Hampton News

Official opening of the Hotel Echo was Wednesday evening May 9th.

Frank S. Mason has purchased the North School building and is now moving it to a lot on the west side of Highland avenue, where it will be converted into a dwelling house.

The Rockingham County Women’s Christian Temperance Union will meet in Portsmouth, on Friday, May 25, with morning and afternoon sessions. The program will be printed later.

Miss Gertrude Sweetswer of Haverhill, Mass., has been spending her vacation with Miss Babe Ranney, Hampton.

The May meeting of the W. C. T. U. will meet next Thursday p. m. at the Baptist vestry, Mrs. Clara Sanborn of Portsmouth, a state officer, will be present and address the meeting. In connection there will be a food sale at the close of the meeting at the same place. Tea will be served.

The Seaside District Sunday School Convention with the Christian church at North Hampton, next Tuesday, May 15, morning and afternoon sessions. Dinner will be provided by the entertaining church for 35 cents.

The Hampton Village Improvement Association has now secured teams to remove rubbish on Clean-up Day, Saturday, May 12, and the following streets will be covered. Beach road, as far as A. W. Gookin’s; Lafayette road, as far as railroad bridge in East direction; Exeter road, as far as the Guinea road; Highland avenue and High Street as far as Five Corners. Please have rubbish ready for removal.

Clean-up Day on May 12, Saturday. Let everybody get busy as teams will pass the door collecting rubbish.

The Dorcas Society of the Baptist Church met with Mrs. Christopher on Tuesday afternoon. A good number were present getting ready for their sale. The date will be given later.

The West End Club met with Mrs. Katherine James, May 3rd. Annie Johnson, Mary Buker and Marion Garland were guests of the occasion. The business matters were followed by a program, in charge of Mrs. Jessie R. Towle, as follows: readings, members; piano selection, Mrs. Ethel Greely; song, Mrs. Addie James, “Our Jack Came Home Today;” reading, an article by Judge Shute, Mrs. James. A social hour was enjoyed and a fine lunch served by the hostess. Next meeting to be held at Mrs. Jessie R. Towle’s, Miss Frances E. Towle acting as hostess.

The West End Club entertained the gentlemen Monday evening, Apr. 30, at Mrs. Batchelder’s residence. A very fine supper was served. The tables were arranged very daintily. The guests numbered 39; quite a group of young folks were present. After supper the tables were removed and the young folks had a delightful time dancing and playing games. The supper consisted of baked beans, cold meats, brown and white breads, pickles, and pies, cakes, hot coffee and later in the evening ice dream and cake was served. Mrs. Batchelder is a delightful hostess and all look forward to the time when they will meet there again. The guests left for home at a late hour, thanking the hostess for her hospitality and a happy evening.

The drama, “The Minister’s Wife’s New Bonnet,” is to be given in Hampton Falls on Thursday, (tonight) May 10, at 8 o’clock, the cast having consented to repeat the play on request of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church in Hampton. The proceeds will be used toward securing a trained choir leader for the church.

The regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held next Monday evening. This will be the last meeting of the season. Officers for another year will be elected. It is expected that Mr. Moore, who is acting as superintendent of schools in this district, will address the meeting. Mrs. Coombs will sing. All interested in school work are requested to be present, whether members of the Association or not.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church will serve a supper to the public Friday, May 11, from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. Supper 25 cents.

The missionary meeting of the Congregational Church are invited to Hampton Falls on Wednesday, May 16. Cars leave Whittiers’ Corner 12:40, 2:40. There is no 1:40 car.

Mrs. Gilpatrick received a telegram Saturday morning that her brother’s wife had passed away, Mrs. James Kershaw of Fall River. After an illness of two years cause by shock. Mrs. Kershaw was 49 years old, born in Lancashire, England. Mrs. Gilpatrick left Monday for Fall River.

Mrs. Littlefield, on the Exeter Road, has opened a very attractive lunch room and is serving her celebrated fried clams to the public. Her many friends will soon find her and appreciate the fact that she has opened such a place. Mrs. Littlefield for a long number of years kept a very popular restaurant at Hampton Beach and was widely known for her delectable food.

Dr. Henry Thompson is making a long tour to Wilmington, Delaware and stopping at different cities along the way, going in his own sedan with Newell Brown as chauffeur. Expects to be away about ten days visiting friends and patients.

Mother’s Sunday May 13. Everybody will remember it and the churches observe the day with appropriate exercises. A bright flower if your mother is living, if passed on to that better land, a white flower in remembrance.

Mr. and Mrs. William Ross had a bad fright on Sunday afternoon. They built a fire of shingles in the fire place and the draft was so strong it took the burning embers and landed them on the roof, catching fire instantly. They were quite unaware of the fact until Mr. Joplin happened to look out of his window and discovered the fire burning quite fiercely. After notifying the family and by the quick assistance of the neighbors, with response of the chemical, the fire was subdued.

On Wednesday evening the Mother’s Circle entertained the fathers in the Baptist vestry. The room was beautifully decorated. Twelve tables, representing the twelve months in the year, were set up for the guests. Each table had its own particular decoration which was very effective and the persons whose birthday came in the month represented by the table sat at that table. A bountiful supper of cold meats, salads, hot rolls, mashed potatoes, jellies, ice cream, cake and coffee was served. After the supper a splendid address by the Rev. Clinton Carvel of Newmarket was intently listened to. Mr. Carvel has been to Hampton a number of times and has made many friends who are always glad to welcome him. Special music was another feature. A competent committee was in charge as follows: supper, Mrs. Keene, Mrs. Edgar W. Howe, Mrs. Marvin Young, Mrs. Bernard Christopher, Mrs. R. S. Barker. Decorations, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Elliot.

The Annual Day of the Monday Club was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Brown with nearly all the members present. Election of officers and business transactions were followed by a short program. Mrs. Leston Holmes favored the company with two groups of songs in a very pleasing manner. The assistant hostesses, Mrs. Etta Glidden, Mrs. Margaret Noyes with Mrs. Brown served delicious refreshments.

Mrs. Clara Miner entertained the Ladies’ Aid on Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen ladies were present, sewing on aprons. They were highly entertained by Mr. Miner playing several fine selections on the electric Victrola. Mrs. Miner served delicious refreshments of sandwiches and cheese with fancy crackers, candy and fruit punch. Owing to a number of conventions at time of next meeting it was voted not to hold any more meetings until the October meeting at the usual time.

I. O. O. F. District Meeting:

The twenty-second annual district meeting will be held at the hall of the Rockingham Lodge Tuesday evening, May 15th. A complete program, both instructive and entertaining, has been arranged for and an enjoyable evening is anticipated. The local lodge will at this time be host to the Grand Officers and District No. 5 in general. Do your share to make this meeting a success.

Contributors to H. A. B. B. Fund:

Mr. C. O. Hobbs $25.00
Mr. E. G. Cole 5.00
Mrs. G. Young .50
Co-op Grocery 2.00
Mr. C. Kierstead 2.00
Mr. Chas. Green 2.00
Hampton Centre Garage 2.00
Perkin’s Meat Market 1.00
Mr. Fred Blake 1.00
Mr. S. Fall 1.00
Mr. H. W. Winchester 2.00
Mr. Moaratty 1.00
Mr. Cash 1.00
Mrs. Staples .50
Mr. Wallace Philbrook 1.00
Mr. H. I. Noyes 1.00
Mr. C. Greenman, Jr. 2.00
Mr. Fred Perkins 1.00
Mr. H. G. Boynton 1.00
Mr. T. Cogger 1.00
Mr. L. Marelli 2.00
Mr. Dean Merrill 2.00
Mrs. C. P. Buck 2.00
Carberry’s Market 2.00
Mr. R. O. Elliot 1.00
Mr. C. Greenman 2.00
Mr. F. S. Darling 1.00
Mr. E. H. Parker 1.00
Mr. H. Shaw 1.00
Mr. H. Perkins 1.00
Mr. C. Morse 1.00
Mr. Clyde Brown 2.00
Mr. Randall Young 1.00
Dr. Thompson 1.00
Mr. James Eastman 2.00
Mr. H. Lane 2.00
Mr. J. Janvrin 2.00
Mr. C. Moore 1.00

Special Offer:

Mr. Charles Green (Green’s Drug Store) will give a dollar and a half regulation league baseball to the person who reports to him first the results of the games. Anyone who is at one of the school games has a chance to win this ball. A ball will be given for the report of each game. Practice games do not count as a regular game.

The ball will be given to the winner as soon as the report is verified by the Manager or the score keeper.

Also a new $2.00 baseball bat will be given to the players or players who knock a home run in any regulation game. A player, however, can win but one bat in a game.

The date of the game between Newmarket and Hampton at Newmarket has been changed from June 9 to May 12 upon request of the Newmarket Manager.