Hampton News

Miss Janet Ward is entertaining her friend, Miss Louise Harding, of Lebanon. Miss Harding is teaching in Maynard, Mass. She was a classmate of Miss Ward in the N. H. University.

Mrs. Harlan P. Wells has been suffering intensely for past three weeks with a felon. It is much better, but still painful.

Mr. Harlon who recently purchased the Jenness place is quite ill and his family was obliged to place him in the sanitarium in Concord.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sanderson are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, April 15. Mr. Sanderson is well known in Hampton as Globe correspondent from Portsmouth and vicinity.

Paint-Up and Clean-Up Campaign May 8 to 15. Help the children sell their Crusader’s Clean-Up and Paint-Up stamps. Teams will collect Wednesday, May 12. Routes of teams will be as follows: Town to Parker Lamprey’s (Beach road) to Old Mill road as far as Fred Perkins’ farm house. Exeter road far as first Guinea road. Lafayette road as far as overhead bridge. High street to Five Corners, up left hand road over hill to Four Corners, down past stand pipe to DeLancey’s corner, then through Park avenue. Also Academy avenue and Highland avenue. If stormy Wednesday the teams will collect Thursday, the 13th, in the morning.

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a degree staff rehearsal Saturday evening, May 8, at 7:30 sharp. Supper will be held at 7 promptly on Tuesday evening, May 11, after which the visitation of Rebekah Lodge will take place, president of Rebekah Assembly in attendance. Seventeen Rebekahs, recently, in connection with the Odd Fellows, attended divine service at the Line Congregational church in Seabrook.

Mr. William T. Ross has been entertaining his cousin Mrs. Hedley Cooper of 106 Beacon street, Boston, for the past ten days.

The remains of Mrs. Alice Lee of Boston were brought to Hampton for burial on Tuesday. Also those of Mr. John Hobbs.

Mrs. Marian Dove of Portsmouth who has been visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Harold Bonser for the past three weeks returned to her home on Wednesday.

The president of the W. R. Corps would very much like to have the Memorial exercises carried on the same as they were in years gone by with address and orchestra. The exercises are for veterans of all wars and as the town appropriates one hundred and fifty dollars for memorial exercises it expects an adequate return.

You remember reading in the daily papers, not so long ago, of the great hop to Hawaii by the United States Air Forces in the Plane P-N9? The plane was lost in the Pacific for a number of days. Now is your chance to see this page of Modern History, interwoven with a pleasing story, in motion pictures at the Centre School Friday, May 7th. Emory Johnson’s latest success “The Non-Stop Flight” produced with the special cooperation of the United States Navy, supplying Dreadnoughts, Destroyers, Submarines and Seaplanes, among them the gigantic plane P-N9. More than merely a show world document of tremendous scope and significance. The laughs can be given to Mack Sennett’s comedy, “The Hollywood Kid”. Also Pathe News and Bray Cartoon. Patronize Your Local Movies. Show starts at 7:45 o’clock. Same show Saturday night at Centennial Hall, North Hampton.

Chief Whiting of the Fire Department received his new car last Monday. It is a beauty and will be of much service to the chief.

Miss Julia Cronin, first district nurse in Hampton, is visiting with Mrs. Flora Lane. From there she will go to Mrs. Wingate’s for the rest of the week.

The Monday Club has two delegates at the federation convention in Laconia this week.

The H. T. G. Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Everett Nudd on Thursday. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Coffin and Mrs. Brooks. Very appetizing refreshments of lobster salad, hot rolls, fruit, ice cream, olives, nuts, candies and coffee were served by the hostess.

Miss Leonore Lane with her friend and class mate in Smith College Miss Irene Bruckert of Harrison, New York spent the week end with her parents.

The Whatsoever Mission Circle will hold its next meeting in the vestry of the Congregational church Saturday afternoon, May 8, at 2:30 o’clock. The hostesses will be Gladys and Dorothy Gilpatrick and Edith Emery.

The Loyal Workers Class of the Baptist Church is to hold a food sale in Mr. Howard Lane’s vacant store, Saturday afternoon at three o’clock. Aside from the home made food on sale tea and sandwiches are to be served for ten cents. Come early.