Hampton News

The Friendly Class will meet with Miss Etta Blake, Friday evening.

Mrs. Willard Emery has been very ill with influenza at the home of her mother in Amesbury. Her friends will be pleased to know that she is on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Harry A. Penniman of Cambridge and Mrs. Mabel Fitz of Boston were week end guests of Mrs. Sara E. Rose at her home, Rose Cottage, Winnicummet Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Blake of Boston week end guests of Mr. John C. Blake.

Memorial Day is drawing near and though few old soldiers are left they plan to do as they did last year, hold all services in the cemetery, as that is all they feel able to do. The school will probably have exercises and the school orchestra will, if they can, be procured to furnish the music.

The many friends of Miss Etta Blake are glad to welcome her home after an absence of six weeks.

Friends of Mrs. Almira Knowles, who has been in Exeter Hospital for many weeks, was remembered on her 83rd birthday, Wednesday, by a nice box of gifts of all kinds from friends in Hampton.

Mrs. Arthur H. Ward is in Washington as a delegate to the D. A. R. meeting, being honored as a page at the convention. Her sister, Miss Martha Chipman, is caring for the family.

Miss Carrie Belle Nudd has returned after spending the winter in Norwood, Mass.

Miss Elizabeth Norris has also returned to her home on Lafayette road.

Dr. Ward has been in Cambridge hospital for two days, attending clinics there.

Rockingham Lodge, No. 22, I. O. O. F. and Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26 have been invited to attend divine service at the Line Church, Seabrook, on Sunday, April 25, in observance of the one hundred seventh anniversary of the founding of the order. All members are urged to attend.

Another special feature attraction will be seen at the Centre School, Your Local Movie Theatre, this week Friday, April 23. The picture of pictures, “Drusilla With a Million” with a remarkable cast headed by Mary Carr, Kenneth Harlan and Priscilla Bonner. “Drusilla With a Million” is a picture that will steal your heart away, vibrating with life and drama and revealing the golden heart of motherhood as never before seen on the screen. Don’t miss this super-attraction. Hal Roach stars in a Pathe comedy, “Thundering Landlords” as the laugh-getter. Animated cartoons in the Bray Cartoon Comedy “Dinky Doodle and the Hunt”. Also Pathe News. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening’s entertainment. Show starts at 7:45; feature picture screened at 8:35. The same program will also be shown at Centennial Hall, North Hampton, Saturday night, April 24.

Miss Constance L. Adams is visiting her relatives in Sherborne this week.

Married at the Baptist parsonage Saturday evening, April 17, Mr. Newland Berry and Mrs. Helen A. Carl, both of Newburyport, Mass.

The Rev. Edward E. Eno united in marriage Mr. Perley R. George of Hampton and Miss Elsie Pierce of Newburyport, Mass., at the Baptist parsonage Sunday afternoon, April 18, at two o’clock.

The Loyal Workers’ Class of the Baptist Church is to hold a business meeting and social hour at the home of Mrs. Lillian Roberts, Tuesday evening, April 27. A full attendance is desired. Mrs. Howard Lane is to speak on the church activities in the South.

The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Perkins on Friday, April 23, at 2:30 P.M. Mrs. Eno will give a report of the County Convention. Members are requested to bring the dollar for the experience gift or send it to Mrs. Roberts.

The H. T. G. Club was pleasantly entertained on Thursday by Mrs. Anna S. Ross. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Munsey and Mrs. Janvrin. Dainty refreshments were served. The last party of the year will be entertained on Thursday, April 29, by Mrs. Maude Nudd.

Mr. Charles Raymond had the misfortune to hurt his foot very seriously last week. A horse stepped on his foot, tearing the top of his shoe off and lacerating the foot. It is apparent that a bone has been broken contrary to first impressions. An x-ray will be taken immediately. Mr. Raymond will be laid up for some time and will be missed in his North Hampton place of business, as he will in this town of his residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Feeney of Haverhill, with friends, spent the week end in their cottage at Plaice Cove.

The Monday Club was entertained this week in the Centre School building by Mrs. Munsey, assisted by Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Greene, as Mrs. Batchelder was ill. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Hutchins, because of illness, Mrs. Olney, the vice president, presided. A most excellent paper on “Reminiscences of the Revolution” was prepared and read by Mrs. Agnes Leavitt. Music was furnished by Mrs. Coffin and Mrs. Carberry. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Emma Young and Mrs. Nathan Tobey in the Tuck Memorial Park house. Each member may bring a guest and the Hampton Falls club is invited. The nominating committee appointed to bring in names of ladies to serve as officers next year is Mrs. Margaret Noyes, Mrs. Alice Elliott, and Mrs. Jessie Myers. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Ward, in Washington, Mrs. Noyes served as secretary pro tem. Very dainty refreshments were served.

Mrs. John Carberry is entertaining her sister, Miss Helen Googin, of Dover, this fortnight.

Mr. Oscar Garland was a welcome guest in the home of his parents over the week end. He has purchased a Dodge sedan which he is enjoying very much.

Mrs. Susan Frances (Goodwin) Norton, wife of Nelson J. Norton, passed away at her home about 11:00 o’clock Wednesday night. The funeral will be held at the Advent Church on Sunday at 2:00 P. M. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Mr. Norton is very ill with pneumonia, which makes the situation unusually sad for the family.

The change of time on the B. & M. will go into effect Sunday. Hampton gets all the usual summer trains except the 2:30 P. M. from Boston and it is expected that this train will make regular stops here when the Beach season opens.

The janitor of the Centre School building, Charles M. Batchelder, feels justly indignant that all his hard work to beautify the grounds go for naught because of the thoughtlessness of a few who attend the moving pictures Friday evenings and drive their autos across the lawn. At this time of year when the ground is soft the tires sink deeply into the sod and it is a very difficult matter to smooth up the lawn again. If those who see this notice will do their part in maintaining the beauty of the grounds and refrain from driving on the sod it will be much appreciated.

The bus service between Hampton and Exeter was taken over by the B. & M. this morning. The same time schedule will be maintained for the present.