Balance from last year: $ 140.50
Received from Town: 1,200.00
From Currier fund: 70.00
From Fines: 33.42
From Cards sold: 7.90
From Catalogues sold: +  .75
Total receipts: $ 1,452.57


Paid for new books: $ 655.27
Fuel: 111.00
Electric lights: 31.90
Furnace grate & repairs: 24.33
Repairs on roof: 41.61
Salary of Librarian: 360.00
Periodicals for reading room: 84.45
Gummed labels: 3.50
Gummed cloth labels: 1.20
Mowing lawn, 4 times: 4.50
Removing 5 loads ashes: 7.00
Record book: 2.51
Binding books: 8.35
Electric lamps: 2.40
2 cans paste: 1.07
Extra labor, cataloging, labeling: 10.00
Money Orders and postage: 3.40
Stationery, ink & pens: 1.34
Miscellaneous: +  4.51
Total expenditures: -$ 1,358.34
Balance on hand: $ 94.23



During the past year the interest in reading has been well sustained. While the issue of volumes of fiction has largely exceeded that of any other class, it is encouraging to be able to report an increasing use of works of reference and other non-fiction books, especially by teachers and pupils of our schools.

Twenty-three volumes of Science, History and Travel have been loaned recently to Mr. [Arthur] Sears, who is making an earnest effort to interest the pupils under his care in this class of reading.

Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending January 31, 1928:  
By purchase: 383
By gift: +   5
Total: 388
Number books replaced: 10
Number of books catalogued: 8,184
The number of books purchased in each class
with the cost of the same is given below:
Fiction, 182 volumes: $267.14
Juvenile, 71 volumes: 85.07
History, Biography & Travel, 68 volumes: 163.76
Miscellaneous, 62 volumes: 129.70
Replaced, 10 volumes: 9.60

Number of books issued for February, 870; for March, 992; April, 893; May, 653; June, 694; July, 915; August, 864; September, 602; October, 810; November, 875; December, 821; January, 855; magazines loaned, 182, making a total circulation of 10,036. Of this number, 9,436 were issued to residents and 600 volumes to non-residents.

Largest number of volumes issued in one day 145; smallest, 52; average per day, 98.

Number of different borrowers: resident, 328; non- resident, 101. Total number of borrowers, 429.

In the reading room the average attendance has been very good. Three additional magazines have been placed on the tables.

There is quite a variety of reading matter, and I think those who visit the reading room will find something interesting to them. The list of periodicals is as follows:
Harper’s, National Geographic, World’s Work, Current History, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Digest, Granite Monthly, Life, American Magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal, Women’s Home Companion, McCalls, Delineator, Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, Good Health, Christian Endeavor World, Radio Broadcast, Popular Science, Scientific American, St. Nicholas, Youth’s Companion, American Boy, Bird Lore, National Sportsman, Baseball Magazine, Nature Magazine, Rural New Yorker, New England Homestead, Country Gentleman, American Fruit Grower, The Flower Grower, American Botanist, Child Life, Photo-Era Magazine, Exeter News-Letter.

The following periodicals have been presented:
The Dearborn Independent, The Hamptons Union, Union Signal, New Hampshire Issue, Red Cross Currier, Telephone Topics, Telephone Quarterly, and Junior American.
