Balance from last year: $ 84.69
Received from Town: 800.00
Currier fund: 70.00
Fines: 12.10
Cards sold: +  4.25
Total receipts $ 971.04


Paid for new books: $ 298.23
Binding books and magazines: 25.66
Salary of Librarian: 265.00
Janitor’s services: 35.00
Periodicals for reading room: 70.55
Coal: 36.97
2½ cords wood: 32.50
Mowing & raking lawn 7 times: 7.00
Electric lights: 33.30
Electric lamps: 3.50
Sawing 1 cord wood: 1.50
Repairs on furnace: 1.25
Freight: .50
Repairs on door: .50
Two new keys: 1.50
Broom and dustpan: 1.25
Money orders, postage, stationery
and miscellaneous expenses:
+  19.99
Total expenditures: -$ 834.20
Balance on hand: $ 136.84


Hampton, N.H., February 7, 1923.
We have this day examined the foregoing accounts of S. Albert Shaw, Librarian of the Lane Memorial Library and find them well cast and properly vouched for.



Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending January 31, 1923 -— by purchase, 176; by gift, 63; making a total of 239.

Number of books replaced, 11.

Number of books catalogued, 6399; 57 volumes were rebound.

Below is given the number of books purchased in each class, and the cost of the same:

Fiction, 72 volumes: $ 97.64
Young people, 45 volumes: 58.31
History, Biography & Travels, 42 volumes: 106.41
Miscellaneous, 17 volumes: 25.67
Replaced, 11 volumes: 10.20

Number of books issued to residents, 9194; to non-residents, 420; magazines loaned, 262; making a total circulation of 9,876.

Largest number of volumes issued in one day, 220; smallest number, 20; Average per day, 96.

Number of different borrowers: resident, 261; non- resident, 62; total number of borrowers, 323.

Through the combination of shortage of fuel and inclemency of the weather, the library was closed for one day. For the same reasons it was found necessary to discontinue the opening of the reading room on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings.

A few changes have been made in the periodicals of the reading room, several being discontinued and others added. For the present year there may be found on the tables the following:

Harper’s Magazine, Century, American Magazine, Woman’s Home Companion, McCall’s, Current History, Survey, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Digest, World’s Work, National Geographic, Granite Monthly, American Botanist, Life, Photo-Era Magazine, Youth’s Companion, Popular Mechanics, Science and Invention, American Boy, Bird Lore, St. Nicholas, Outing, Scientific American, American Fruit Grower, New England Homestead, Dearborn Independent, Exeter News-Letter and The Hamptons Union.