The Teacher of the Church of Jesus Christ In Hampton, N. H.

From 1639 to 1661

“Otherwise, an honest man; . . . who is a great stickler
for ye transporting of those people that should goe
over unto Newe England”

Commissary Dade to Archbishop Laud, February 4, 1633-34


[A handwritten note on the first page reads:
“Presented by Mr. John L. Blake, Orange, N.J., Oct. 24, 1898”]


Table of Contents

  1. The Daltons of Hampton, N.H.
  2. Town of Hampton
  3. Philemon Dalton in the Colony
  4. Timothy Dalton in the Colony
  5. Ruth Dalton in Hampton
  6. Deborah Blake in Hampton
  7. Clues to the English Home
  8. Timothy Dalton At College
  9. As Priest and Parson
  10. Parish of Woolverstone
  11. Woolverstone Church
  12. The Old Parsonage
  13. Parish Registers
  14. The Laudian Persecution
  15. First Complaint Against Dalton
  16. Last Work at Woolverstone
  17. Suspension – Flight – Resignation
  18. The High Commission
  19. The Smale Houes at Woolverstone
  20. Last Days In England
  21. Conclusion