Hampton News

A band concert will be held this Thursday night (July 1) at 7:30. Next week the concert will also be held on Thursday evening but after that Monday will be the regular night for the concert.

The Baptist Sunday School observed Children’s Day Sunday evening. The service was a pageant, “Heroines of Faith,” in charge of Theodate Hobbs assisted by Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Eno. Mrs. Coombs assisted in the music.

Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Warren attended the commencement exercises at Bowdoin College last week. The occasion was of especial interest to them as their son, Donald, was a member of the graduating class, receiving his A. B. cum laude. Donald was one of four commencement speakers and was awarded two prizes, one of $30 for the best extemporaneous English composition and one of $45 for the best written and best delivered commencement part.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pressey of St. Petersburg, Fla., have arrived in Hampton after spending a few days in Salem, Mass., with their son, Mr. Charles H. Pressey.

Mrs. E. A. Proctor of St. Louis, Mo., drove from that city with her three children, Frank, Kenneth and Laura Mae, to the Beach, a total distance of 1350 miles, arriving here on Tuesday. She will be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pressey for a few weeks.

It was the T. S. G. club and not the H. T. G. club which held an all day meeting with Mrs. Robert Brown recently. The club will continue its meetings all summer. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Harold Bonser, July 12.

The W. C. T. U. held a very pleasant meeting on Friday with Mrs. Anna S. Ross. This is the last meeting of the fiscal year. The president, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, will call the next meeting in October.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary will be entertained on Wednesday, July 7, in the chapel. The leader, Miss Akerman; devotions, Mrs. Perkins; music, Mrs. Ward; hostesses, Mrs. and Miss Marston.

Mrs. Flora Lane is entertaining her nephew and family, Mr. Carl Burmingham.

Mrs. Warren Batchelder is very critically ill.

The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Christopher are rejoiced to learn of their good fortune in having a large legacy left to them by an aunt of Mrs. Christopher’s.

Mrs. William Hunter and daughter, Alice, of Wiscasset, Maine, are visiting Mrs. Hunter’s mother, Mrs. John Elliot, of Highland avenue, for a time.

Mrs. Church and daughter, Beatrice, have arrived in town for the summer.

Through the kindness of Mrs. H. G. Lane with her auto a number of ladies attended the county W. C. T. U. meeting in Portsmouth on Wednesday. It was a most excellent meeting and although the principal speaker scheduled was unable to be present, Dr. Lake of Portsmouth and Rev. Mr. Boyd of Exeter very kindly gave excellent impromptu addresses. Mrs. S. M. Lane gave a fine paper on law enforcement in the South and was asked to have it published. Several ladies went down in the afternoon with Miss Addie Marston

It is hoped every member of the Relief Corps will plan to attend the next meeting, July 14. The Dept. President will be present and will bring with her a party of ladies who will present a fine entertainment.

The Public Health Nurse will have office hours from 9-10 A. M. at the Centre School, telephone 200. She will be glad to talk to any of the parents who wish to consult with her about their children. It is of great importance to the parents that all defects such as vision, teeth, tonsils, and vaccinations be corrected during this summer vacation.

Ocean Side Grange, No. 260, of Hampton N. H., will hold a meeting in the hall above Mr. E.G. Cole’s grocery store, tomorrow (Friday) evening. Everyone who belongs to this fraternal organization within a 50-mile radius is expected to be present, for business of prime importance is scheduled; an argument is promised as part of the literary program, and the special caterers (appointed to feed this innumerable gathering) are holding out tempting and palatable delicacies from the culinary headquarters. Why not be one of the five thousand?

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Perkins of High street, with their daughter Ruth and son Walter, spent the weekend visiting friends in Nahant and Lynn, Mass.

Miss Margaret Perkins, a teacher in the schools of Braintree, Mass., arrived in Hampton Tuesday to pass the summer with her parents on High street.

Most of the residents of Hampton went to the Beach Wednesday evening to witness the big display of fireworks which was one of the features of the official opening of the Beach season. Those present said there was the largest aggregation of autos ever seen on Hampton Beach without exception, but to estimate the total number was an impossibility. The Beach road was blocked from the Casino to the town hall and Marsh avenue was in the same condition.

Supposing a fire had broken out in Hampton Village last evening between 8:00 and 10:00 o’clock, of what benefit would out splendid fire department have been?

Mrs. Elizabeth Pray had a birthday last week Tuesday. Ninety-five years is a good old age but Mrs. Pray is so bright and cheery that no one would think she was so old. She has her facilities in remarkable degree. She was not in her usual health on her birthday owing to an attack of grippe, so it was passed quietly with calls from friends and gifts from many. Mrs. Pray’s memory is not impaired and she is interested in old and young, past and present.

The Congregational Missionary Society will be held in the Chapel on Wednesday the seventh. It will consist of a picnic lunch at supper time.

Mrs. Leonora B. Wing of the Deaconess Hospital and her friend, Miss Florence Griffin, dietician at the Massachusetts General, were guests at Mrs. Lucy A. Marston’s last week.