Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

Economy through cooperation has been the theme of the operation of the Lane Memorial Library for 1973. With the combined volume buying power of the 9 towns which comprise the Lane Memorial Book Cooperative, we have been able to secure a 37% discount postage-paid on the bulk of our book purchases and from one publisher we receive a discount of 39% postage paid on their publications. We also receive a 40% discount from another publishing company, but we pay the cost of shipping. In 1972 we were able to negotiate only a 35% discount. With the prices of books sky rocketing it is essential that we take advantage of the better bargaining power gained by cooperative buying, even though it entails more bookkeeping.

We have extended this same practice into the formation of a Lane Memorial Film Cooperative which includes the towns of Bedford, Epping, Hampton, North Hampton, Rye, Stratham and the I.M.C. Center. We preview films together, and each town makes its own purchase. We do not duplicate titles, and we loan to each other for community programs, thus enabling us to stretch our a-v dollars. We have also included filmstrips in our cooperative selection. We still use the facilities of the North Country Libraries Film Service, which is available to us through the State Library. However, the demand for their films far exceeds the supply, and their films cannot be used for school programs unless they are supervised by the library.

In December we received the check for the grant of $6,225 awarded by the Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the Seacoast Area Drug Resource Information Center to be administered by the Lane Library for the entire seacoast area. This is another adventure in cooperation for it will provide a sizeable collection of books and a-v materials on drugs and drug abuse problems. These materials and the necessary a-v equipment will be available for loan to area civic groups and interested citizens. We hope that once the program is operative, people will come and browse through the collection.

During the summer months we instituted a new service through the cooperation of patrons who donated their paperbacks, which we processed for circulation, but did not catalog. This has been a most successful venture, and the books circulate on a fine-free basis.

We appreciate the many gifts which have been received this year: books, magazines, money, equipment and the many hours of volunteer assistance when needed.

Our circulation statistics speak for themselves, and reflect a total increase of 3,329 over our 1972 totals.

Adult Fiction 26,500
Adult Non-Fiction 15,573
Paperbacks 2,774
Records 2,112
Magazines 2,256
Pamphlets 193
Juvenile Fiction 16,229
Juvenile Non-Fiction 4,514
Art +       26
Total 1973 70,177

The Lane Library is open 44 hours per week with the hours apportioned in this manner:

Monday 2 p.m.. 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.

The staff and trustees wish to express our appreciation for the support of the town, which enables us to offer good library service.

Mrs. Lucy Bume, Assistant Librarian
Mrs. Audrey C. Ross, Library Assistant
Miss Ruth M. Chilton, Clerical Assistant
Mrs. Rose M. Fisher, Clerical Assistant
Mrs. Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian