Hampton News

Mrs. E. J. Card of Alton Bay will speak in the vestry of the Baptist Church Friday, May 21, at 2:30 P. M. Her subject will be “The Next Task For Women.” All Hampton ladies are cordially invited. Mrs. Card was present at the recent hearing of Congress on the subject of Prohibition. Her message to the women of Hampton is assured to draw their interest.

Miss Theodate Hobbs arrived in Hampton last Monday from New Orleans, La., where she attends a school of religious education. Miss Hobbs will spend the summer visiting relatives of this town.

The large barn on the estate of the late Joseph B. Brown is being taken down for removal to the Beach where it will be made into a dwelling house. The Bryants have no present use for the barn and the high price for lumber makes it advantageous to use the lumber which it contains.

W. S. Vittum, for many years in the real estate business in Haverhill, has opened an office at his residence on 15th Street, North Shore. He will make a specialty of North Shore property.

In the Methodist Church, Sunday, Rev. Mr. Barker had as a Mother’s Day text the Master’s words to that loved disciple: “Behold thy mother.” The choir sang “I’m Wearing a Flower For You, Mother Dear” (women’s voices), Mrs. Gale, alto, and Miss Marguerite Moaratty, soprano, sang a duet, “Mother’s Prayer”, and William Elliot, “Dear Little Mother of Mine.”

The Parent Teacher’s Association met Monday evening for the opportunity of visiting open session of evening school which the superintendent, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Sears, principal and the teachers made possible. This was a wonderful chance for the parents to visit school and see the active daily work of the pupils. Each room added their share of the splendid work being done, from the Domestic class to the Manual Training. The folk dance and first aid room with the school nurse, Miss Eldridge, in attendance were much enjoyed by the large company assembled. Bread from the Domestic Science Class was on exhibition and the judges had hard work to decide as each loaf was excellent. The names of the winners will be announced in next week’s paper.

Mrs. Wilson Olney has gone to New York with her sister, Mrs. Edna Gill Harding, who has been visiting in Hampton for the week.

Mrs. Gertrude Carlyle from Bradford, Mass., was a welcome guest at the Rebekah visitation of the lodge on Tuesday evening, calling on old friends later.

The Monday Club will meet with Mrs. Arthur Sears on Monday, the 17th, at three o’clock. Mrs. James Hutchins will be assistant hostess. This will be their Annual meeting.

Mrs. Everett Coombs the musical director of the school is confined to the house by illness. Her friends hope for a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Norman Coffin has entered Portsmouth hospital. Her friends will gladly herald her return.

Mrs. John Cummings is spending the week in Malden and Boston.

The Ladies Aid of the Congregational Church held their last meeting for the summer with Mrs. Sears, unless they are called together by the vice president to plan for the annual lawn party.

Mrs. William Cash goes to Lynn, Mass., Thursday, for medical treatment.

The Fashion Show under the auspices of the Mother’s Circle was held in the Centre School building, Wednesday afternoon. It was a very successful affair. Beautiful gowns and handsome ladies for models, with a background of elaborate decorations, consisting of ferns, cherry blossoms and roses, made an attractive setting. George French & Son from Portsmouth were the exhibitors and received many compliments. Billy Stevens furnished the music. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were furnished. The committee in charge was Mrs. Emma Young, Mrs. Mary Noyes, Mrs. Alice Norton, Mrs. Maude Nudd and they take this opportunity to thank all who kindly assisted in any way in making the annual fashion show a success.

Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt is quite ill with a very bad cold.

Mrs. R. B. Shelton accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Cummings on their trip to Webster, Mass., as far as Worcester, the home of Mrs. Shelton’s sister.

Mrs. Russell Leavitt is enjoying a visit from her mother, for whom the new baby, Catherine Elizabeth, is named. The latter is a very beautiful baby.

The school session held on Monday evening was enjoyed by those present but it was not very well advertised and many did not attend for this reason who would liked to have.

Mrs. Mabel Blake and family have returned from the South after spending the winter there in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Mr. Henry Towle of Manchester is visiting his brother and sister Mrs. Abbie and Charles Towle on Lafayette road.

Sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Marston for the shock from the fire so near their home on Saturday. A fire department may be expensive but it is certainly a great comfort to have one to call upon. The men are very efficient and courteous.

A three alarm call brought out all the apparatus of the department except one chemical for a brush fire in Giles Swamp which threatened the residences of D. Asbury Marston and Samuel Ware on Lafayette road, Saturday afternoon.

The fire is believed to have originated from a spark from a passing freight engine which set fire to the brush in the freight yard and quickly spread up the bank and into the thick brush in Giles Swamp.

The blaze was noticed by two boys soon after it started who rang in an alarm from the box near Dana Chase’s and about the same time Edgar Howe sent a call from the box near his home. To the alarms the greater part of the apparatus responded and made a quick run from the Beach. Chief Whiting came up in his new car and found the situation so serious, owing to the high wind and dry brush, that he had a third alarm rung in which brought out the big combination, but soon after its arrival the situation was so well under control that this piece was sent back to the station.

The fire approached very close to Mr. Marston’s house, but was checked in time, and except for injury to growing wood no damage was done.

The department again proved its efficiency in handling a difficult situation, for which Chief Whiting can be rightly congratulated.

William W. Tobey, a native and for many years a resident of Eliot, died Tuesday at the home of his son, N. P. Tobey at Hampton, aged 82 years. Mr. Tobey was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and had a host of friends throughout this section. He is survived by his wife, Annie M. Tobey, one son, N. P. Tobey, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. One of the grandchildren, Chester W. Tobey of California, is now en route to his former home. The funeral was held at Buckminster Chapel Portsmouth. Rev. E. E. Eno of the Hampton Baptist church conducted the services. William Brown was the undertaker in charge until the day of the funeral.