Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1953 to December 31, 1953:

Adult Fiction: 271
Adult Non-Fiction: 115
Juveniles: +   66
Number of volumes added by purchase: 452
Adult Fiction: 8.484
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,414
Juvenile Fiction: 3,666
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 822
Book Circulation: 15,386
Magazine Circulation: + 2,425
Book and Magazine Circulation: 17,811

“Reading Is Fun”, the slogan that proved so successful last year, was again the theme of Book Week, which came this year from November 15 to 21. The 1953 Poster was designed by the commercial artist, Jan Balet, who is the author/illustrator of many children’s books. The usual display of new Juvenile books was to be found on the table in the Reading Room.

An addition to the Reading Room is the framed copy of the Declaration of Independence, hung over the fireplace. This was presented to the Library by the Literature Committee of the Monday Club 1952-1953. The facsimile was given by Mr. Chester Merrow, Congressman from the First District, and framed by the Manual Training Class of the High School under Mr. Forrest Parker, with the approval of Mr. Bruce Russell, Headmaster; the material for the frame being furnished by the Literature Committee.

Several books have been received as gifts and many organizations have presented subscriptions to their magazines. We say, “Thank you,” to the donors.

The latest addition to the books of reference is the 1953 edition of the Webster’s New International Dictionary.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 50.55
Fines: 147.89
Necessary Expenses: 178.28
Balance: 20.16