Report of the Library Treasurer


On hand Jan. 1, 1950 $ 678.95
Received from Town 3,100.00
Interest on Trust Funds 80.30
   Currier Fund  
   Lydia A. Lane Fund  
   Ida M. Lane Fund +_________
  $ 3,859.25


Margaret S. Noyes, librarian $ 720.00
Librarian’s assistant 100.00
Books 954.00
Periodicals 98.25
Exeter and Hampton Electric Co. 60.40
[Wilbur] Jewell, fuel oil 203.95
Hampton Water Works 12.00
Treasurer’s salary 50.00
Walter S. Noyes, janitor 87.75
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 57.60
C. D. Palmer, ceilings 88.90
Margeson, linoleum 160.00
Trofatter, lights 197.70
Penniman, insurance 80.40
Farley, repairs on roof 65.00
Jewell, repairs on heater 5.45
W. Gilpatrick, shrubbery care 5.00
Emery, flowers 13.00
G. Carpenter, window shades 54.25
Postage and supplies +   20.00
  $ 3,034.05
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1951: $ 825.20
(The surplus is being reserved for necessary masonry on the building.) BERNICE G. PALMER, Treasurer

Report Of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1950 to December 31, 1950:

Adult Fiction: 275
Adult Non-Fiction: 96
Juveniles: +   84
Number of volumes added by purchase: 455
Adult Fiction: 10,763
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,405
Juvenile Fiction: 2,215
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 305
Book Circulation: 15,688
Magazine Circulation: + 2,367
Book and Magazine Circulation: 18,055

Book Week was observed November 12 to 18. On display was the Poster “Make Friends With Books,” designed by William Pene du Bois. Books for young people were exhibited. The Poster and books were loaned for the Parent-Teacher meeting during that week.

Several gift books have been received, among them, “The World’s Biggest Doers; The Story of the Lions” from the Lions Club; “Our Eastern Playgrounds,” from Mr. Charles Greenman; “American Express: A Century of Service 1850-1950” from the Company; and “Life of American Workman” by Walter P. Chrysler, from the Chrysler Corporation. Many thanks to the donors.

The new lighting system installed has been of great benefit and the linoleum in the stack section adds much to the appearance of the room. The new walk at the entrance not only improves the grounds but contributes to the safety of the public. Other improvements planned for were delayed for various reasons but we trust they will be made in the near future.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 21.70
Fines: 95.75
Necessary Expenses: 61.35
Balance: 56.10
