For the year ending March 1, 1900

The Library Committee respectfully submits the following report:

From town,   $100.00
Received balance from last year,     11.80
sale of cards,   .52
fines,   .50
sale of catalogues,   +.30
Paid for new books,   $63.09  
freight, stationery, postage,       1.50  
assistance in delivering books,       8.00  
fuel, oil, mucilage, etc.,       3.00  
salary of Librarian,     25.00
covering 250 books,       2.50  
covering paper,       1.30  
gummed labels,       1.25  
200 library cards,,     +1.30  
Balance on hand,   $6.18

Number of books added by purchase, 65. Presented by Chas. Francis Adams, 1 vol.; Record Commissioners of Boston, 1 vol.; Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1 vol.; Depart of the Interior, 2 vols.; State of New Hampshire, 5 vols.; Amos T. Leavitt, 1 vol.; Red Cross Society, 1 vol.; L.A. Morrison, Windham, N.H., 1 vol.; making a total of 78 volumes added during the year. Total number of books on the catalogue, 2,465.

Number of volumes issued during the year, 2,239, an increase of 157. Largest on any one evening, 69. Least number of any one evening, 14. Average number per evening, 43.

It is gratifying to be able to report the usual good interest has been continued as is shown by the increased circulation. We wish to correct the erroneous impression, more or less prevalent, that our library is very largely composed of fiction. Of the books added the past year, 52 per cent were works of fiction, while of the total number in the library, only 35 per cent belong to this class of literature. In the majority of cases, the books given to our boys to read, are recommended by the highest educators in our country as wholesome and instructive, and we believe they have quite driven out the yellow covered literature so abundant twenty-five or thirty years ago.

To those who have generously given books to our library, we extend our thanks.


Library Committee.