Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972
We extend our sincere appreciation to those who have supported the publication of this Souvenir Historic Booklet through the purchase of ads and patrons listings. Without that support we could not have “put it all together.” Additional copies of this booklet may be purchased for $2.00 each, postpaid, by writing the Association.
Information About The Alumni Association
All graduates of Hampton Academy and High School or Winnacunnet High School are considered to be members of the Association. However, only members who pay dues become “members in good standing” and are issued membership cards. Membership is also open to those who attended Hampton Academy and High School, or who taught there, before July 1959 (when the current Bylaws became effective). Annual dues of 50¢ per member are payable for the fiscal year beginning July 1st and ending on the following June 30th. Life Membership is also available at $10 per member. The annual dues of 50¢ have remained unchanged since the Association was founded 65 years ago. Life Membership was instituted in June of 1959. Annual dues are payable for the current fiscal or membership year or in advance for future years. No attempt is made to collect dues “in arrears” for fiscal years already ended. Currently, the only other regular income for the Association is derived from the Annual Benefit Basketball Night held at the W.H.S. Gym with the cooperation of the High School’s Athletic Department. We have sponsored this event since the 1947-48 basketball season. Profits from this venture alone with dues payments keep the Alumni Association going. Our principal expenses are: printing and mailing the annual-meeting and dues announcement (“Alumni Bulletin”); banquet and meals costs for guests and current elected officers; annual Alumni Medals purchase and engraving (a program initiated in 1926); purchase of collegiate dictionaries for the three Medal winners (initiated in 1971); a $100 donation to the Winnacunnet High Scholarship Foundation for the annual Alumni Association Scholarship (a program begun in 1961 when the Scholarship Foundation was established — the grant goes to a child of an Alumnus or Alumna beginning in 1972).
The Alumni Association can only carry on its activities with the support of its members, We need the active participation of those who will serve as Class Agent of his or her class, who will serve a one-year term as an officer or who will support our on-going programs by the payment of dues. If you care enough about the Association’s future or the young people of Winnacunnet High School, volunteer by writing the Association today. Get involved!
Initial printing: 550 copies.]