Atlantic News
Thursday, June 24, 2004
EXETER – The annual meeting of the Exeter Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution was held in June at the Abenaqui Country Club with a luncheon and installation of new officers.
After the luncheon, introductions were made and guests were welcomed. The business meeting was conducted by Chapter Regent Ann Morton of Hampton and annual reports of all chapter officers and the chairmen were received.
The following new officers were installed by Honorary State Regent and Chapter Vice Regent, Bea Dalton of Exeter: Regent, Halcyon Springer; Vice Regent, Wendy Stanley-Jones; Chaplain, Kathryn LeClair; Secretary, Noreen Pramberg; Treasurer, Beatrice Brown; Registrar, Ann Morton; Historian, Mildred Mather; and Librarian, Ruth Stimson.
Mrs. Morton presented the gavel to the new Chapter Regent, Halcyon Springer, who thanked the members for their support and expressed appreciation for the honor of serving Exeter Chapter.
The New Hampshire DAR fall meeting will be held on Sept. 25 at the Radisson in Merrimack. All members are encouraged to attend. The next meeting of the Exeter Chapter, DAR will be held on Oct. 4.