Submitted by Catherine Redden, Library Director

1994 saw the library staff continuing their mission to serve the taxpayers of Hampton. The automated circulation system has had some upgrades added and most everyone is used to the bar codes on registration cards and books alike. Another OPAC, on-line public access computer, for searching our collection, was added to the circulation desk on the main floor with plans to add another in the Children’s Room in 1995. Reference staffing was initiated in October with plans to continue and hopefully expand the hours in 1995. We continued to circulate books, audiotapes, videotapes, puzzles, paperbacks, magazines, compact discs, framed art, and museum tickets. The public access computer in the Dearborn Room was upgraded in January and is often used for term papers and resumes, as well as searching the telephone directories on computer. An IBM typewriter and a Nakajima typewriter were purchased for public use, replacing 2 barely functional typewriters.

1994 continued to be a year of Maintenance. We had more roof leaks due to ice back-up, persistent water seepage in the vault, a sprinkler system that needed recharging, a broken sump pump in the boiler room, a stump to remove from parking area, a small fire outside, stained and broken ceiling tiles to be replaced, a water fountain that rusted through, and concrete scaling and chipping at the original entrance on Winnacunnet Road to repair. We look forward to 1995 as being a year of preventive maintenance to forestall future problems of these kinds.

The library sponsored two outstanding performers for the adults with Jim Cook as Daniel Webster in February and Robin Lane as Isabella Stewart Gardner for National Library Week in April. The Children’s Room featured several different performers and continued with their successful story hours. The summer reading program, “Go Undercover with Books,” was a huge success both upstairs and downstairs as we encouraged adults to participate along with the children.

The Friends of the Library group was reorganized with 2 new co-chairs: Joyce Cash and Betty Anne Lavallee. They sponsored Richard McIntyre from the Seacoast Science Center in October and they won a grant in December from the N. H. Humanities Council to participate in the statewide program: What is New Hampshire Reading This Month? December saw a discussion of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. Future book discussions are scheduled in 1995 on Peyton Place, Amoskeag, and A Prayer for Owen Meany. Books are available ahead of the discussion date from the library.

The elected Trustees, Ruth Stimson, Catherine Anderson, Jerry McConnell, Tom Donaldson and Jim Inglis have met regularly and worked long and hard for the betterment of the library. Staff members Alice, Mary, Kathy, Joan, Jean, Melissa, Joanne M., Joanne S., Marie, and Bill worked long hours to accomplish much for the taxpayers of Hampton. They look forward to serving you in 1995.