Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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{Postcard courtesy of Florence (Brown) Lamprey ’06; it was sent
to her father, Lewis Herman Brown on May 15, 1907.}

This postcard announced the formation of the Hampton Academy Alumni Association in 1907. Sent to all graduates and Academy attendees (with 1¢ postage), it invited interested parties to attend the First Annual Meeting. Lucy (Godfrey) Marston, mother of Adeline C. Marston ’02, was the first Secretary of the Association.
The postcard reads: Historical — Settled in 1638,Hampton is closely identified with the beginning of New Hampshire. Since 1810 this Academy has prepared those whose names are found in the histories of our country as U.S. Senators, Representatives, Judges of U.S. Courts, Governors of States, railroad presidents, noted lawyers, members of the other professions, prominent business and literary men and women. Lewis Cass, the renowned Rufus Choate, Amos Tuck started here. And the school has full preparatory courses today.

MESSAGE: For the purpose of renewing old friendships formed at Hampton Academy, a Hampton Academy Alumni Association was formed Apr. 20. Will you join? A reunion will be held at Hampton Academy, June 21. Membership fee, $1.00, which includes dinner. Please send at once to Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, Hampton, N.H.

Some of the Alumni and guests who signed in at the 1930 meeting held at the Ashworth Hotel.

Newspaper Report of the First Annual Meeting (1907).
(Local ads have been placed around the article to reflect the “flavor” of the times.)

The newspaper report reads as follows:


The meeting of the Alumni Association of Hampton Academy and high school took place on June 22 at Hampton [Beach] Casino. The company began to gather about noon and a reunion was held until 1:30 P.M. when the dinner was served in the banquet hall to 117 guests. The following was the finely cooked and served menu:

Clam Chowder Pickles, Olives, Boiled Salmon, Cream Sauce and Peas, Cucumbers Iced and Potatoes Natural, Roast Leg of Lamb, Mint Sauce, String Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Chicken Croquette Allemande, Banana Fritters, Glace au Lemon, Vanilla Ice Cream, Strawberry Sauce, Assorted Cake, Tea, & Coffee.

Mr. Lewis Perkins, the president of the association, presided over the post-prandial exercises with tact and dignity.

A committee was first appointed, consisting of Mr. Perkins, Mrs. Marston, Mr. Edward Philbrick, to draw up a suitable constitution and by-laws. The same officers were next appointed, consisting of Mr. Lewis Perkins, president; Mr. E. G. Cole, vice-president; Mrs. Otis H. Marston, secretary, and Mrs. Howard G. Lane, treasurer. The secretary reported concerning the formation of the organization of the association and the treasurer reported having received $140. The after-dinner speakers included Mr. Sperry Fench, of Exeter, one of the oldest students of the Academy; Rev. Hardy B. Weston, of Georgetown, a former teacher; Rev. J. A. Ross, the honored president of the Academy; Mr. Amos T. Leavitt, the president of the class of ’87, the first to graduate after the institution was organized into a high school. Remarks were also made by Messrs. E. G. Cole and James S. DeLancey.

Many were present from out of town including guests from Portland, Boston, Lawrence, Somerville, Salem, Kensington, Exeter and other surrounding towns, who seemed to greatly enjoy the day. The weather, location, and excellent dinner all tended to make it a grand occasion long to be remembered. Special mention should be made of Mr. Nason, the present manager of the Casino, who spared no pains to make the affair so successful. The dinner was splendidly served, there being a large force of waiters and everything was all it was advertised to be. Any company or party, however large or small, wishing a dinner served, we would heartily recommend to the management of the Casino, which has most excellent facilities for catering to the public.