Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1942 to January 31, 1943:

Several books have been donated by publishers.

Adult Fiction: 209
Adult Non-Fiction: 134
Juvenile Fiction: +  90
Number of volumes added by purchase: 433
Book Circulation: 18,126
Magazine Circulation: + 2,398
Total Book and Magazine Circulation: 20,524
Circulation for the year:  
Adult Fiction: 12,872
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,220
Juvenile Fiction: 2,533
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 501

The meeting of the American Library Association, scheduled first to be held at Poland Springs, Maine, and later at Worcestcr, Mass., was finally canceled, due to transportation problems. The District Meeting was held in Portsmouth on November 19, with Miss Thelma Brackett, formerly Librarian of the State Library at Concord, now head of the University Library at Durham, the speaker of the afternoon session.

As usual there was an exhibit of many new books for young People during Book Week, and groups under the guidance of Miss Marjorie Libbey were given instruction in the use of the Card Catalogue. The same slogan, “Forward With Books,” was used again this year. There is close co-operation between the Library and the schools in the matter of outside reading for points as well as in reference work. Books have been obtained from the State Library when requests have been made.

Again this year, the Library hopes to do its part with other organizations in supplying the men in the Service Camps with suitable reading material.

To the customary magazines which have been on the list for several years we have added “The Home Garden” and”The Kiwanis Magazine” gift subscription from the Kiwanis Club, for which we say, “Thank you.”

Balance of Fine Money: $ 26.75
Fines Received: 39.28
Necessary Expenses: 33.20
Balance: 32.83

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand February 1, 1942: $ 253.46
Received from Town: 2,000.00
Currier fund: 50.30
Lydia A. Lane fund: 20.00
Ida M. Lane fund +  20.00
  $ 2,343.76


Margaret S. Noyes, librarian $ 540.00
Walter S. Noyes, janitor 73.00
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 37.00
Bernice G. Palmer, treasurer 25.00
Books purchased 890.40
Periodicals for Reading Room 128.20
Binding Books and Magazines 27.66
New Hampshire Library Ass’n 6.00
Insurance 12.74
Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. 49.97
F. Wilbur Jewell, fuel oil 80.06
Hampton Water Works Company 12.00
Walter J. Palmer 18.80
Postage, stationery, etc. 15.00
David F. Colt, Sr. +  2.68
  -$ 1,918.51
Balance on hand, February 1, 1943: $ 425.25
