Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1956 to December 31, 1956:

Adult Fiction: 320
Adult Non-Fiction: 131
Juveniles: +   25
Number of volumes added by purchase: 476
Adult Fiction: 7,963
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,945
Juvenile Fiction: 6,647
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 1,410
Book Circulation: 18,965
Magazine Circulation: + 2,556
Book and Magazine Circulation: 21,521

The 24-volume Encyclopedia Britannica, 1956 edition and the 15-volume Britannica Junior, 1956 edition have been added to the Reference Shelves.

“Book week comes once a year, but good reading knows no season.” This year it was observed from November 25 to December 1. The Poster, “It’s Always Book Time” was designed by Leonard Weisgard, a native of New Haven, Conn. Newbery-Caldecott Medal Bookmarks were distributed to the young folks and there was the usual display of new books for juveniles.

The increase in new Patrons of the Library is great this year; 143 new adult readers and 128 juveniles and several new summer patrons. The Library’s loss of some long—standing patrons has been television’s gain, I presume.

The Reading Room can no longer be called such, as it has become a Study Room with very inadequate facilities. The crying need of the Library is “Room”, for a Children’s Room, a Study Hall apart from the Reading room and more stack space. To keep pace with the growth of the town, enlargement of the Library is a necessity.

Again this year, the wreath which adorned the doorway during the Christmas Holidays was presented by the Garden Club, to whom we say “Thank You.”

Balance of Fine Money: $ 58.69
Fines: 126.04
Necessary Expenses: 142.43
Balance: 42.30