Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1949 to December 31, 1949:

Adult Fiction: 306
Adult Non-Fiction: 90
Juveniles: +  53
Number of volumes added by purchase: 449
Adult Fiction: 11,394
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,240
Juvenile Fiction: 2,525
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 411
Book Circulation: 16,570
Magazine Circulation: + 2,443
Book and Magazine Circulation: 19,013

Book Week was observed November 13 to 19. The Slogan for this year’s poster was “Make Friends with Books.” Books for young people were on display at this time.

The Home and Community Welfare Committee of Oceanside Grange presented to the Library a copy of the book, “The Grange — Friend of the Farmer” written by Charles M. Gardner, High Priest of Demeter, Emeritus, of the Grange. “It is the story of eighty years of accomplishment by America’s oldest farm organization and the only Farm Fraternity in all the world.” Another gift was made by a friend in memory of Mrs. Mary L. Noyes.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 97.60
Fines: 109.80
Necessary Expenses: 185.70
Balance: 21.70

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand January 1, 1949: $ 35.48
Received from Town: 3,000.00
Interest on Trustee Funds: 80.30
Currier fund  
Lydia A. Lane fund  
Ida M. Lane fund +_________
  $ 3,115.78


Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian $ 720.00
Walter S. Noyes, Janitor 72.00
Books purchased 1,018.83
Periodicals 182.00
Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. 54.58
F. Wilbur Jewell, Fuel Oil 145.50
Hampton Water Works Company 12.00
New Hampshire Library Ass’n, dues 3.00
Treasurer’s salary, 1948 and 1949 100.00
Walter S. Noyes, labor 37.60
William Gilpatrick, shrubbery care 4.00
Charles D. Palmer, painting 34.58
Herbert A. Trofatter 45.00
Book binding 7.44
Bank charge +     .30
  -$ 2,436.83
Balance on hand, January 1, 1950: $ 678.95
