I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1938 to January 31, 1939:

Number of volumes added by purchase: 321
Adult Fiction: 141
Adult Non-Fiction: 90
Juvenile Fiction: 50
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 40
Number of volumes added by gift: 9
Book Circulation: 18,878
Magazine Circulation: +    1,700
Total Book and Magazine Circulation: 20,578

There is an increase in both the book and magazine circulation, particularly noticeable in the magazine department, due in a large measure to work along that line at the [Hampton] Academy.

There was no Library District Meeting held this year. Book Week was observed by the display of the Poster “New Books — New Worlds”, and a set of books entitled “Citizenship Series” for young people was on display. These books are now in circulation. I had the privilege of attending on one day the sessions of the Book Fair held at the Boston Public Library.

The following periodicals are in the Library:
American Magazine, American Boy, American Girl, American Legion Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Baseball, Bird Lore, Child Life, Children’s Activities, Christian Century, Commentator, Consumers’ Union, Current History, Exeter News-Letter, Flower Grower, Ford News, Fortune, Forum, Good Housekeeping, Hampton Union, Harpers, House and Garden, Hygeia, Jack and Jill, Ladies Home Journal, Life, Mercury, Nation, National Geographic, News Week, Parents Magazine, Pictorial Review, Popular Mechanic, Popular Science, Readers Digest, Roscicrusian, Rural New Yorker, Saint Nicholas, Saturday Evening Post, Scientific American, Scribners, Telephone Topics, Time, Union Signal, Wall Street, Watchman, Woman’s Home Companion, World Horizons, Yankee, and Yankee Pilot.

Jack and Jill is a new publication especially interesting and delightful for children. The Yankee comes to us in place of the magazine Leisure, publication of which has been discontinued.

Ford News, American Legion Magazine, Roscicrusian, Telephone Topics, Watchman, and Yankee Pilot are gift subscriptions, for which we thank the donors.

We express appreciation also for two copies of the Hampton Tercentenary Pageant by Mrs. Eloise Lane Smith, several copies of the Official Pictorial Magazine sent in by Mr. Greenman, and a copy of Everyday Poems donated by the author “Bill” Elliot.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 28.26
Fines Received: 31.40
Necessary Expenses: 30.75
Balance: 28.91

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1938: $ 379.46
Received from Town: 1,600.00
Currier fund: 60.50
Lydia A. Lane fund: 10.05
Ida M. Lane fund +  25.00
  $ 2,075.01


Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian $ 510.00
Walter S. Noyes, Janitor 73.00
Edgar Warren, Treasurer 25.00
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 38.25
Books bought 589.22
Periodicals for reading room 99.50
Binding books 63.64
Tobey & Merrill, insurance 84.00
Electric lights 60.40
Fuel oil 78.63
Hampton Water Works 19.48
Fire extinguisher 14.54
Eugene M. Leavitt, loam and labor 13.00
Stamps, stationery, express, etc. 15.00
H. L. White, Tercentenary decorations 10.00
Dean B. Merrill, 2 flags 7.00
New Hampshire Library Ass’n 3.00
Work on heater 3.75
H. B. Beede, work on pipes 1.45
David F. Colt, Sr., letter files, book +  2.07
  -$ 1,710.93
Balance on hand, Feb. 1, 1939: $ 364.08


NOTE. This Treasurers report has been examined, checked and approved by Sanford G. York, public accountant.