Compiled by John M. Holman, Contributing Writer — 1995

Hampton’s High Street Cemetery

Established 1858

High Street Tomb
High Street Cemetery Tomb – 1898 –

“Land for the new cemetery, was bought in 1858, by Enoch P. Young, Uri Lamprey and Samuel D. Lane, committee for the town. A portion of it was laid out in 1859, and the remainder in 1866, the fence being extended, to include the whole. In 1868, maple trees were set out on all sides. The western gateway was opened, and the hearse—house built in 1874. The next year, a new hearse was procured, for five hundred dollars; and a hearse for winter use, in 1883.”

( History of Hampton, N.H. — 1638-1892 — By Joseph Dow — Volume I — page 332)

First Interment In Cemetery

January 3, 1859

The first interment in the High Street cemetery was CHARLOTTE (“Lottie” on gravestone) ANN AKERMAN , age 19, buried January 3, 1859, daughter of Meshech S. and Mary A. (Dow) Akerman. Lottie died December 31, 1858, at 19 years 9 months. Engraved on gravestone: ” SHE IS NOT DEAD, BUT SLEEPETH “.

[Special Memorial stone donated by Seacoast Memorials of Portsmouth, NH, Lisa Alexandropolis, Genl Mgr. — 1995.]

The Beginning of the Hampton Cemetery Association

By Tom Jenkins

Atlantic News , March 3, 1981

It was on Monday evening, April 12, 1909, that the Hampton Cemetery Association held its first meeting. Reverend I. S. Jones, President of the Association, explained to those in attendance, the proposed plans of the trustees in regard to the care of the town cemeteries. Suggested improvements in the care of all town cemeteries were also revealed.

Additional discussion revealed that upon payment of fifty cents, and the stipulation that you either be an owner or heir of a town cemetery lot, it was possible to become a bona fide member of the Hampton Cemetery Association. Residents who were not lot owners or heirs could become members by donating a sum of fifty dollars or more to the Association.

Also at that meeting, a full committee was formed and titles were assigned to the following: I. S. Jones — President, Clarence Dearborn — Treasurer/Clerk, Mrs. Hugh brown — Trustee for one year, Mrs. James Blanchard – Trustee for two years, Horace Lane — Trustee for three years, Lewis Perkins — Trustee for four years, John F. Marston – Trustee for five years, Joseph B. Brown – Auditor, and Charles M. Batchelder – Auditor.

After the meeting of the Hampton Cemetery Association concluded for the evening, a meeting of the Trustees of the Hampton Cemetery Association commenced. It was then voted, on the motion of Lewis Perkins, that John F. Marston be designated the Chairman of the Trustees for the ensuing year. It was also decided that I. S. Jones be named the Superintendent of the Town Cemeteries.

Who was I. S. Jones and what social standing allowed him to become the original founding president of the Hampton Cemetery Association? The answers are many.

The Reverend Ira S. Jones was born in China, Maine, on February 1, 1836. After a distinguished stint in the infantry, he was discharged due to a physical disability (extent unknown) and later became an ordained Christian minister. His first church assignment was in the Town of Millbridge, Maine. For the next twenty-eight years, Jones preached throughout all New England, including a five-year pastorage in Rye, New Hampshire.

It was in 1894, in the Town of Lisbon Falls, Maine (known for its textile manufacturing), that Jones set up his first funeral/undertaking business. In 1902, after a five-year business operation in Pennsylvania, Jones set up his undertaking business in Hampton.

He was rumored to have subsequently taken a great interest in local affairs and contributed greatly to the beautification of the town and the beach. His Hampton home, which was called “Rose Lawn” and located on the old beach [Winnacunnet] road, was well known and much admired for its beauty. Jones was eventually dubbed “one of Hampton’s most prominent adopted citizens.”

[Note: He was also the founder of the Meeting House Green Memorial and Historical Association (now called The Hampton Historical Society) in 1925, and was instrumental in obtaining the funds from Edward Tuck for the Tuck Athletic Field in the early 1930s.]

The following excerpts were taken from ” Hampton: A Century of Town and Beach — 1888-1988 ” (Peter E. Randall, Publisher, 1989), “Municipal Affairs – An annotated chronology of town meetings” [Pages 423-467]:

1886 —— Voted to provide a well with a pump in the new (High Street) cemetery.

1890 —— Voted John Brown as undertaker to take care of the town hearse. A cemetery worker, he had charge of the hearse for many years and was also paid for “ringing the bell.”

1892 —— Voted to enlarge the cemetery by two acres.

1898 —— Voted to move the town tomb in the cemetery to a better location and to reserve its former site for the use of the Grand Army of the Republic on Memorial Day;

1907 —— Voted $200 to improve the cemetery by painting the fences, removing arches over driveways, widening the entrances, resetting fallen stones and retaining the right to decide what plants and shrubs lot owners could plant.

1908 —— Voted to transfer to the Hampton Cemetery Association funds left to the Town in trust for cemetery—lot care and to place the care of the cemeteries under the association.

1911 —— Voted to instruct the selectmen “to procure a suitable hearse”. The selectmen were authorized to ”secure a suitable hearse,” but there is no record of an expenditure for that purpose until 1914 when James Cunningham was paid $575 for a hearse. Instead of being carried as a cemetery expense, the hearse and its maintenance was charged to the Board of Health.

1912 —— Selectmen were permitted to acquire five acres to expand the cemetery.

1925 —— In the list of town property, the old hearse, which had been valued on the books at $500, was valued at $100.

1928 —— The hearse was not carried on the inventory of Town—owned property; the old horse—drawn vehicle probably was no longer used, especially with motor vehicles then common.

1969 —— Voted $2,500 to purchase a piece of land for the High Street Cemetery and $400 to develop the site reserved for Memorial Day services.

1979 —— Voted at a November special town meeting to establish cemetery trustees to handle funds for the cemetery, and to take over operation of the cemeteries from the Hampton Cemetery Association, ending 75 years of association operation.

1986 —— To establish a burial—ground trust fund to be administered by the Trustees of the Trust Funds.

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 13,1906:

“VOTED —— That a cemetery committee of three be appointed by the moderator to take up the matter of caring for and improving the cemetery and report at the next annual meeting. B. Franklin Perkins, Christopher G. Toppan and John W. Dearborn were appointed as members of said committee.”

“VOTED —— That the town accept the trust fund of one hundred dollars from the estate of the late John H. Fogg, the income of the same to be used in keeping his cemetery lot in good condition.”

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 12, 1907:

“VOTED —— That the trust fund of one hundred dollars left by the late Mary A. Palmer for the purpose of keeping her cemetery lot in repair, be accepted under the conditions of her last will.”

“The Cemetery Committee appointed at the last annual meeting, consisting of Benjamin F. Perkins, Christopher G. Toppan and John W. Dearborn submitted their report and it was voted that it be accepted. Said committee made the following recommendations:

1st. That the fence around the cemetery be well painted.
2nd. That the arches over the entrances and also the gates be removed.
3rd. That the posts of each entrance be moved about eighteen inches, to widen the entrances.
4th. That the gravestones that have fallen on lots for the care of which there are no surviving relatives, be reset.
5th. That the avenues be graveled to the level of the lots, this work to be done in the course of six years.
6th. That in all future sale of lots, the town reserve the right, by a distinct clause in each deed, to decide what trees or shrubs may be planted on said lots, and to require the owners of said lots to keep them in fairly good condition.”

“VOTED —— That the town adopt the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th recommendations and that two hundred dollars be raised and appropriated for the putting of the above improvements into effect.”

“VOTED —— That the town do not adopt the 5th recommendation.”

“VOTED —— That the Cemetery Committee be continued during the coming year, and be constituted a committee to expend the appropriation for the improvement of the cemetery.

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 10, 1908:

“The report of the Cemetery Committee was given, which made the following recommendations:

1st. That the work of painting and repairing the fence be completed.

2nd. That in case the gravestones which need resetting are not attended to by December first, 1908, by the owners of the lots, the town undertake the work.

3rd. We renew the recommendation of last year, that the avenues be graveled to the level of the lots, this work to be done in the course of six years.

4th. We repeat and enlarge the sixth recommendation of last year, that in all future sale of lots, the town reserve the right, by a distinct clause in each deed, (1) to decide what trees or shrubs shall be planted on said lots, (2) to require the owners of said lots to keep them in fairly good condition, and (3) in case the lots are neglected, to enter upon said lots and keep them in good condition.

5th. That a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars be raised and appropriated to complete the work above recommended.

The committee also report that they have attended to the duties assigned them last year and have expended the sum of $159.15.

Report signed by  
B. F. Perkins              /  
John W. Dearborn       / Committee  
Christopher S. Toppan /  

“VOTED —— That the first, second, fourth and fifth recommendations be adopted.

“VOTED —— That the avenues in the cemetery be graded to the depth of four inches.

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 9, 1909:

“VOTED —— That the town pay over to Hampton Cemetery Association, from funds held in trust by the town for the care of Cemetery Lots, the accrued interest or such part of said interest as will put the lots of the devisors of said funds in proper condition.”

“VOTED —— That the several town Cemeteries be put under the care of the Hampton Cemetery Association and that the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) be raised and appropriated for the care of the same.”

Report of Hampton Cemetery Association:

Total receipts:     $ 408.75
Total expenses       -342.01
Balance on hand: $   66.74

Report of the Annual Town Meeting Held, March 8, 1910:

“VOTED —— That two hundred dollars be raised for improvement in the cemeteries.

Report of Hampton Cemetery Association:

Total receipts:   $666.58 (Includes $33.64 due Town Treasurer)
Total expenses: $666.58

Report of the Annual Town Meeting Held, March 14, 1911:

“VOTED —— That two hundred dollars be raised and appropriated for the benefit of the cemeteries.

Report of Hampton Cemetery Association:

Total receipts:     $ 321.14
Total expenses:      -315.16
Balance on hand:    $ 5.98

Report of the Annual Town Meeting Held, March 12, 1912:

“The report of the Committee on Appropriations was called up and discussed, when it was voted that the following sums of money be raised and appropriated by the town:
Cemeteries, two hundred dollars.”

“VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to purchase a piece of land not to exceed five acres, for the purpose of enlarging the cemetery.”

Report of the Hampton Cemetery Association:

Total receipts:      $ 411.12
Total expenses:      -406.24
Balance on hand:    $ 4.88
Due the association from an unpaid bill: $7.50

Copy of the Record of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 11, 1913

“VOTED —— That the sum of two hundred dollars each be raised and appropriated for the Hampton Cemetery Association and for laying out lots in the new addition to the cemetery.”

Total receipts: $ 549.13
Total expenses: -527.63
Balance on hand: $21.50
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting Held, March 9th, 1915:

“VOTED —— That the sum of three hundred dollars be raised and appropriated for cemeteries.”

Total receipts: $ 622.11
Total expenses: -545.69
Balance on hand: $ 76.42
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Town Meeting Held, March 14, 1916:

“VOTED —— That we raise the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the Cemetery.

Total receipts: $ 706.42
Total expenses: -627.76
Balance on hand: $ 78.66
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Town Meeting Held, March 12, 1918:

“VOTED —— That we raise and appropriate the sum of $200 for the Cemetery.

Total receipts: $ 594.39
Total expenses: -519.94
Balance on hand: $ 74.45

Report of the Town Meeting Held, March 11, 1919:

“VOTED —— That we raise and appropriate the sum of $300 for Cemeteries.

Total receipts: $ 845.16
Total expenses: -834.90
Balance on hand: $ 10.26
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Town Meeting Held, March 9, 1920:

“VOTED —— That we raise and appropriate the sum of $400 for Cemeteries.

Total receipts: $ 935.93
Total expenses: -917.86
Balance on hand: $ 28.07
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Town Meeting Held, March 8, 1921:

“VOTED —— That we raise and appropriate the sum of $400 for Cemeteries.

Total receipts: $ 864.92
Total expenses: -864.92
Balance on hand: 0.00
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 14, 1922:

“VOTED —— That we raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for cemeteries.”

Total receipts: $ 1,201.54
Total expenses: -1,197.83
Balance on hand: $ 3.71
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 13, 1923:

“VOTED —— To raise and appropriate $700 for Cemeteries.”

Total receipts: $ 1,572.51
Total expenses: -1,536.58
Balance on hand: $ 35.93
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 11, 1924:

“Article 16. Rev. I. S. Jones reported for the Cemetery association.
VOTED —— That $300.00 of the Cemetery Fund be set aside to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen on the Pine Grove, South and the Old Burying lot at the Landing.”

Total receipts: $ 1,716.88
Total expenses: -1,688.71
Balance on hand: $ 28.17
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 10, 1925:

“VOTED —— That the budget be adopted as amended, and that the sum of $98,350. be raised and appropriated as called for therein.
CEMETERIES: $700.00.”

Total receipts: $ 1,819.27
Total expenses: -1,690.98
Balance on hand: $ 128.29
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 9, 1926:

VOTED —— To accept budget as presented by the Budget Committee:

Total receipts: $ 1,698.39
Total expenses: -1,535.27
Balance on hand: $ 163.12
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 8, 1927:

VOTED —— Not to accept the budget as a whole, each item to be taken up separately, the result of which was:

Total receipts: $ 2,206.49
Total expenses: -2,058.83
Balance on hand: $ 147.66
(Charles M. Batchelder, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 13, 1928:

The items as voted under the different heads were as follows:
Raise and appropriate: $700.

Total receipts: $ 1,808.54
Total expenses: -1,654.78
Balance on hand: $ 153.76
(Dean B. Merrill, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 12, 1929

Voted to take up Budget item by item, the results of which are the following;
Raise and appropriate $700.

Total receipts: $ 2,705.57
Total expenses: -2,671.31
Balance on hand:$ 34.26
(Dean B. Merrill, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 11, 1930:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $700. This was voted.

Total receipts: $2,773.43
Total expenses: -2,436.57
Balance on hand: $ 336.86
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Result of Annual Town Meeting, March 10, 1931:

VOTED: To raise and appropriate $700.

Total receipts: $ 3,318.66
Total expenses: -2,858.30
Balance on hand: $ 460.36
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, March 8, 1932:

VOTED: To raise and appropriate $1,200.

Total receipts: $ 2,912.79
Total expenses: -2,164.29
Balance on hand: $ 748.50
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, March 14, 1933:

VOTED: To raise and appropriate $1,200.

Total receipts: $ 2,965.42
Total expenses: -2,251.56
Balance on hand: $ 713.86
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting, Held March 13, 1934:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $1,200. Was voted.

Total receipts: $ 3,305.19
Total expenses: -2,688.21
Balance on hand: $ 616.98
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Record of Town Meeting — March 12, 1935:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $1,200. Was Voted.
Article 11:
Motion: To give selectmen power to purchase land for cemetery purpose and to appropriate money from available funds. Was Voted.
Motion: To reconsider Article 11 and to strike out “To raise”. Was Voted.
Motion: To accept original motion. Was Voted.

Total receipts: $ 3,844.91
Total expenses: -3,022.97
Balance on hand: $ 821.94
(Dean B. Merrill, Secretary—Treasurer)

Record of Town Meeting — March 10, 1936:

Motion: To raise and appropriate $1,500. Was Voted.

Total receipts: $ 7,094.95
Total expenses: -5,936.00
Balance on hand: $ 1,158.95
(Note: $400. of cash on hand is to be invested.)
(Dean B. Merrill, Secretary—Treasurer)

Record of Annual Town Meeting — March 9, 1937:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $1,500. Was voted.

Total Receipts: $ 4,023.20
Total Expenses: -3,244.36
Balance on hand: $ 778.84
Total amount invested 2/1/38: $11,275.00
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary and Treasurer)
(Audited by SANFORD G. YORK, Public Accountant)

Record of Annual Town Meeting — March 8, 1938:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,000. Was Voted.

Total Receipts: $ 3,063.52
Total Expenses: -2,906.24
Balance on hand: $ 157.28
Total amount invested 1/31/39: $ 11,475.00
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary and Treasurer)

Report of Adjourned Town Meeting — March 21, 1939:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,000. Was voted.

Total Receipts: $ 2,945.59
Total Expenses: -2,695.92
Balance on hand: $ 249.67
Total amount invested 1/31/40: $ 11,775.00.
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer)

Report of Annual Town Meeting — March 12, 1940:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,000. Was voted.

Total receipts: $ 4,296.92
Total expenses: -4,129.07
Balance on hand: $ 167.85
Total amount invested 1/31/41: $13,300.00.
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting — March 11, 1941:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,500. This was voted.

Total Receipts: $ 3,388.75
Total Expenses: -2,977.43
Balance on hand: $ 411.32
Total amount invested 1/31/42: $ 13,897.00
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Report of Annual Town Meeting — March 10, 1942

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,500. This was voted.

Total Receipts: $ 5,483.17
Total Expenses: -3,076.66
Balance on hand: $ 2,406.51
Total amount invested 1/31/43: $ 15,017.00
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting — March 9, 1943:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,500. This was VOTED.

Total Receipts: $ 5,691.86
Total Expenses: -3,987.07
Balance on hand: $ 1,704.79
Total amount invested 1/31/44: $ 15,967.00.
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary—Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting — March 14, 1944:

Motion, to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500. This was VOTED.
Article 13: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to purchase land for cemetery purposes.
Article 13: An explanation of this article was given by John W. Perkins after which a Motion: to accept this article as read. This was VOTED.

Total receipts: $ 3,940.86
Total expenses: -3,886.44
Balance on hand: $ 54.42
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Secretary-Treasurer)

Report of the Annual Town Meeting — March 13, 1945:

Motion, to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500. This was VOTED.

Total Receipts: $ 9,464.52
Total Expenses: -3,585.06
Balance on hand: $ 5,879.46
Total amount invested 1/31/46: $ 20,370.00
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer)

Report of Annual Town Meeting — March 12, 1946:

Motion, to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500. This was VOTED.

Total Receipts: $ 10,209.03
Total Expenses: -4,833.40
Balance on hand: $ 5,375.63
Total amount invested 1/31/46: $ 21,320.00
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer)

Report of Annual Town Meeting — March 11, 1947:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,500. This was VOTED.

Total Receipts: $ 10,093.28
Total Expenses: -6,457.34
Balance on hand: $ 3,635.94
Total amount invested 1/31/47: $ 22,620.00.
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer)

Report of Annual Town Meeting — March 9, 1948:

Motion, to raise and appropriate $2,500. This was VOTED.

Total receipts: $ 8,973.36
Total expenses: -5,794.35
Balance on hand: $ 3,179.01
Total amount of invested funds 1/31/48: $23,270.00.
(DEAN B. MERRILL, Treasurer.)