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Rev. Ebenezer Thayer

July 6, 1734 – September 6, 1792

Columbian Centinel (Boston), September 12, 1792

DIED] — At Hampton, N. H. Sept. 6 after a short illness, the Rev. Ebenezer Thayer, ÆT. 58 ; in whom the community has lost a most valuable member, and the religious society in Hampton a most amiable and useful minister. Mr. Thayer was admirably formed for the office, which he sustained. He was possessed of an uncommom share of prudence, and an excellent temper. He was meek, humble, courteous, obliging, compassionate toward the miserable, and benevolent to all. He was a man of strict integrity, and unfeigned devotion. These virtues, whilst they enriched his private character gave him superiour advantages as a minister of religion. For they enforced, at the same time that they illustrated the moral lessons, which he addressed to his charge. For he considered rational preaching as the best of preaching ; and rational christians as the only persons who understood the gospel, and were an honour to the cause. Accordingly, he studied to be plain and practical, in order that those, to whom he ministered, might be led from the path of speculation to that of evangelical duty. During 26 years, he served the religious society in Hampton, to their great satisfaction. Nor were his labours less acceptable to the neighbouring churches. In Boston, (his native place) he was always received and heard with pleasure. Many friends have mingled their tears with those of the widow, the children, the sisters, the neighbouring ministers, and the people of his charge. And long will they cherish the remembrance of virtues, which formed the husband, the parent, the brother, the minister, and the christian.

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