Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1957 to December 31, 1957:

Adult Fiction: 273
Adult Non-Fiction: 100
Juveniles: +   69
Number of volumes added by purchase: 435
Adult Fiction: 6,136
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,226
Juvenile Fiction: 2,483
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 631
Book Circulation: 11,476
Magazine Circulation: + 1,583
Book and Magazine Circulation: 13,059

Due to the building of the addition and the renovation of the old building, the Library was closed for four months with the exception of a few days in November and December. Therefore the figures represent practically only eight months of the year. Had the Library been open, the circulation would undoubtedly have exceeded that of the previous year, as there were many new patrons.

On Friday, October 15, a neighborhood meeting was held at the Hampton Falls Public Library, which Mrs. Charles Palmer, Trustee, and I attended. The speaker was Miss Stroud of the N. H. State Library and there was a display of adult and juvenile books, many of which were already on our shelves.

We trust that the hardships endured by the necessary closing of the Library will be compensated for by the advantages offered in the enlarged facilities.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 42.30
Fines: 125.95
Necessary Expenses: 147.88
Balance: 20.37