Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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{Photos courtesy of Carrie Higgins ’30,
Harold E. Fernald, Jr. ’49
and Mrs. Evelyn M. George.}

“I am the Academy, smoke pouring from my side
Flames gnawing at the heart of me, that once beat with such pride.
I was not always old and worn and cut and battered, too,
But was the pride of Hampton town when I was fine and new,
As good a school as one could find for many a mile around,
And from my sheltering portals came the men that gained renown.
Now, loving hands must save me, restore me, clean and true —
It is my only hope of life, that I again serve you.”
[Hampton Union, January 30, 1930;
probably by Caroline C. Shea]

The fire of Sunday afternoon, January 26, 1930: The school building was not reopened until the fall of 1930. Students attended classes ins the Hampton Town Hall.