Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1954 to December 31, 1954:

Adult Fiction: 308
Adult Non-Fiction: 163
Juveniles: +   116
Number of volumes added by purchase: 587
Adult Fiction: 8,587
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,679
Juvenile Fiction: 4,181
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 968
Book Circulation: 16,415
Magazine Circulation: + 2,455
Book and Magazine Circulation: 18,646

Book Week was observed from November 14 to 20. New Juveniles were on display and book-marks were distributed. On one side of these book-marks are the titles of books which won the Newbury Medal from 1922 to 1954, and on the other side are the titles of books which won the Caldecott Medal from 1938 to 1954. The Book-Week Poster with the slogan, “Let’s Read,” was designed by Lynd Ward, Caldecott winner of the 1953 award. it represents reading children of all ages.

Acknowledgement by the Library is made of several gift books, among them being “The American Legion Reader”; “First Thirty Years” by the Kresge Foundation; “All About African Violets” by Montague Free, from the Garden Club; and “The Cross and The Crown” by Norman Beasley, presented by The First Church of Christ Scientist, Portsmouth, N. H., by Carrie L. Robinson, Asst. Coin. on Publication.

Books have been loaned to several teachers at the Centre School for use in their classrooms, thus enabling bus children to enjoy Library books. Students make use of the Reading Room for their reference work.

I call attention to two new magazines, “Business Week” and “Sports Illustrated.” The wreath which adorned the doorway during the Christmas Holidays was presenteol by the Garden Club.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 20.16
Fines: 139.20
Necessary Expenses: 102.34
Balance: 57.02