Below are corrections to the work Vital records of Hampton, New Hampshire to the end of the year 1900 by George Freeman Sanborn, Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, published in two volumes by the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston in 1992 and 1998. Please report to the library any additional errors you may find.
1:31 – birth of Joseph Leavitt on 3 Dec 1704 is actually 8 Dec 1704. Dow’s History of Hampton has the correct date.
1:96 – birth of Elizabeth Shaw. Page 96 records the date as “ye: 23: 8 m 64″ while on another page, 1:552, another record (that doesn’t name the child but is likely for Elizabeth) states it as “ye 23d 6th Mo: 1664″. The first entry is from the original town records and the second from the Old Norfolk County Records. Checking the microfilm of the original town records (2:414) the numeral for the month could be either an 8 or a 6. The Sanborns chose to read it as an 8 but given the Norfolk County record that gives it as a 6, it seems more likely that the month was the 6th and not the 8th, meaning August rather than October. In the original record the right side of the number has a loop like many of the other sixes on the page (and unlike the other eights), but the left side of the number has an extension going up above the number as though it were going to be the left top of the 8, but the top of the 8 is missing.
1:97 – birth of Thomas Ward is shown on page 97 as “3: 11 mo 1666” and on page 553 as “3: 11 mo: 1665″. The first, which is from the original town records, may be an error by the original clerk as it appears in chronological order with other births dated 1665. The second date is from the Old Norfolk County records
1:114 – line 4 from the bottom should read 88 not 83. (This errata comes from a note in v.2)
1:122 – near the bottom, the entry for Edward Alysson (Allison, Alison, Ellison, Elison?) was NOT indexed in the book. The reference to “curretucke” as his birth place may refer to the North Carolina county known as Currituck. There are no place names that sound like that around Hampton that this writer is aware of.
2:383 – ELKINS CEMETERY: Melvinah, daughter of Jonathan & Eliza Elkins, actually died July 2, 1852, aged 2 yrs. 7 mos. Her age was published as 12 yrs. 7 mos. in the book, but this is an error where the ‘d’ in ‘aged’ was read as the number 1. If it had been a 12 her mother would have been 16 at the time she was born. View the gravestone.
Index corrections
Volume 1
- Edward Alysson appears on page 122
- Edward Tuck is on page 160, not page 106
- John O. Wiggin appears on page 521
- Ann B. Zimmerman is on page 469, not page 46
Volume 2
- Mary Dearborn appears on page 350.
- Robert Marshall appears on page 234. He is erroneously indexed under Falls, Robert Marshall H. because the entry reads “Robert Marshall H. Falls old age ad. 92″
- Mrs. Ephraim Marston appears on page 459
The index to volume two omitted all names on pages 108-109 and 164-173. A 7-page supplement was later issued that contains these names. Also note that there are index problems with pages 13 through 80. If a name shown in the index cannot be found on the page listed, it almost certainly appears in the first few lines of the following page. In addition, the authors’ notes at the bottom of some of the cemetery records pages were not indexed, as well as the three pages of photos printed between pages 308 and 309, and they were also not included in the supplement. Those names and pages are included here:
- Austin, Jemima, p.317
- Blake, David, p.344
- Blake, Eleanor (Seavey), p.344
- Blake, Mary [Molly] (Brown), p.344
- Blake, Jonathan, p.344
- Brown, Ann (Leavitt), p.344
- Brown, Jonathan, p.319, 322
- Brown, Mary [Molly], p.344
- Brown, Mary (Philbrick), p.319, 322
- Brown, Samuel, p.319, 322
- Brown, Zachariah, p.344
- Chase, Joseph, p.327
- Chase, Rachel (Partridge), p.327
- Dalton, Philemon, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Dow, Abigail (Hobbs), p.319
- Dow, Hannah, p.314
- Dow, Joseph, p.316
- Dow, Josiah, p.316
- Dow, Mary (Sanborn), p.316
- Dow, Samuel, p.319
- Dearborn, Ann, p.314
- Dearborn, Hannah (Dow), p.314
- Dearborn, John, p.314
- Drake, Dorothy (Moulton), p.317
- Drake, Robert, p.317 (2 mentions)
- Drake, Sarah, p.317
- Drake, Sarah (Knowles), p.317
- Elkins, Elizabeth (Taylor), p.322
- Elkins, Gershom, p.319, 321
- Elkins, Joanna (_____), p.321
- Elkins, Jonathan, p.322
- Elkins, Mary (Sleeper), p.321
- Elkins, Rachel, p.322
- Elkins, Thomas, p.321
- Gove, Abigail, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Gove, Edward, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Hobbs, Abigail, p.319
- Hobbs, Hannah (Perkins), p.352
- Hobbs, Mary, p.352
- Hobbs, Obed, p.352
- Knowles, Abigail, p.314
- Knowles, Amos, p.314
- Knowles, Jemima (Austin), p.317
- Knowles, John, p.317
- Knowles, Lucy (Moulton), p.314
- Knowles, Sarah, p.317
- Lamprey, Benjamin, p.313
- Lamprey, Daniel, p.314
- Lamprey, Nathaniel, p.314
- Lamprey, Ruth (Palmer), p.314
- Lamprey, Sarah, p.313
- Leavitt, Ann, p.344
- Leavitt, Lydia, p.317
- Marston, Ann (Roberts) (Philbrick), p.323
- Marston, Deborah, p.322
- Marston, William, photo of widow’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309, 322
- Moulton, Abigail (Knowles), p.314
- Moulton, Dorothy, p.317
- Moulton, Hannah, p.320
- Moulton, James, p.314
- Moulton, Lucy, p.314
- Moulton, Margaret (Page), p.312
- Moulton, Robert, p.313
- Moulton, Ruth, p.312
- Moulton, Sarah (Lamprey), p.313
- Moulton, William, p.312
- Nudd, Deborah (Marston), p.322
- Nudd, Samuel, p.322
- Nudd, Thomas, p.322
- Page, Margaret, p.312
- Palmer, Ruth, p.314
- Partridge, Ann (Spigon), p.327
- Partridge, Rachel, p.327
- Partridge, William, p.327
- Perkins, Abraham, p.311
- Perkins, Hannah, p.321, 352
- Perkins, Isaac, p.321
- Perkins, Mary (_____), p.311
- Perkins, Susannah (_____), p.321
- Philbrick, Ann (Roberts), p.323
- Philbrick, Ann (Dearborn), p.314
- Philbrick, Hannah (Perkins), p.321
- Philbrick, James, photo of widow’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309, 321, 323 (2 mentions)
- Philbrick, Joseph, p.314
- Philbrick, Mary, p.319, 322
- Prescott, James, photo of widow’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Redman, Hannah (Rollins), p.321
- Redman, Jonathan, p.321
- Redman, Joseph, p.321
- Roberts, Ann, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309, 323
- Roberts, Thomas, photo of widow’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309, 323
- Rollins, Hannah, p.321
- Sanborn, Benjamin, photo of widow’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Sanborn, Hannah (Moulton), p.320
- Sanborn, Josiah, p.320
- Sanborn, Lydia (Leavitt), p.317
- Sanborn, Mary, p.316
- Sanborn, Mephibosheth, p.317 (2 mentions)
- Sanborn, Rachel, p.317
- Sanborn, Richard, p.312
- Sanborn, Ruth (Moulton), p.312
- Sanborn, Stephen, p.322
- Sanborn, William, p.320
- Seavey, Eleanor, p.344
- Seavey, Jonathan, p.344
- Seavey, Sarah (Towle), p.344
- Shaw, Reuben, photo of mother’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Shaw, Ruth, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Smith, Robert, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Smith, Susanna, photo of gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Smith alias Shaw, Reuben, photo of mother’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Spigon, Ann, p.327
- Taylor, Elizabeth, p.322
- Towle, Rachel (Elkins), p.322
- Towle, Samuel, p.322
- Towle, Sarah, p.344
- Ward, Sarah (Shaw), photo of mother’s gravestone between p. 308 and 309
- Watson, Mary A. (Hobbs), p.352
- Watson, Nathaniel, p.352
- Weeks, Martha, p.310