The trustees of the Hampton Public Library have had as their primary purpose to make the library a source of pride to every resident and a benefit to the whole town. In the pursuit of this objective we feel that we have been to a considerable extent successful. Visitors from out of town often comment upon our well-kept grounds, our beautiful library building, and our up-to-date selection of books and periodicals.

Owing to the generous appropriation by the town we have been able to keep the library open three afternoons and evenings during the fall and winter months, and this additional afternoon and evening have been greatly appreciated by the public. We are glad to be able to state that the reference library is more and more used by the pupils and is of great assistance to them in their work.

In the early part of the winter we had the windows and doors weatherstripped. This should result in a considerable saving in fuel and in additional comfort during the cold months. In the summer the weatherstripping should be a protection from the dust of the street, which more or less injures the books.

The library is in the peculiar position of being submerged by its own success. We are beginning to need additional shelf room for the books. The town is increasing in population and the library building, ample in size when constructed, should be enlarged to meet the growing demands upon it. The additional space could easily be secured by an extension in the rear to correspond with the porch in front. Before this is done, however, the vacant lot on Academy Avenue, adjoining the library lot, should be acquired so that there will be room for a driveway after the extension is built. We understand that this lot can now be purchased for a reasonable sum. Should the lot on Academy Avenue be sold and a building erected close to the library, it might detract seriously from the beauty of the structure.




Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1936: $ 449.10
Received from Town: 1,800
Currier fund: 70.00
Lydia A. Lane fund: 6.25
Ida M. Lane fund: 12.50
Duplicate books sold: +  5.00
  $ 2,342.85


Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian $ 450.00
Walter S. Noyes, Janitor 64.00
Edgar Warren, Treasurer 25.00
Paid for new books 856.53
Periodicals for reading room 91.00
Binding books 29.28
Electric lights 77.07
Fuel Oil 76.37
Hampton Water Works 11.70
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 35.00
Work on heater 13.93
E. A. Parlee Co., weatherstripping 127.22
Eugene M. Leavitt, loam & fertilizer 15.00
Stamps, stationery, expressage, small bills 15.00
New Hampshire Library Ass’n 3.00
Letter files +  1,53
  -$ 1,891.63
Balance on hand: $ 451.22



I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1936 to January 31, 1937:

Number of volumes added by purchase: 437
Adult Fiction: 200
Adult Non-Fiction: 133
Juvenile Fiction: 73
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 31
Number of volumes added by gift: 60
Books discarded: 100
Book Circulation: 18,520
Magazine Circulation: +    1,400
Book and Magazine Circulation: 19,920


Feb. 1,258 284 364 85
Mar. 1,095 257 403 68
Apr. 918 192 365 72
May 786 189 329 44
June 787 150 213 53
July 937 146 225 36
Aug 934 164 246 54
Sept. 884 181 228 43
Oct. 924 236 406 76
Nov. 1,074 204 323 65
Dec. 971 202 264 55
Jan. 1,206 241 217 66
Totals: 11,774 2,446 3,583 717

Both book and magazine circulation show some increase over the preceding year.

The Library has been open for three days a week since the first of October. It is the expressed desire of many that it may be a permanent feature.

Several books have been rebound. The copies of The Hampton Union for one year have been bound in one volume, and the Town Reports for the five years 1921- 1926 have been bound in one volume. The remaining copies are to be sent to the bindery in the near future.

A Library District meeting was held at the Library on June 25. Ten towns were represented. The morning roll call was conducted by Miss H. G. Fernald, of the Portsmouth Library, on the topic “A most unusual reference question”. Miss Vaughan, of Portsmouth, gave an interesting talk on “Methods of preserving historical data”. Miss Roys, of Exeter, gave a book talk, and addresses were made by Miss Annable and Miss Brackett. The main feature of the afternoon session was a talk by Dr. H. C. Bingham on the work of the National Youth Administration.

Book Week was observed by the display of the poster “Books To Grow On” and several new juvenile books were purchased at this time.

The following periodicals are to be found in the Library:

American Magazine, American Boy, American Builder, American Girl, Atlantic Monthly, Baseball, Bird Lore, Child Life, Christian Century, Christian Herald, Christian Science Sentinel, Current History, Delineator, Exeter News-Letter, Flower Grower, Fortune, Forum, Good Housekeeping, Hampton Union, Harper’s, House and Garden, Hygeia, Ladies’ Home Journal, Leisure, Life, Literary Digest, Manchester Guardian, Mercury, Nation, National Geographic, National Parent-Teachers, News Week, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Readers’ Digest, Review of Reviews, Rural New Yorker, Saint Nicholas, Saturday Evening Post, Scientific American, Scribner’s, Union Signal.

The following are gift subscriptions, for which we thank the donors:

Christian Science Sentinel.

American Builder, donated by Mr. John A. Janvrin.

National Parent-Teachers Magazine, donated by the local P. T. A.

The American Legion Auxiliary Bulletin, donated by the local Auxiliary [Post 35].

Balance of Fine Money: $ 30.93
Fines Received: 30.50
Necessary Expenses: 31.69
Balance: 29.74

Respectfully submitted,