Hampton News

Miss Wilma Toppan is spending a few days in West Newberry, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears are in Boston during this vacation week.

Miss Eleanor Lane is spending her vacation in Lakeport with her aunt.

The Friendly Class will meet with Mrs. Bernice Palmer Friday evening February 26.

Mrs. Robert Barker Jr. is assisting Miss White at the Exeter Academy this week.

Miss Etta Blake was called to Salem Mass., by the illness of her sister and little son.

Mrs. C. S. Toppan, Miss Elizabeth Toppan and Mrs. John L. Bryant spent Thursday in Boston.

Mrs. Marion Jenness went to Boston on Thursday to meet Miss Marston and spend the day in Boston.

Dr. Arthur Ward went to Somerville on Wednesday morning and will return on this Thursday morning.

The Junior Class of Hampton Academy will hold its food sale at Lane’s store Saturday afternoon, February 27, at 2:30.

Mrs. A. M. True and daughter will probably return next week from their western trip, as they expected to be gone for one month.

Miss Etta W. Toothaker of Middleboro, Mass., is spending her week’s vacation at the home of her father, M. E. Toothaker, Landing road.

Miss I. J. Trefethen is in Ridgewood, N. J. keeping house for Mrs. Milton Labou, 145 Monte Vista Place. Mrs. Labou is in California.

The Mothers’ Circle will hold a meeting in the Centre School auditorium on Wednesday evening, the third of March. The program for this night will be the one planned for March 24. Mrs. Keene, Margaret Noyes and Myrtha Emery will be the hostesses.

Candidates for town office who wish their names on the Australian ballot, March 9, should file their nomination papers with the town clerk on or before March 4. Twenty-five signatures of legal voters will entitle the candidate to have his name printed on the ballot.

The Congregational Ladies’ Aid was entertained on Tuesday by Mrs. Carl Bragg with 25 present. Much work was accomplished and an interesting meeting held. A delicious luncheon of fruit salad, chocolate cake, silver cake, home made cookies and Russian tea was served by the hostess.

The report of the board of directors of the street railway which will appear in the town report, to be issued next week, contains a full financial report for the past year and recommendations for the future by President Greenman. The report should receive careful study before town meeting in order than the voters may act intelligently at that time.

A very pleasant meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at Mrs. Cleveland’s on Friday. Owing to the stormy weather and very bad walking but few could be there. Considerable business was discussed and plans made for work. The hostess served a pleasing lunch. Mrs. Hattie Eno and Mrs. Lida Perkins gave a pleasing little temperance dialog. Mrs. Barker was prevented by Mr. Barker’s illness from being present so the meeting was in charge of Mrs. L. A. Marston.

A Republican caucus was held in the town hall Tuesday evening with an average audience. Ernest G. Cole called the meeting to order and later was chosen Chairman. C. F. Adams was chosen secretary. The following were nominated: For town clerk, William Brown; selectman for 3 years, Lemuel C. Ring; town treasurer, Chester G. Marston; Collector of taxes, William Brown. No auditors were nominated. All the foregoing are the present incumbents and each received unanimous votes. William Brown for town clerk received 52 votes and 45 for collector of taxes. Lemuel C. Ring received 52 votes for selectman, and Chester G. Marston, for treasurer, 51 votes.

Mr. Frank E. Leavitt and Miss Adeline Marston went to West Somerville on Wednesday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mr. Chapman.

The Loyal Workers class of the Baptist church, consisting of twenty members, met Tuesday evening with Mrs. Charles Perkins for their first regular business meeting. The officers elected are Mrs. Charles Perkins, president; Mrs. Lillian Roberts, vice president; Mrs. Annie Garland, secretary; Mrs. Hamilton, treasurer; Mrs. Hattie Eno, press reporter. The social committee: Mrs. Irvin Leavitt, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Fred Perkins and Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Hamilton sang a very beautiful duet, “When I look in His Face.” It was voted to invite a speaker for the class in the near future. Dainty refreshments were served.

The many friends in town of Mrs. Mary Godfrey Chipman who had known of her long illness were not surprised to hear of her death on Monday, the 22nd. She became unconscious on Sunday and her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Ward, was summoned, and is still in the home at West Somerville.

Mrs. Chipman has been tenderly cared for by her oldest daughter, Martha, who has been faithful and devoted to he rmother during her trying illness. She has been assisted for months by her aunt, Mrs. Addie Brown. Mrs. Chipman was in her 66th year, the youngest of the family of 14 children of Captain Jonathan and Theodate Godfrey. This was one of the oldest families of the town. She was a fine scholar and a graduate of Salem Normal School. She was always a great reader, but chose only the best books; there was nothing inferior in her character. She gave her best and required the best from others. Frail in body, she had indomitable courage and will, and accomplished wonders. She lost her sight some time ago but remained interested in hearing others read and her mind was filled with beautiful thoughts. She was the wonder and admiration of her friends. Sorrows she had, and many trials, but like a brave little soldier marched on and conquered. She left six devoted children to mourn her loss. The funeral was held at her pleasant home in West Somerville, with a large number of friends present and she was literally buried in flowers, gifts of her many friends. She will be brought to Hampton for burial. Seven of her brothers and sisters are left to mourn the loss of little sister Mary.