Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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By Arthur J. Moody, Class of ’53

The Alumni Association



Casino; Sat., 1 P.M.; 73 present; speaker: Leslie W. Leavitt, recently connected with The American University, Beirut; after the meeting, a baseball game was contested on the lot to the rear of the Casino by a “picked nine” Alumni team and the Shamrocks of Portsmouth, the latter being victorious, 9-5.


Casino; Fri.; 49 dinners served; speaker: Dr. Lewis Perry of P.E.A. [Phillips Exeter Academy]; (On Sunday, June 26 — a week later — a $400,000 fire at the Beach levelled everything from the Strand Hotel (B St.), where it started, north along the front to the Ashworth Hotel, which was saved, and back to the marshes).


Hotel Ashworth; Sat., June 22, 1 P.M.; 78 dinners served; speaker: Rev. Leon A. Morse of Dover, speaking on “Youth and Education”; Academy Headmaster Charles M. Teague and School Supt. Charles H. Walker each spoke briefly.


Ashworth; Sat., June 23, 1 P.M.; 75 diners; speaker: Hampton School Supt. Harry L. Moore on “comparison of old and new school systems”; mention was made that Assn. membership was open to all who had attended the Academy for two years or more; voted $50 to be invested in books if thought best by the committee chosen for the purpose.


Ashworth; 69 dinners served ($1.25 each paid Mr. Ashworth); speaker: Supt. H. L. Moore; a history (about 3,500 words) of the Academy by Richard Barker Shelton ’92 (1876-1944) was read by Frank E. Leavitt ’87, the first to graduate from the High School.


Ashworth; Sat., noon; 96 diners; speaker: N.H. Governor John G. Winant of Concord; Frank Leavitt ’87 gave a report of the Alumni Medal committee: recommended that the program be instituted for the Class of 1926.


Ashworth; Sat., noon; 71 diners; speaker: Judge Henry A. Shute — readings from his own published writings; song leader: Chester A. Grady who also gave a recital: “During the serving of courses, a recital of a colored soldier’s experience in the War was given in the Negro dialect by Mr. Grady, much to the merriment of all”; at the graduation exercises, Alumni Medals were given to two Seniors, Dorothy E. Tarr and Philip Nudd, “for highest standards in their Class.”


Ashworth; 76 diners; 40th Anniversary Reunion of the Class of ’87; E.G. Cole spoke for his Class, revealing that all but one of the original 14 class members were living and that 14 of their children are college grads (five members had no children); Alumnus J.W. Perkins, age 92, spoke briefly; speaker: Principal Wm. Y. Morrison, Portsmouth High School.


Ashworth; Sat., June 16, 75 diners; speaker: Dr. Herman L. Slobin, head of the Graduate School, U.N.H.; vote of thanks to Grace Belva Ring ’00, who, because of ill health, was retiring after many years as Treasurer; vote of thanks to the “Hon. Edward Tuck of Paris for his great help to the Academy, the resolution to be carried to him by Mrs. Vina Jones, the French teacher at the Academy, who will be sailing this week to France”; three Alumni Medals were presented at graduation to those receiving “highest honors”; 15th Reunion of the Class of 1913 was held that night at the home of Miss Annie L. Johnson.


Ashworth; Sat.; 58 diners; speaker: Prof. J.O. Wellman on “Education”; the Assn. received $35 from the graduating Class of ’29” as the beginning of a fund for a new Academy Building.”