Hampton News

An April Fool snow storm?Hear the Weather Man laugh!

Mrs. Alice Barker has been ill for the past few days with a grippe cold.

Miss Beatrice Howe has succumbed to the widespreading influenza, and is ill at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bragg are the happy parents of a little girl, born to them Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godfrey of Boston were week-end guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt.

Charles Godfrey, son of the late Washington Godfrey, was a recent guest in the home of Mr. Frank Leavitt.

The wedding and reception of Miss Cora Hazel Brown and Mr. Norman Marston Coffin will take place Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt are receiving the congratulations of the community on the birth of a little daughter, born Saturday afternoon at the Exeter hospital.

Miss Eleanor Marston, who is Art instructor at the State Normal School, Shippensburg, Pa., is spending a few days of her Easter vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Marston.

Mrs. Jennie Godfrey, Lafayette road, is ill with the grippe.

Donald Warren is at home with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Warren, during the vacation period at Bowdoin College, where he is a student.

Mrs. Roland P. Shaw and little daughter, Anita, are spending a week at the home of Mrs. Shaw’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perley D. Lamprey.

Some of the members of our local Women’s Relief Corps are planning to attend the convention in Concord, April 7. The Concord Corps will perform the ritualistic work at that time.

Mrs. Mary L. Keene visited her brother, Sherman Shaw, in Kensington on Monday. Mr. Shaw is very ill with pneumonia. His life has been despaired of, till last evening there was a little change for the better.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Noyes were at home over the week end, visiting Mrs. Noyes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliot, and relatives of Mr. Noyes, his sister, Mrs. Ruth Merrill, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Noyes. They also called upon Mr. Roland Noyes, in Portsmouth, Sunday.

The Monday Club will hold its regular meeting Monday afternoon at the Centre School. It is Reciprocity Day and the other clubs in the district have been invited. Members may also bring guests. Professor J. H. Heplar of the University of New Hampshire is to speak on landscape gardening.

Quite a number of ladies attended the W. C. T. U. convention in Exeter. A very fine meeting with the state president and state corresponding secretary present, was held. Mrs. Ross gave a comprehensive paper on Law Enforcement and Mrs. L. A. Marston a pleasing paper on Child Welfare.

The spectacular melodrama “Flaming Waters” will be the screen attraction at the Local Movie Theatre, Center School, on Friday, April 2. The adventurous setting of the oil fields, spectacular effects, sensational rescues, a rattling story and high lights of charming comedy are some of the features of this master production. Then, Stan Laurel in “The Soilers” has laughs galore and should hit everyone’s funny bone. Also Bray Cartoon and Pathe News. Come and enjoy a real night’s entertainment. Patronize your local movies. Show starts at 7:45 o’clock. Feature Picture is screened at 8:35.

One of the pleasantest gatherings of the season was the shower given to Miss Gertrude Blake and her fiancé in the Methodist vestry on Monday evening. Mr. Fred Blake and family were invited to tea at their cousin’s, Mrs. Herbert Perkins’; then all were invited to the church to hear a rehearsal for the Missionary society. There were 60 or more people waiting and the lights were turned low, and when Gertrude came in she was greeted by a loud welcome but though it was a complete surprise, she was very self-possessed and ladylike through it all. There were many young people of both sexes, with whom Gertrude is a great favorite, with many older ones present. Two tables, loaded with gifts, were placed before Gertrude and Arthur Sherburne and, assisted by her cousin, Mrs. Helen Perkins, they were opened and admired. There was a very fine assortment of gifts, including a pair of silver candlesticks, and it seemed nearly everything one could desire. Refreshments of delicious cakes and cocoa were served; games were played, and everyone wished for Gertrude all the happiness she deserves.

Last Saturday evening, in the town hall, the drama “Civil Service” was presented by a cast of local grange members and Alvin Emery, a pupil at the Academy. Mr. Emery kindly replaced Robert Elliot when it seemed doubtful that the latter would be able to take part.

The actors performed their several parts with a show of real ability and they were well applauded.

Mrs. Emma Young consented to act as coach, when it was found that Mrs. Margaret Noyes would be unable to be present. Mrs. Noyes had become ill with the grippe.

After the play a social dance was held. Ice cream was sold. Altogether the order realized a fair margin of profit for their work. Doubtless the play will be repeated in some of the neighboring towns.

The Grange desires to thank all those who assisted in any way towards the success of this venture.

Tomorrow night, in the town hall, Ocean Side Grange will act as host to Rye and Hampton Falls granges. It is expected that the State Master will be present. The local organization will confer the fourth degree, Rye will confer the third upon a class of candidates. The visiting orders will furnish the literary program.

A special invitation has been sent out to past masters of Ocean Side. This should be the occasion of a real meeting.

The death of Mrs. Flora Thompson, wife of Rev. Augustus Thompson, formerly pastor of the Advent Church in Hampton, did not come unexpectedly to her friends here, as she had been failing for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson had been, since last fall, with some of their children in Port Clyde, Me. They have nine living children. They came to Hampton in the autumn of 1919 and Mr. Thompson became pastor of the Advent church, preaching there acceptably for about five years. Mrs. Thompson was a quiet, reverent woman, going out but little, but a good and kind neighbor. Her health failed long ago and she has been confined to her home. Mr. Thompson was always courteous and kind, liked and respected by his neighbors, who all, with other friends in town, extend to him heartfelt sympathy in his sorrow and loss.