Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1955:

Adult Fiction: 314
Adult Non-Fiction: 130
Juveniles: +   65
Number of volumes added by purchase: 509
Adult Fiction: 8,568
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,978
Juvenile Fiction: 5,402
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 1,234
Book Circulation: 18,182
Magazine Circulation: + 2,500
Book and Magazine Circulation: 20,682

Book Week was observed November 13 to 19 with the usual display of new Juvenile books. The theme of the Poster, designed by Garth Williams, illustrator of children’s books, was “Let’s Read More.”

On October 13, Librarians and trustees from twelve towns met at the Nichols Memorial Library in Kingston. The theme for the occasion was “What is the best library service for your town ?“ Mr. Gardner Soule, extension librarian from Concord and Miss Margery Stroud of the bookmobile division led the afternoon discussion. Collections of books loaned to teachers was one item in which this library participates.

Discussion of current books was the topic for the evening session, led by Miss Catharine Pratt, Assistant State Librarian. We are sorry to be notified of Miss Pratt’s resignation from the State Library Commission, to be effective in June 1956. It has been a pleasure to have had contact with Miss Pratt for so many years.

As the town is growing rapidly, so also is the work at the library. 145 new names have been added to the list of patrons during the past year, and new ones are being added every week. This does not include new summer borrowers.

Some consideration will have to be given soon for an addition to the Library. There is great need for a children’s room and for a Study Room apart from the Reading Room. Students are given much research work for which the School Library is evidently not adequate, and the Reading Room at the Library does not give sufficient accommodations.

Again this year the Garden Club presented the Christmas Wreath for the door.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 57.02
Fines: 140.96
Necessary Expenses: 139.29
Balance: 58.69