This is a volunteer position that the Lane Memorial Library in Hampton, NH is seeking to fill. The database is a 22,000+ person collection of genealogical information on people who have lived in Hampton since its founding in 1638. For more information on this database read our database information page.
The database manager will be responsible for maintaining the integrity of the database, adding additions and making corrections as they arise, communicating with the library liaison person, and uploading updated gedcom files to the Rootsweb WorldConnect database where it is displayed on the Web.
It is of the utmost importance that the information held in the database be kept to the highest standards of accuracy. We are looking for someone who takes genealogical research seriously, and isn’t merely interested in “collecting names” to build a bigger database. Quality over quantity is the important thing here.
To that end, the individual who takes on this responsibility must be well-versed in genealogical research techniques, critically evaluating all evidence, and writing these details up for presentation on the Web.
If you feel that you might be qualified for the job, please contact at the library.