Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972
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[Tune: “Oh, Promise Me”]
Our dear old school we go from you today
To take the road of life, an unknown way.
To you at last we bid a fond good-by.
We know our trial and testing time is nigh;
We promise thee each day to meet the test
With loyal courage, strong to do our best
That each a gem in thy bright crown shall be,
Academy, to honor thee.
–Rolvin E. Coombs ’35
Tune: “Auralee”
As from High School we depart,
Behind us carefree days,
And with joyful thought we start
On our separate ways.
Those who guided us along
Trails of knowledge true,
We leave with feelings ever strong
As we depart from you.
Best of luck to those behind,
Following our lead,
May we instill upon their minds
Our best thoughts and deeds.
We’ll scatter far in years to come
To corners of the world,
But in our hearts a spot is won
For Hampton’s flag unfurled.
The class of fifty-seven prays
That when our dreams come true,
We won’t forget the happy days
That we have spent with you.
–Shaun Berry ’57
Peter Hamilton ’57