state is now carrying on a drive to obtain its part of the $50,000 Publicity fund which is being raised to supplement the $25,000 voted by the last legislature. New Hampshire has the most and best in natural resources and all it needs is nation-wide advertising. This $50,000 fund is for that purpose. Hampton is so situated and so highly endowed by nature that it is of great importance in the publicity campaign. Because of this and because of the vast returns which will come to this town, it is given one of the largest apportionments in Rockingham county. In order to raise this sum quickly a committee of twenty or more of the business men of Hampton has been appointed. Each will receive an official notice from county headquarters, and a meeting will be held soon to organize and carry on the drive.

Willie Write Wins by Public Vote

When the two million votes were finally counted, in the contest among the Writes for a permanent position on the UNION staff, Willie Write, youngest member of the hieroglyphic folk family, was found to have a million and a half of the total number. So, from now on Willie Write will be called Will Write, and will write a column a week for the paper.

King Mind naturally felt sorry for the losers, Otto Write, Bee Write, Nott Write and Izzy Write. But he thought of a simple plan to keep them all happy. They are going to report for Willie! Beginning next week Will Write is going to publish his work under the head of “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”. Mind has already assigned the others their jobs: Otto Write, digging out interesting historical facts; Issy Write, recording current events; Nott Write, forecasting the future, and Bee Write, re-writing the Writes’ writing right.

This week they are all contributing to the column under the captions they used during the contest.

Withs and Withouts
– by –
Willie Write

The skating is fine on our town ponds WITH no snow yet to spoil the fun.

But WITHOUT looking where he was going Clifton Marston skated over the dam at Thanny Batchelder’s pond yesterday. Didn’t hurt Kink any, though. However, Thanny put up a blockade to prevent any further arieal stunts.

WITH the repairs being made at the Town hall we should soon have a meeting place fit for a king.

Is-es and Isn’ts
– by –
Izzy Write

There ISN’T anyone who regrets that he attended the public supper at Ocean Side grange hall, so far as we know. Fact IS the regretting IS the other way around -among those who didn’t attend.

Incidentally, there IS going to be a Christmas tree at the meeting of the grange Friday (tomorrow) night. All members are requested to bring a present for the tree.

Nots, Knotty Nots and Why-Nots
– by –
Nott Write

There was hardly a person who was NOT costumed at the Junior prom last Saturday night at the hall. The dance was well attended, too.

WHYNOT be one of many who are going to see the big Christmas pageant at the Town hall, Sunday evening?

B’s and Before’s
– by –
Bee Write

Coming out of the Town hall, Wednesday, Etta Murray challenged several other girls to a race. BEFORE she knew what had happened down she went! Poor Etta is lamed, maimed and badly bruised.

The boys in the shoe shop presented Harold Winchester with a leather traveling bag BEFORE he went out of town on a visit, recently.

Santa Claus came to town BEFORE Christmas this year. He was at the Congregational Ladies’ Aid fair Wednesday.

And Bee Write says, “The Ladies certainly had a fair that was more than fair-it was excellent!”

Aughts, Oughts and Idle Thoughts

You OUGHT to see Ralph Thompson in his new Essex. Probably you have, anyway.

Perhaps we OUGHT to mention that the federal officer seized a Ford coupe, heavily loaded with booze, in town recently.


After a “try-out” by those who wished to be on the debating team, the following were chosen: Verna White, Marjorie Wood, Allan Scoog, Enid Wyman, Mildred Collins, Hollis Johnson, Helen Lamprey, and Joseph Raymond. They were divided into two teams, the negative and the affirmative. Judging by the results of the try-out, the Academy is sure to have strong teams for the year 1926.

A very successful masquerade social was given at the Town hall on Saturday evening, the twelfth, by the Junior class of the school. Prizes were given for the most unique and the most beautiful costume. Philip Nudd, dressed as a shiek, received the prize for the most unique, and Bernice White as a Chinese girl, received the prize for the prettiest.

Part of the evening was spent in playing interesting games, and the remaining time, until half past ten, was spent in dancing. Joe Raymond’s Moonlight, Serenaders furnished the music.

Mrs. A. T. Johnson, Mrs. William Tarr, and Mrs. Eugene Tilton acted as patronesses, and were also the judges of the costumes.