Hampton Union

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By Wesley Powell, President


Hampton Union, Thursday, October 10, 1963

An Announcement

For many years, first through a partnership and then a corporation, the dedication and sacrifice of Edward S. Seavey, Jr., and Carl C. Bragg have made possible the devoted service of Hampton Publishing Company to the Seacoast Region and the State of New Hampshire. The outstanding citizenship of the Seavey and Bragg families as expressed through the company’s newspapers and printing plant will continue to be meaningful to our communities and State for many years to come.

The untimely passing of Mr. Seavey earlier this year has made necessary a company reorganization regarding which announcement is now timely.

Of first interest is the fact that Hampton Publishing Company is not only continuing its operations, but has plans for expansion. Also of paramount interest and of vital importance to the corporate organization is the fact that Mrs. Edward S. Seavey, Jr., and Carl C. Bragg will continue to be associated with the company and participants in its operations.

The services of the Hampton Union, The Rockingham County Gazette, and the company’s outstanding job printing plant have been sustained largely by the patronage of Seacoast Region citizens and businesses. The continuing support of the people of the area is solicited as essential to the future support of their community newspapers and the support of one of their larger pay rolls.

Elsewhere on this page may be seen the pictures of those who are the leaders of the Hampton Publishing Company family. They are citizens who share with us a common interest in every goal which can help develop a brighter future for our communities, State, and country.

the Hampton Union and The Rockingham County Gazette will continue ‘every effort to be family newspapers of good influence upon every home they reach.

Editorial expressions upon political issues will be independent of any narrow interest of the respective political parties. Hampton Union will continue its effort to help direct the thoughts of our people to ever higher levels within a state which could enjoy an always increasing measure of progress and within a world which needs an enlightened fearless leadership by the United States of America.

Wesley Powell, President


Mrs. Edward S. Seavey, Jr.

Carl C. Bragg

Earl Blatchford

Vernon Dennett
General Manaager

Deane M. Parrish

Mrs. Joyce L. Wildes

Alfred H. Carlson

Wayne I. Elliot

James M. Willey

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