During the past year the Library has kept the even tenor of its way, supplying our people and many summer residents with wholesome reading. Visitors from out of town often express surprise that a town as small as Hampton should have such an up-to-date library. They tell us that they can find the latest books in our local library much sooner than they can find the same books in city libraries. In 1936 the City of Boston spent seven cents per capita for new books, while Hampton the same year spent in the vicinity of fifty cents.

One purchase during the year, in which the trustees take considerable pride, is the “Dictionary of American Biography” in twenty volumes. This monumental work is seldom found in libraries as small as ours. In these twenty volumes are to be found the life history of every prominent American, deceased, from the days of the settlers down to the present. Colonial governors, statesmen, explorers, ministers, authors, inventors, judges, physicians, pirates, Indian chiefs, stalk through the pages, and each biographical sketch, whenever possible, is accompanied with a bibliography. Supplementary volumes will be published from time to time. This work never will be outgrown, and will be even more valuable one hundred years from now than it is to-day.

The lot adjoining the Library on Academy Avenue has been bought by the town. This will give the town the control of the lot, and will insure that no building that will detract from the beauty of the Library will ever be erected on it. It will also make possible the expansion of the Library building to the rear in time to come. Our problem now is to find room for our books. The shelves are filled from floor to top. There are also about two thousand volumes that are not in popular demand stored in the basement.

The trustees feel that the town has been very generous in the past in granting an annual appropriation of $1,800, and desire to reciprocate that generosity. So far as we now can see, there will be no extraordinary expenditures in the coming year, and we feel that we can get along if our appropriation is cut to $1,600. We make this as a gesture of good will. The tercentenary celebration will cost the town of Hampton a considerable sum. Perhaps if each department should economize a little, the burden upon the tax payers might be lightened.




Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1937: $ 451.22
Received from Town: 1,800.00
Currier fund: 55.00
Lydia A. Lane fund: 12.58
Ida M. Lane fund: 25.00
Books sold: +     3.00
  $ 2,346.80


Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian $ 510.00
Walter S. Noyes, Janitor 73.00
Edgar Warren, Treasurer 25.00
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 32.50
Books bought 979.04
Periodicals for reading room 96.50
Binding books 19.46
Electric lights 66.64
Fuel oil 103.68
Hampton Water Works 7.00
Work on heater 9.85
New Hampshire Library Association 3.00
David F. Colt, Sr., letter files, etc. 2.27
Lamie’s Tavern, dinner for district librarians 10.90
Eugene M. Leavitt, fertilizer for lawn & labor 13.50
Stamps, stationery, express, etc. +  15.00
  – $ 1,967.34
Balance on hand: $ 379.46


NOTE: This Treasurer’s report has been examined, checked and approved by Sanford G. York, public accountant.


I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1937 to January 31, 1938:

Number of volumes added by purchase: 418
Adult Fiction: 215
Adult Non-Fiction: 109
Juvenile Fiction: 74
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 20
Number of volumes added by gift: 25
Books discarded: 100
Book Circulation: 18,658
Magazine Circulation: +    1,605
Total Book and Magazine Circulation: 20,263


Feb. 1,107 214 189 56
Mar. 1,171 239 270 65
Apr. 965 193 226 64
May 891 153 213 51
June 860 127 194 72
July 847 146 162 40
Aug 822 140 202 37
Sept. 969 156 280 65
Oct. 1,040 197 447 101
Nov. 1,165 224 474 105
Dec. 1,091 223 369 74
Jan. 1,263 306 399 84
Totals: 12,101 2,318 3,425 814

An increase is again noted both in the book and magazine circulation.

The Library is now open three afternoons and evenings a week, except during the months of July and August, when it is open two days a week.

On October 29, a Library District meeting was held at the Dover Public Library, when the Portsmouth, Exeter and Rochester districts were combined. Seventeen towns were represented. Miss Lillian E. Parshley of Rochester gave an interesting paper on books and Professor Harlan Bisbee of New Hampshire University talked on “Planned Activities for Young People.”

Book Week was observed by the display of the Poster “Reading —- The Magic Highway to Adventure,” and new juvenile books were added.

The following periodicals are in the Library:

American Magazine, American Boy, American Builder, American Girl, Atlantic Monthly, Baseball, Bird Lore, Child Life, Christian Century, Christian Science Sentinel, Commentator, Consumers’ Union, Current History, Exeter News- Letter, Flower Grower, Fortune, Forum, Good Housekeeping, Hampton Union, Harper’s, House and Garden, Hygeia, Ladies’ Home Journal, Leisure, Life, Literary Digest, Mercury, Nation, National Geographic, National Parent-Teacher’s, News Week, Pictorial Review, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Readers’ Digest, Rural New Yorker, Saint Nicholas, Saturday Evening Post, Scientific American, Scribner’s, Union Signal and Wall Street.

The following are gift subscriptions for which we thank the donors:

Christian Science Sentinel.

Sunday Visitor.

American Builder, donated by Mr. John A. Janvrin.

National Parent-Teacher’s Magazine, donated by the local P. T. A.

The American Legion Auxiliary Bulletin, donated by the local Auxiliary {Legion Post 35}.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 29.74
Fines Received: 33.70
Necessary Expenses:    35.18
Balance: $28.26

Respectfully submitted,