– 1776 — 1976 –
(A pamphlet produced for middle-school students for the 1976 American Bicentennial.)
Table of Contents
- Cover
- The American Revolution Bicentennial Celebration Committee
of Hampton and The Hampton School District Acknowledgements and Introduction - “An Old Town By The Sea” By Rev. Edgar Warren, written for the 1938 Tercentenary Celebration
- Hampton in the Revolution Religious Life In Colonial Times / Homes of Early Hampton Residents
- The Colonial Fireplace: Source of Heat & Light Home and Family Life in Hampton / How Soap Was MadeCandlemaking
- Food and Drink David Marston Provided Food For Large Family / The Clothes They Wore
- Working Life Travel: By Land … and By Water
- Children at Home, School and Play The Towle Family Children
- How News Was Spread 200 Years Ago The first newspaper was published in Boston, Massachusetts in 1690. It was called Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick .
- Illustrations