Submitted by William H. Teschek, Librarian

And Staff Of The Lane Memorial Library

As the town celebrates its 350th year, the library has completed its 107th and busiest year ever with a total of 123,402 items being circulated, a 6.75% increase over 1986. In the midst of all the hectic bustle of providing thousands of people (965 new borrowers in 1987) with more books, magazines, music, videos, computer hours, reference information, framed art, photocopies, children’s programs, etc. than ever before, we did find time to offer a variety of programs and new services:

The Friends of the Library purchased tickets to the Museum of Science in Boston, which along with their previous gifts of Fine Arts and Portsmouth Children’s Museum passes can be checked out to use for free admission to each museum.

A wide variety of children’s programs were offered through- out the year, and more will follow in 1988. One of the year’s highlights was a visit by master storyteller Odds Bodskin during National Library Week.

A collection of over 100 compact discs was a new feature added to our services in 1987. Covering the musical spectrum from rock to classical and from New Age to Jazz and more, our collection will continue to grow in both size and popularity.

Four art shows were presented throughout the year in our Wheaton Lane meeting room. Two by the Seacoast Artists Association and other local artists, and one each by local artist Geoff Kingston and photographer Jane Walsh. From these shows we purchased a dozen new works of art to add to our circulating collection.

Late in the year we became active in the nation’s fight against adult illiteracy by sponsoring a literacy tutor training session led by Leslie Haslam of the Rockingham County Adult Tutorial Program. About 20 people participated in the six hours of training and by year’s end there were four people actively tutoring students here in the library, more than in any other library in the county except Epping who had five. And we will be adding many more very soon. A videotape of the long training sessions is now available for loan from the library for those who may be interested in joining the cause. For more information call the library at 926-3368, or Leslie Haslam at 778-7772.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone who helped make 1987 such a successful year. A dedicated and capable staff supplemented by a committed corps of volunteers made it all happen. And with the continued support of the Library Trustees, Friends of the Library, Town government, and most of all our many friends and patrons who use our library 60 hours a week, we hope to have a repeat performance in 1988.

(all year)
Monday – Thursday 9 – 8
Friday & Saturday 9 – 5
Closed Holidays