Family Play and Picnic Day at Tuck Field

9:00 A.M.         Flag Raising
Handicraft display by the members of the Summer Recreation Program
Games and races for the children of the Summer Recreation Program
1:00 P.M.         Little League Baseball Game Pony Rides
5:00 P.M.         Pony League Game
6:00 P.M.         Band Concert
Family Cook-out and Picnic
Mother-Daughter, Father-Son Family Games and Races
9:00 P.M.         Old-Fashioned Bon Fire


Dedication Day

10:00 A.M.       Dedication of “Seaside Park”
North Shore next to the Coast Guard Station
11:00 A.M.       Dedication of “North Side Park”
Plaice Cove, North Beach
2:00 P.M.         Dedication of “Marsh Conservation Park”
New Beach Road at the Tide Mill Bridge
State Officials will include Gov. John King of New Hampshire
and Mr. Ralph G. Carpenter, 2nd, Director of the N.H. Fish & Game Dept.


Historical Day

10:00 to 5:00         Historical Displays will be shown at the following buildings:
(All exhibits are open free to the public.)
Town Hall — Documents of the Town dating from 1638.
Library — Art Work — Salt and Pepper Shakers
Congregational Church — Religious Objects of the Church

Tuck Memorial Museum — Little One-Room School House
Artifacts of earlier Hampton
Family portraits of Hampton
Winnacunnet High School — Family Crest of Hampton Families
Art work of Hampton Residents
Old Maps of Hampton and the Area
18th Century Documents of the Town’s part in the Revolutionary War
Indentured Servant Contracts
Old Post Cards and Pictures of Hampton
8:30 P.M.         Historical Address by Mr. Edward Rowe Snow
New England author and lecturer Topic: “Legends and Tales of the Sea” (Talk & Movies)
Place: Winnacunnet High School Auditorium (no admission charge)
(Movies of the 300th Town Tercentenary Celebration will be shown throughout the day at the High School)
8:30 – 11:30       Square Dancing under the auspices of the Seacoast Regional Square Dance
Association at the Hampton Beach State Park. (Door Prizes)


Old Home Day

Meeting House Green, Tuck Memorial, 40 Park Avenue

9:00 A.M.         Registration
11:00 A.M.       325th Anniversary Parade from Hampton Academy Junior High School to Tuck Memorial Field
1:00 P.M.         Exhibition by the Hampton Police Dogs
1:30 P.M.         Roll Call of Families
2:00 P.M.         Dedication of the Garland and Locke Family Stones at Founders Park
2:30 P.M.         Dedication of the “Goody” Cole Monument on the “Green”
(The only woman to be convicted of witchcraft in New Hampshire — 1656. Citizenship restored in 1938.)
3:00 P.M.         Exhibition on the “Green” by the Seacoast Regional Square Dance Association. Mr. Mel Hayden, caller.
3:00 P.M.         Parade at Hampton Beach
5:00 P.M.         Old-Fashioned Baked Bean Supper at the Congregational Church on Winnacunnet Road. $1.25 per person
7:00 P.M.         Movies of the 300th Tercentenary Celebration of 1938 at the Congregational Church.


Church Day

9:30 A.M.       Services at the Congregational Church, Winnacunnet Road
Gathering for Morning Service, everyone is welcomed
12:00 M.         Closing exercises, at the Tuck Memorial, Meeting House Green, of the 325th Celebration of the Town of Hampton, N.H.

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