Balance from last year: $17.83
From Town: 550.00
From Currier fund: 70.00
From Fines: 5.36
From Catalogues sold: 0.75
From Cards sold: +  1.40
Total receipts: $645.34
Paid for new books: $197.96
Binding books and magazines: 30.46
Three Audubon bird charts: 4.50
Periodicals for reading room: 61.85
300 cards: 2.50
Oiling clock: 0.75
Express and freight: 1.28
Money orders and postage: 1.75
Mowing lawn: 2.50
Putting wood in basement: 4.50
Stationery, ink and pens: 0.75
Repairs on mower: 0.38
Library supplies: oil can, oil, twine: 1.00
Recording book and postage: 1.50
Salary of Librarian: 230.00
Janitor’s services: +  35.00
Total expenditures: -$576.68
Balance on hand: $68.66


  Hampton, N.H., February 19, 1919.

We have this day examined the foregoing accounts of the Librarian and find them correctly cast, well vouched with a balance on hand of $68.66.


The additions to the library for the year ending Jan. 31, 1919, have been 156 volumes by purchase, 12 volumes by gift and 5 by binding magazines, making a total of 173 volumes. Total number of books catalogued, 5,537.

The number of books issued for the month of February, 1918, 749; March, 789; April, 545; May,582; June, 647; July, 762; August, 850; September, 580; October, 717; November, 741; December, 576; January, 1919, 818, making a total of 8,356. Number of books issued to summer visitors, 357.

Three bird charts have been purchased of the Mass. Audubon Society and hung on the walls. Charts No. 1 and 2 represent 52 of our common summer birds; chart No. 3, 20 of our winter visitors, all life size. They make an attractive exhibit and are proving to be of interest not only to the children but to all who are interested in birds.

On the tables in the reading room may be found the following periodicals for 1919:
Harper’s Magazine, Century, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Digest, Red Cross Magazine, American Botanist, Geographic Magazine, Popular Science, Electrical Experiments, Outing, St. Nicholas, Ladies’ Home Journal, To-Day’s Housewife, Saturday Evening Post, Youth’s Companion, American Boy, Ills. London News, Scientific American, Leslie’s Weekly, Bird Lore, Life, Exeter News-Letter, The Hamptons Union, New England Homestead and Union Signal.