This cemetery was previously visited by Bartlett, Folsom and Carpenter. Inclusive dates: 1715-1727. It is located on private property at the end of Cedar Point Lane, a small, private street off of Landing Road near the first corner down by the marsh. Five or six unmarked graves are also present. View a map [Data verified on site in 1986 and in v.2 of Vital Records of Hampton, New Hampshire to the end of the year 1900 by George Freeman Sanborn Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn.]

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Here lyes ye body of Benjamin Freese son to Jacob & Rachel Freese Aged 2 Years 9 mo. & 26 Dayes Decd June ye26th 1715

Here lyes ye body of Levt. Jacob Freese Decd Novr ye 5th 1727 in ye 42d year of his age.

Here lyes ye body of Mr Joseph Chase Decd Janry ye 12th 1717/18 in the 73 year of his age.

R.C. 1[7]18 [Number in brackets is shaled off in 1986 and is taken from Bartlett. This is probably Rachel (Partridge) Chase, wife of Joseph, who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 635, died 27 Oct 1718.]